big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1725 Indignation!

Chapter 1725 Indignation!

Li Xin asked himself whether he had the ability to intercept these blows.

The result is that nothing can be done!

Whether secretly or militarily, Ming Dynasty was already at the forefront.

There is a saying that Ah Si is right. The reason why the Ming Dynasty is what it is today is because of its nourishment.

But Ah Si was only half right.

These big gans didn't exist at all, it was Qin Mo who brought them.

If Qin Mo had hidden it from the beginning, Da Gan wouldn't have been able to resist a single blast of thunder.

At that time, the Modao team that Daqian was proud of would be torn apart in front of the artillery.

Qin Moben had many opportunities to reach that position, and it was even within easy reach.

But Qin Mo didn't.

Ah Si is where he is today entirely because of Qin Mo.

In other words, the real white-eyed wolf is A Si.

But Ah Si didn't understand. He was too young. Even if Li Shilong taught him step by step, Li Shilong would not tell him how powerful Qin Mo was.

When you see Qin Mo's movements, he has already completed all the remaining movements. How can you block him?
I can't stop it at all!

"You are honest." Ah Si punched the cotton, feeling unspeakably aggrieved, "Since you don't have the ability, then give up this position."

Li Xin nodded, "I am ashamed to trust your majesty, as it should be!"

"Go down and stay at home with your sister-in-law. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't go out casually." Ah Si warned.

"The guilty minister obeys the decree!" After Li Xin left the palace, not only did he not feel sad, but he felt relieved.

He had just left the palace, and he had already thought about how A Si would deal with him. He even saw the guards hiding in the dark.

After all, his father, the emperor, and his mother were still there, so Ah Si didn't dare to take action.

He knew very well that A Si wanted to kill him, and this boy was completely confused when facing Qin Mo.

He has said everything that needs to be said. A Si can definitely fight with Qin Mo. He is much younger than Qin Mo after all. Da Gan's strength may change differently by then.

It is true that the Ming Dynasty was powerful, but there were also many domestic conflicts. Unfortunately, Ah Si was too radical and could no longer listen to advice.

Back at the mansion, Lin Rong was very surprised, "Why did you come back so early today?"

"Well, I'm done with my work. I haven't had much official work lately. I will rest at home for the next while."

"Really?" Lin Rong was delighted, "I need to rest longer this time!"

In recent years, Li Xin Shenlong has been invisible, and I haven't seen him more than a few times a month. "It just so happens that my daughter is getting married this time, and you, the father, will attend whatever you say!"

"Of course!" Li Xin nodded and looked at his wife who was getting out of shape and wrinkled day by day. He felt indescribably calm in his heart. He said to himself in his heart: "I don't have as much concentration as Qin Mo, but... I have now found something precious.

For me, power is dispensable. To pursue power by putting the cart before the horse is the greatest stupidity!

People, don't be a slave to power. Once you understand this, you will be invincible. "

"What are you looking at me for? There's something on my face?" Lin Rong touched her slightly slack face and said a little unconfidently.

"Yes, you have a beautiful face and you are young, which is what I like!" Li Xin hugged her and walked towards the backyard.

Lin Rong gave Li Xin a slap and said, "You know what you are talking about. What do you want to do in this clear day? The children will come back soon. How bad is it to see them?"

They are all Azu’s people, yet they are so frivolous! "

"What's wrong with my wife and me being frivolous?" Li Xin laughed, "Didn't you say you can't see me every day? This time, I will make it up to you."

At the same time, the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion.Qin Youcai summoned the entire library to gather.

Five hundred guards surrounded the Honglu Pavilion, and all those who came to the Honglu Pavilion to apply for visas were invited out.

From now on, the Daming Honglu Museum will be closed indefinitely.

As soon as the news came out, the expressions of these people all changed.

Why is Honglu Pavilion closed indefinitely?
This is not a good sign.

Many people smelled the smell of war.

Then these people left one after another and spread the news, causing people in the capital to fluctuate for a while.

In the Honglu Pavilion, Qin Youcai looked at Qin Shuangshuang and said with the same hatred: "Your Royal Highness, it's okay for us not to wait for this big job. The little prince Wei Chen will go to the palace to get it back.

If they don't let him go, they will use other means.

It's so deceiving! "

"Cousin Youcai, I don't want to involve the people of the two countries in this matter." Qin Shuangshuang said.

Qin Youcai said: "When Da Qian issued the edict to confer the title of grandson, he deprived the young prince of his rights and did not take you, the princess, seriously.

You are the princess of my Ming Dynasty. If I bully you, I am bullying my Ming Dynasty.

They just don’t take the Ming Dynasty’s royal family seriously.

Today, if Wei Chen allows you to be bullied, then Wei Chen is not worthy of the surname Qin.

I, the Ming Dynasty, have hundreds of thousands of armored men, ready to go at any time. No matter what, I have to ask for an explanation from the Ming Dynasty! "

Qin Shuangshuang frowned, "I told you, don't fight!"

Qin Youcai said: "Your Highness, Princess, it is not you who have the final say whether to fight or not, and it is not the minister who has the final say.

But you are working in Daqian, representing the face of Ming Dynasty.

If you returned to Ming Dynasty today and we were indifferent, how would the world view us?
They will think that we ordinary people are nothing more than this and can be bullied at will.

Who else will take Ming seriously in the future?

I, Ming, am not where I am today because of charity from others.

It was gained through real strength.

Wei Chen didn't understand what Emperor Daqian meant by allowing the Supreme Emperor to issue such a ridiculous edict, but in Wei Chen's eyes, this was Chi Guoguo's contempt and bullying.

Your Highness, our special medical team has just returned.

Isn’t this treating my friendship with Ming Dynasty as rubbish?

Your Majesty is convening a world conference now. If Daqian does this at this juncture, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of Ming Dynasty?
If word gets out, others may still be wondering how to laugh at me, Da Ming.

They will say that our Ming Dynasty is a fool. As soon as we saved someone with our front foot, we were kicked away by someone else! "

Qin Shuangshuang really didn't think about it that much. After listening to Qin Youcai's analysis, she really thought so, "But... in all seriousness, this matter is also a family matter. Isn't it a big deal?"

"The Tian family has no selfish business!" Qin Youcai sneered: "Your Highness, look at how fair our Ming Dynasty is to the princes and never taboos them wooing their subordinates.

Daqian's inheritance bill is exactly the same as our Ming Dynasty, but how did they do it.

Well, even if they don't need to pass the succession act and stick to the old law, no matter how they turn, it's impossible for him, a concubine, to be the eldest prince.

Could it be that our legitimate son was picked up?
To put it bluntly, they just did not regard Her Royal Highness the Princess and the little prince as their own.

They would rather give up the throne to a concubine prince than let the little prince get involved! "

(End of this chapter)

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