big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1724 Don't dare!

Chapter 1724 Don't dare!

In Li Xin's impression, Ah Si was not like this before. Although he became Ah Si's shadow and dealt with some things, in his opinion, this was normal.

But is assassinating Qin Mo going too far?
First of all, Ah Si has been following Qin Mo since he was a child, and Qin Mo has nothing to say about Ah Si's kindness.

He is both A Si's teacher and his brother-in-law.

All four of his sisters are married to Qin Mo.

Not to mention whether he could succeed or not, the moment he heard these words, he knew that Ah Si had changed and he was already overwhelmed by Qin Mo.

He had felt this way before.

It was their misfortune to live in the same era as freaks like Qin Mo, but later he figured out that some people wanted to stir up troubles in the tide of time.

Following the trendsetters will feel particularly exciting, but if you go against such people, you will feel what despair is.

"Brother, why don't you dare to take action?" Ah Si looked displeased when he saw that Li Xin remained silent.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I dare not take action, but the risk of this matter is too great. Once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous." Li Xin hurriedly explained: "Qin Mo left a lot of secrets in Daqian. After many years of investigation by us, Detective, I also roughly got some clues. There are not many of these people, but each one's identity is unexpected, and they can play an unexpected role at critical moments.

In the early years, the Supreme Emperor cleaned up the palace many times, but still could not completely eliminate those people.

In other words, these people not only have complete confidential contact methods in Daqian, but their number is constantly increasing and changing.

There will be a steady stream of new people joining.

It's very possible that Qin Mo is scheming around us.

Moreover, Qin Mo is an extremely cautious person.

After he was kidnapped by the enemy, there were countless spies secretly traveling around. Our men were eliminated before they even showed up.

The six doors still use the same style left by Qin Mo. Although there have been changes, it is still generally the same.

Within the six doors, there is a new set of slang, but ten years ago, Qin Mo used special contact methods to pass on information.

This kind of contact information is only in the hands of certain specific people, and there is no special way to decrypt it. Even if you intercept the information, you can't decipher it.

And once our actions are exposed, Qin Mo will never be merciful.

That would erase the last bit of old love in Qin Mo's heart.

Moreover, assassination is the most taboo thing between the two countries.

Success is fine, but if it fails, war is almost inevitable.

Therefore, I would like to ask Your Majesty to think twice before acting! "

Li Xin knelt on the ground and persuaded Ah Si that if Qin Mo was so easy to kill, it would be impossible for him to take so many people away to establish the Ming Dynasty.

Ah Si was still too young, and he had no idea what it meant to assassinate such a person.

"You are just afraid of him!" Ah Si said.

Li Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Who is not afraid of Qin Mo? If Qin Mo was so easy to kill, how could he achieve what he is today?
Your Majesty, I am not a humble minister who belittles himself. The existing assassination system is all leftover from the six-door game.

As long as the other party notices the signs, with Chen Mo's understanding of Qin Mo, it is impossible for him to be merciful.

His decisiveness and indifference are far beyond His Majesty's imagination! "

Qin Mo values ​​friendship the most and is also the most decisive.

Lao Ba is the best example.

The two of them grew up wearing crotchless pants together, and the result was the worst.

The fourth child is also miserable.

The reason why he can live well is not because Qin Mo is soft-hearted, but because he had too many worries at that time.

In addition, at that time, his father valued him, his mother loved him, and his grandfather also liked him. For the sake of the three of them, he did not live in pain.This has a lot to do with his change of thinking.

A few years ago, the fourth child died in the small courtyard of the imperial mausoleum, and he went to collect the body.

The fourth child was as fat as a mountain of meat, and his whole body exuded a stench, just like a dead pig.

In the early years, the fourth child was so beautiful, but his death was silent.

Qin Mo's evil is the kind that makes people lose sleep and get chills from the bottom of their hearts when they think about it in the middle of the night.

Seeing that Ah Si was silent, Li Xin continued: "Moreover, Daming has some more advanced equipment that allows them to communicate in private. These equipments allow them to communicate without meeting each other.

So it's even harder to catch these people.

The Jin Yiwei of the Ming Dynasty have been infiltrating Daqian. These people may be unknown little people, or they may be famous scholars all over the world.

It’s not that I’m a humble minister, I’m really.”

"Okay, you don't need to say any more!" Ah Si waved his hand impatiently, "Just do what I say. I don't care if the others are the secret agents of the Ming Dynasty. I only know that you are not, eldest brother." Ming Dynasty's dark child will do.

As long as Qin Mo can be killed, the development of Ming Dynasty can be curbed, which will give us more time to develop.

Risks come with opportunities. If I don't even have this awareness, then I am not worthy of being the emperor.

Qin Mo is not merciful, so am I easy to bully?

I ask you again, do you want to kill or not? "

Li Xin was asked. From a personal perspective, he owed Qin Mo a lot. He was not qualified to touch Qin Mo in public or private matters.

In his heart, he was afraid of Qin Mo, but more than anything, he respected him.

But reason told him that agreeing to A Si at this time was the right choice.

But in the end, he still shook his head and said, "I can die, but I can't become a sinner of Da Qian. I have resisted the decree. Please forgive me!"

Ah Si was trembling with anger, pointing at Li Xin, his face flushed, "Coward, coward, coward!"

He scolded Li Xin three times for being a coward.

He never expected that Li Xin would not have the courage to do just an assassination.

"Is this how you act as my shadow? You don't even dare to assassinate me. If Qin Mo stood in front of you, wouldn't you bow down and bow down?

Fortunately, you were still a prince before. Looking at you like this, you have a bit of a princely look. "Ah Si said sarcastically.

Li Xin smiled bitterly, it was too tender, Ah Si was really too tender.

"What your Majesty said is that the guilty minister is so useless that he behaves like this!" Li Xin said rather lonely.

He was over 40, and had long passed the age of fighting for a short time. He lowered his head, looked at the floor, and thought, if he was really like the rumors, would Qin Mo take action?

But he couldn't say this to Ah Si.

Qin Mo's protection of A Si means that he is setting up a plan around A Si.

This is the most terrifying place.

This situation restrained him and also controlled Ah Si.

The ignorant Ah Si thought he could take a gamble, but little did he know that he was not even qualified to take a gamble.

It is precisely because of knowing that Li Xin will not do this.

Once exposed, Qin Mo has many ways to deal with Da Gan.

(End of this chapter)

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