big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1749: Ming Dynasty, hegemony!

Ah Si's face was livid, his lips pursed, and he looked at the indignant Yu Boshi. At that moment, he even wanted to pull Yu Boshi down and kill him.

But he also knew that if he were to kill the assistant minister at this time, he would really lose his temper.

He let out a long breath and said: "You call me a foolish king because you are just afraid that Da Qian will lose this battle. I can understand.

As long as you can win this battle, will you still call me a fool?
The battle has just begun. Instead of talking about victory, you are talking about defeat. Can I say that you are disturbing the morale of the army?

If I agree to you at this time, what will the world think of me?

Who the Supreme Emperor makes his grandson and who I make his prince are my freedom and the internal affairs of Daqian.

You only know how to be afraid of Ming Dynasty and Qin Mo, and you only know how to let me endure it. Who among you knows how hard it is for me to endure it?
What's wrong with me doing this?

You say, you know how to force me, and you know how to badmouth me.

If everyone works together, even if they lose this battle, it may not be possible for Daming to suffer serious injuries.

With my Da Gan’s strength, even if I lose for a while, it’s not something Da Ming can afford to lose.

Just one battle can definitely maintain the stability of our mountains and rivers for decades.

The peace that comes from the phone is the real peace.

If you have to be intimidated by Ming Dynasty all the time, is that called stability?
That's called living an ignoble existence! "

Ah Si slapped the document heavily, "You often teach me about your grandfather and father. When my grandfather overthrew the Northern Zhou Dynasty, who can say that he will definitely succeed?
Did your father ever think that he could become the Khan of Heaven?
At that time, the great cadres were weak and suffered from internal and external troubles. What about now?
What's missing is just weapons, doesn't he even have the blood? "

With red eyes, he stepped down from the dragon chair and asked Yu Boshi, "Am I wrong? Why do other countries need to interfere in Daqian's internal affairs?
What is this if not hegemony?
My only mistake was marrying Qin Shuangshuang. If I didn't marry Qin Shuangshuang, I wouldn't have given Daming a chance to attack.

I should have known a long time ago that there is a group of people in Ming Dynasty who are bent on destroying me.

Do you think I was wrong?
Am I wrong, or are you afraid? "

Uncle Yu was so angry that he was shaking all over, but the essence of this matter was that both sides were right.

Seeking stability and development is a mature strategy for running a country.

Ah Si's main battle was a strategy to safeguard sovereignty. This battle seemed like a child's play, but in fact the root of the disaster was laid long ago.

It cannot be said that Ah Si is defensive, but the example of Nan Fan is still vivid in his mind.

Both sides share the same origin, and Qin Mo's influence is too great.

From the important ministers to the common people, they all feared Qin Mo. The power of one person was so great.

Ah Si felt a chill in his heart.

I only regret that Qin Mo didn't kill him when he came to work.

He is the most complicated to Qin Mo.

On the one hand, he admired Qin Mo, but on the other hand, he feared him and even hated him.

The better Qin Mo treats him, the brighter he becomes.

He could suddenly understand his father's mood.

That kind of complexity is definitely not something outsiders can understand.

When you are in this position, anyone who poses a threat will be regarded as a thorn in your side.

Even if this person is your wife or child, the person closest to you.

A high degree of centralization brings supreme power and deep defense.

He is right.

Throughout history, there are countless absurd things and countless absurd wars, and there is only one wrong reason.

That means he is not strong enough and lost this battle.

Who dares to say otherwise if we win every battle despite resorting to military means?

There are many emperors who went to war but were praised throughout the ages, and there are many emperors who worked hard but failed to revive.

He would rather be the former than the latter.

Is he wrong?He is right!
If you lose, you lose. This concession will only make Ming Dynasty worse and slowly eat away at Ming Dynasty's backbone.

He once heard a saying that after Qin Mo left, Da Gan lost half of his strength.

He didn't believe it.

He felt that Daqian's backbone was still there from beginning to end.

"Everyone tells me to be patient, but you all know clearly that Da Qian is more than one step behind Da Ming. If we can't catch up now, will we be able to catch up in the future?
Don't lie to yourselves. If we don't fight this battle, I'm afraid we won't have the chance to fight in the future! "

Ah Si took a deep breath, "You only care about your own happiness, but never consider the country's crisis. The Ming Dynasty controls the economy and influences public opinion, which shows that they can easily put the Ming Dynasty into crisis without any effort.

In a few years, I'm afraid they won't even need to send troops to behead me, the emperor.

At that time, what's the use of you crying for me?

You want to kneel in front of Qin Mo's knees and endure the humiliation and live a life of humiliation, but I don't want to, and I don't want to either!
Originally, I just wanted to go to the World Association and confer the eldest son as a grandson, so that I could have a backup plan.

My heart is still soft, and I am still too timid.

I should be generous and canonize the boss as the prince!
Therefore, starting from today, I will crown Min'er as the crown prince!

If I lose this battle, I am willing to die. "

Ah Si took a deep breath and looked at Yu Boshi again. This time Yu Boshi fell into silence.

"You scold me, and I want to thank you, because you truly regard Daqian as your home. Those who don't scold me, and those who care about me, are the most stupid.

I know clearly. Many people say that I am crazy and willful.

never mind.

I know very well that this battle will come sooner or later. Ming Dynasty is too proud and arrogant, thinking that it can dominate the world.

Can control everything.

I'm not convinced.

Have you heard of the queen threatening the emperor?

Aunt Jing'an is a hero to Daqian, but in the eyes of Nanfan people?
Forget it, let’s not talk about these anymore, everything is easy to talk about after winning.

If I lose, I will definitely be a prodigal, a sinner of Daqian, and I will die.

But the country of Daqian cannot die like this. If I die, Min'er will ask you to take more trouble. "

Ah Si bowed to several people.

Everyone came to their senses and knelt on the ground crying bitterly.

Only then did they realize how determined the emperor was.

In fact, who doesn’t know?

They just want to drag.

Besides, the emperor was really at fault.

But in other words, what the emperor said was really right.

Whether it's hazy or sage, it all depends on how you look at it.

If he wins, the emperor will be a wise king who cannot lose to the Supreme Emperor. If he loses, the emperor will pin him firmly on his head, and he will never be able to wash it off.

"Your Majesty, if you have to endure it for a few years, I will not hesitate to risk my life!" Tang Jian said with red eyes.

Li Daoyuan's eyes turned red, "The Lord humiliates his ministers to death, the Ming Dynasty is hegemonic, and interferes with our internal affairs, so we should reject it.

Even if there are only one soldier left, he will never bow his head.

I want to fight until the Ming Dynasty retreats, and until everyone in the world sees clearly what I am doing!
Weichen, please fight! "

Li Cungong also pushed the golden mountain and the jade pillar and fell to the ground, "I am a humble minister, please fight, I am willing to fight to the death with the Ming Dynasty!" (End of this chapter)

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