big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1726: Court meeting!

Chapter 1726: Court meeting!

Qin Youcai became angrier as he talked, "We did not interfere in Daqian's national affairs, but what they did was too ugly.

It's okay if the princess is not a queen, we just have fun watching it.

But now this fun belongs to our own family, can we endure it on the side? "

Qin Shuangshuang sighed, "What do you want?"

"This matter has nothing to do with ordinary people. What I want to do is to report it to His Majesty first and see what His Majesty has to say, and then negotiate with Da Qian to get the little prince and princess over.

Since Daqian looks down on us so much and doesn't take us seriously, why should we look here? Qin Youcai said: "Let them see what benefits they can get after breaking off diplomatic relations with Daqian!" "

Qin Shuangshuang was a little hesitant, but she was not an indecisive person. As long as she ensured that the two countries would not go to war, she didn't care about the rest. She would do it by herself. A large part of it was to ensure that the two countries would not go to war. It could not backfire.

"Then you should report it to the emperor brother. I only have one request, be truthful, don't add fuel to the fire, don't fight." Qin Shuangshuang rubbed her swollen head. After a while, she had already begun to miss her child.

These people are so partial, what will happen to their children once they leave Daqian?

They will certainly not be treated fairly.

So it is still necessary to take the child away as soon as possible.

"Yes, Your Highness Princess!" Qin Youcai cupped his hands, left in a hurry, and then sent an urgent message to Xijing via an encrypted telegram.

When Qin Youcai sent the urgent report, Tang Jian was not idle and led people outside the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion.

However, Honglu Pavilion is closed now and no one can be seen.

Tang Jian was so depressed. Looking at the posture of the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion, it was clear that he was planning to close the museum.

Once they withdraw, the relationship between the two countries will definitely deteriorate completely.

By then, Daqian will be under pressure from all aspects.

The two countries have in-depth relations and cooperate in many aspects. In today's globalization, Daqian is also a beneficiary.

As one of the rule makers, there is no doubt that Daqian has benefited from it.

But once you are excluded from the rules, there are only two options.

gradually surpassed by others.

Second, create your own rules.

But after breaking up, it was impossible for Ming Dynasty to let Daqian develop steadily.

Tang Jian couldn't see Qin Youcai, so he could only leave sadly.

At the same time, Ming Xijing.

When Qin Youcai sent the telegram, it was still early in the morning in Xijing. After receiving the news, it was bright and Qin Mo was planning to practice some health-preserving skills.

Yuan Tiangang's health-preserving skills are of the kind that become stronger the more you practice them. After a few years, Qin Mo can feel that his physical fitness has been maintained in a relatively good state.

At the age of 40, he can still reach [-]% to [-]% of his peak, which is already very good.

However, he has too many wives. According to Yuan Tiangang, if this health-preserving skill is practiced properly, it can prolong life.

However, Qin Mo has to pay the food on time, and it is not that easy to consolidate his foundation and cultivate his talents.

This loss can only be slowed down through dietary supplements and exercise.

The effect is still very good.

"Your Majesty, the Honglu Embassy in Daming sent the most confidential telegram!" Early in the morning, the person at the secretarial desk hurriedly came over with the cracked telegram.
"Do you know what is urgent?"

The secretarial desk was Qin Mo's original assistant secretary. This secretarial desk was different from the cabinet department, but it was closely related to the cabinet department. The position was not high. It belonged to the emperor's personal assistant and could also be regarded as a staff team.

Handle some complicated chores.

He doesn't have much power, but because he is close to the emperor, those who can join the secretary desk are extremely favored.The people at the secretary desk are all carefully selected by Qin Mo, and there is no doubt about their loyalty.

"It's said over there that the Grand Emperor Daqian conferred the title of grandson on the eldest prince, and decreed it to the world."

When Qin Mo heard this, he was stunned, and then took the urgent report from the secretary's hand, his brows suddenly knitted together, "This old man is confused, why is he so willful?
No, Lao Liu was not like this, so this matter must have been Ah Si’s idea. "

With just one glance, Qin Mo saw what was hidden behind the telegram.

Li Shilong is still a great Khan. Although he is very old, he will not do such petty things.

He is someone who can tell the difference.

Ah Si is different. How can I put this person?

He did like it when he was young, but after various intelligence analysis, he gradually became crooked after he came to the throne.

However, Qin Mo couldn't care less. He was just his brother-in-law, not his father, so there was no need to be so lenient.

But now, it's good for him, the World Congress is about to be held, and he actually plays such a trick.

How afraid is he of death?

The lack of confidence revealed in his bones gave him away.

Qin Mo smiled contemptuously, "Being so eccentric in doing things, the third generation of Daqian is really bad, but I also pecked my eyes. I thought this kid could do it, but in the end, he was pecked in the eyes by the wild geese.

Both have fiery temperaments, and I understand her best. "

Thinking of this, Qin Mo said: "Convene an impromptu cabinet meeting and ask all the ministers above the fifth rank to wait outside. We will not interfere in Daqian's government affairs, but if you bully my sister and underestimate me, Ming Dynasty, you will think that I am a fool. ?”

When the secretary heard this, he knew it was a big deal.

After receiving the order, he hurriedly retreated.

Qin Mo is not in the mood to practice Kung Fu anymore. How many years has it been since Qin Shuangshuang married Da Gan?
There are not too many children, and there are only two frames. What is the result?

Nothing fair at all.

Did they do something that was embarrassing to Da Gan?
When Ah Si was about to die, had he done enough?

For Qin Shuangshuang's sake, have his methods been gentle enough in the past two years?

He would never keep the contests in state affairs private. Now it was better for him to treat Qin Shuangshuang as an outsider and eliminate his nephew's qualifications for competition.

Qin Mo sneered, was this forcing him to get angry?
He asked himself that he had done all his kindness to Da Qian.

He is even more dedicated to Lao Li's family.

Lao Liu is a sensible person, but Ah Si is not.

Arriving at Fengtian Hall, Qin Mo ate breakfast slowly while waiting for people from the cabinet department to come over.

Soon, the people from the cabinet arrived, but the other fifth-rank ministers were not so quick.

"We're all here. You haven't had breakfast yet. Everyone, sit down and let's talk while eating!" Qin Mo said.

When the cabinet ministers saw this scene, they all knew that something was seriously wrong.

The more Qin Mo is like this, the angrier he is at the moment.

Du Jingming and Dou Xuanling also knew what happened. Seeing Qin Mo's huge formation, they couldn't help but think of the sealed top secret.

On weekdays, no matter how big the matter is, Qin Mo would communicate it to the cabinet department through the secretary desk, and then the cabinet department would discuss and make an appropriate decision.

There will never be any big court discussions.

But this time, Qin Mo engaged in court discussions, which showed that this matter was definitely not a trivial matter.

If you don't move, that's it. If you move, it's like thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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