big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1714 World Conference!

Chapter 1714 World Conference!

Yongan year, winter.

The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Ming Dynasty becomes stronger and stronger than before.

In the winter of this year, the imperial court promulgated the national strategy of developing the western region.

The joint memorial by Zhongcheng and many cities in the west received a response.

Tianxin was very excited when she received the order from the court.

A meeting was held immediately and the matter was reported to all the people in Zhongcheng.

The imperial court has determined the strategy, which means that even if he leaves Zhongcheng in the future, no matter who comes to Zhongcheng, they will follow the plan in the future.

In a few generations, the desolate west will inevitably become a shining pearl.

This is the first time Tianxin has established such a national-level strategy, and it has allowed him to mature rapidly in a short period of time.

Another thing that made him happy was the birth of his daughter and third son.

The due dates of Tang Xun'er and Yuan Jun are almost exactly the same.

The daughter's name is Qin Wu, and the third son's name is Qin Sheng.

Tianxin named the child according to "Singing and Dancing to Promote Peace".

He also immediately conveyed the good news back to Xijing.

After receiving the news from Tianxin, Qin Mo was indeed happy, but now his grandfather was also annoyed.

He made a rough estimate that he might have dozens or even hundreds of grandchildren in the next ten years.

Having more children is a good thing, but it puts a lot of pressure on the Royal Foundation.

Therefore, we will invest more in overseas industries in the future.

The Qin family's Ming Dynasty must not become one of the main factors that bring down the country like the Zhu family's Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the south that the leader of the indigenous rebels hiding in the rain forest has surrendered!" The people from the military headquarters entered the Fengtian Temple with the latest emergency report in their hands.

"Send it up quickly!" Qin Mo was delighted. This rebellion lasted for nearly three years. The court spent thousands of taels of money on military expenses, and the number of soldiers killed in the battle once exceeded four figures.

Taking the urgent report, Qin Mo read it carefully, "Okay, okay, good job Qin Hei. Once these rebels surrender, there will be no obstacles on the other side of the rain forest.

Stay where you are this year and don’t continue to make it difficult to enter.

Next spring, it will be difficult to advance any further. All we have to do is completely bulldoze the southern continent within five years! "

For the Ming Dynasty, it was not the most difficult thing to acquire territory, but the most difficult thing was to maintain its rule and govern the local people.

It is easy to unify the world, but such unification will inevitably be filled with a large number of uprisings and counterattacks.

No matter how powerful the Ming Dynasty was, the country’s population would only be 2000 million.

It is very difficult to maintain such a huge territory with 2000 million people.

If Ming Dynasty had hundreds of millions of people, do you think he would dare to overthrow the world?

After thinking for a while, he said: "Let the Southern Theater Command submit the list of fallen soldiers and heroes who fought bravely. The military department must prepare rewards and pensions must be paid in time."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the people from the military department left, officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs came in and reported, "Your Majesty, this year's census data and land measurement data have been released!"

The last census and land survey was four years ago, the first year of the Qin Mo Reform in Yong'an, so naturally I wanted to see the changes in the Ming Dynasty in the past two years.

He took the data form and looked at it carefully.

The last census data was 500 million. Today, four years later, the number has increased to 140 million.

Among them are immigrants, new population, and people brought back from all over the world.

These do not include the newly added population on the Xindao side.

If the population there is added, the total number of people in the country must exceed 3000, and may reach 500 million, or even more.

In Daming, even ordinary families have more than five members.Those who are capable have two wives and concubines, plus the elderly and children on both sides, the population can easily reach ten people.

This time, the number of acres of land measured across the country reached [-] million acres.

Compared with the last measurement, it has almost doubled.

100 million acres of land to feed more than [-] million people?

Isn't that easy?
Qin Mo's estimate is that the existing arable land in the Ming Dynasty exceeds 35 billion acres, not to mention more than 2000 million people, even [-] million people will have no pressure.

However, there is also pressure. Supply is less than demand. There is too much land, resulting in land prices being too low. In addition, the people who came to Daming in the early days were almost all allocated the most fertile land. Not to mention a family of five, even if it is to support a family of five, It won’t be a big problem if there are 20 or 30 people.

Fortunately, in recent years, the imperial court's foreign trade, export of grain, production of non-staple food products, and wars have consumed most of the grain.

And now the Ming Dynasty is also dumping all the inexhaustible food.

With the countries from the Western Regions here, we don’t have to worry about these things.

But domestic demand still needs to be boosted.

We still need to strongly encourage marriage and childbirth.

After handling matters related to the household department, Qin Mo received news from the International Association.

It has been almost two years since Qin Mo went to Daqian as an envoy and confirmed the World Association.

The Association’s headquarters will finally be completed.

Envoys from nearly [-] countries around the world have settled in the Association.

Now we are waiting for Qin Mo to check and accept it. After the acceptance, the first world conference will be announced.

This will be a grand event around the world and will determine the rules of the game for the next few decades or even hundreds of years.

Qin Mo drove to the association headquarters. In front of the headquarters gate, there were national flags from many countries. The two flags in the middle were naturally the red dragon flag of Ming Dynasty and the yellow dragon flag of Daqian.

The flag of the Association is a large intertwined red and yellow dragon.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this world meeting is the chessboard and game venue for the game between the two countries.

Any of these two countries, taken alone, can defeat other countries in the world.

Among them, the Ming Dynasty was the strongest, followed by the Da Qian Dynasty.

Although Daqian's war capability is slightly inferior to that of Ming Dynasty, it can't stand Daqian's large number of people.

The number of people is approaching nine figures, making it the most populous country in the world.

And all fools know that Ming Dynasty was separated from Da Qian.

Emperor Daqian and Emperor Ming were still relatives.

These two families are one family.

Although they are separated, who knows if they will get back together in the future?
Of course, you can choose not to join the association, or you can choose not to play.

No one threatens you.

As long as you are strong enough inside.

Qin Mo sat in the car, walked around the scene, and then entered the Association building.

This World Association Building covers an area of ​​more than 2000 acres and is a new landmark building in Xijing.

After walking around, Qin Mo was satisfied with everything here.

The only thing that needs to be determined right now is the time of the World Conference.

What Qin Mo means is that since this is the first world conference, it is best for all the talkers from all over the world to come to Ming Dynasty to determine the rules of the game.

The kings of the world sign contracts to prevent them from cheating when the time comes.

But Qin Mo hesitated again when he thought of the plan to suppress the situation!

(End of this chapter)

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