big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1748: Confused King, Confused King, Confused King! ! !

"Is this your attitude in doing things, or do you not take this matter to heart at all?" Ah Si's roar echoed in Tai Chi Palace.

Yu Boshi rubbed his heart and felt a rush of hot blood rushing to Tian Ling Gai, "Your Majesty, if I don't take these things to heart, why do I have to stay up late every day and worry so much?
Look at Tang Jian, he is nearly seventy years old, but he has to beg and beg for those countries every day and stay up all night long.

The uncle even moved his family directly to the auxiliary cabinet, eating, drinking and having sex in that small room.

I haven't been out for several days.

Daqian was not ready for war yet.

Yes, I am getting old and cannot keep up with the times.

But I have worked so hard and so loyally, are they worthless in His Majesty's eyes? "

Yu Boshi was out of breath. He was extremely exhausted. This time when Ah Si said something, his blood pressure rose. He was not a good-tempered person. He dared to scold Li Shilong when he did something wrong. Emperor's.

Why didn't you dare to scold Ah Si? It was because everyone knew that Ah Si was in poor health and couldn't bear too much stimulation, so everyone just let it be.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Ah Si thought he could be arrogant.

"Your Majesty compares himself with Qin Mo in everything, but refuses to listen to his opinions on everything. Not only does he not want to learn from Qin Mo, but today he even refuses to learn from Qin Mo.

Do you have to scold me and other veterans away, make a mess in Daqian, cause chaos in the country, and let innocent soldiers die to be happy?

It has been more than 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, but how many years has the world been at peace?

Over the past 30 years, there have been constant wars, big and small. Wouldn't it be good to recuperate and recuperate?
Do we have to argue about the length of time?
The world has been fighting hard for a long time.

Your Majesty's heart cannot tolerate even one Qin Mo, and one Qin Mo is more important than the country of Daqian, and more important than the people of the world? "

"Yu Boshi, do you know what you are talking about?" Ah Si's face turned blue with anger.

"I know, I know too much!" Yu Boshi shook off Tang Jian who was holding him, and then glanced at Gongsun Wuji and others, "You don't dare to scold me, I will scold you! The ancestor emperor, the supreme emperor , they are all broad-minded people, they are all polite and polite, and they are brave enough to admit when they have done something wrong.

The third generation of Da Gan was not modest, unwilling to accept, and stubborn. If he was not scolded to wake him up, Da Gan would really die in the third generation.

When the time comes, you and I will both be subjugated.

A short life actually goes through several dynasties. Isn’t this a farce to you and me?
Then why did we resist Da Zhou in the first place?

Don’t you just want peace in the world?

We support an emperor with great talent and strategy, but if his virtue is not up to par, and his ability is not up to his ambition, then he will be a king who will subjugate his country, and he will be a coward!

The example of Da Zhou is still fresh in our minds. Do you want to watch Da Qian follow the old path of Da Zhou? "

Several people said nothing, and all looked bitter.

Ah Si was so angry that he trembled all over, "Who do you think is the foolish king, and who is the king who has subjugated his country?"

"I have lived through two generations and four dynasties. If I have lived to this age, I have already lived enough." Yu Boshi stood there, pointed at Ah Si and said: "You are a willful and foolish king. You are ignorant and have no skills. You think you have some merits." If you work hard, you will feel that you are a wise king, and you will not look down on me and other veterans.

We, the assistant ministers, have been loyal to Da Qian for decades and dedicated our lives to Da Qian.

In your mouth, it is worthless.

It's not worth it for me to stand for those soldiers who died in battle, and it's not worth it for me to stand for those loyal and loyal people.

The queen was not at fault, and the third prince was even more innocent.

You disregard the laws of your ancestors in vain. Do you know that today's laws were obtained through the efforts of many people and how many people paid for them with their blood?
Regardless of whether Qin Mo is good or bad, this method is good and was fought by thousands of soldiers.

Today you casually denied it.

You have never paid attention to the laws of the country and the Supreme Emperor.

You act arbitrarily, just think it's right, you can't see the pattern of the world clearly, you act arbitrarily, and let innocent soldiers die for you.This is neither to expand territory nor to resist foreign enemies.

This is your fault and everyone knows it.

It's just that everyone is protecting you carefully, fearing that something will happen to your body.

But you have belittled us again and again, and reduced us to nothing.

How can the common people not know things that even we understand?

The world is boiling, but you still want to suppress and kill. Is it because you think the chaos is not big enough?

Externally, you can't suppress this tone, and internally, you don't know how to be gentle.

Your temper is bigger than the sky and bigger than the people.

You fool.

The reason why I am able to be where I am today is because of the hard work of countless people, because the ancestor emperor overthrew Baozhou and won it, and because two generations of emperors endured humiliation and shouldered the heavy burden.

Everyone said that Qin Mo was a prodigal, but Qin Mo was a prodigal, defeated the prosperous Qian Dynasty, and defeated the invincible Ming Dynasty.

But you have been gnawing at your old age all your life, and you want to squander all your wealth.

If you are not a fool, who is?
You are a fool, you are a fool, you are a fool! ! ! "

Yu Boshi shouted at the top of his lungs.

The sound spread far and wide from Tai Chi Palace, and everyone present was horrified.

Ah Si was so angry that his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was trembling.

He asked himself that he was still diligent and still alive, but in Yu Boshi's words, he was a foolish king, a willful, arrogant and subjugated king.

He hates others comparing Qin Mo to him. He just wants to protect his country and prevent the Qin family from getting involved. Is he wrong?

Why does everyone blame him?

"Can you say that again!"

"Don't say it once, even if you say it ten times or a hundred times, I will still say it, you are a fool, you are a fool, you are a fool!" Yu Boshi shouted: "If I can't wake you up today, my whole country will be in danger. For once, Qin Mo is not here to save the world.

No matter how much you hate Qin Mo, I tell you, Qin Mo's righteousness is not a loss, and his small details are not a loss either.

He deserves the trust of the Supreme Emperor, and he deserves you.

And you, I'm sorry for the emperor, I'm sorry for the queen, I'm sorry for the trust of the courtiers.

This world is not created by me, Yu Bo. I just pity myself for working so hard, but in the end I am no match for a prodigal.

I love Da Gan so much. This is the prosperous age we created together, but now, this prosperous age is about to be destroyed by your hands.

We have fought countless battles in the past and suffered countless deaths. Even when the Nanfan army came to the city, we never despaired.

But now, I'm desperate. "

Yu Boshi had tears in his eyes. He loved this country so much that he almost devoted his life to it.

He really couldn't bear to see this country fall apart, and he really couldn't bear to see his hard work go to waste.

It was precisely because of this that he was willing to take the risk of confiscating his family and exterminating his family to curse the emperor!
"Hunjun, how on earth can you wake up!!!" (End of this chapter)

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