big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1758: Land not conquered!

The next day, the assistant ministers entered the palace. They had received the news last night and learned about the attack on the Bohai Navy main ship.

So, early in the morning, they entered the palace.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the attack on the main ship of the Bohai Sea Division should not be announced. Secondly, new ships should be dispatched urgently.

The Bohai Shipyard should have several new ships, which should be launched soon. "Gongsun Wuji's hair turned gray almost overnight. Gongsun Min lost the first battle, and he didn't even touch the shadow of the enemy. If word spreads, his Gongsun family will definitely become the sinners of Daqian.

"There are many large river boats in the country, and they can all be transferred there. There were no sea ships before, so why not rely on these large river boats?" Tang Jian said.

"No matter what, we have to gather another fleet, but if it doesn't work, we will requisition the ships in their hands from the Maritime Trade Chamber of Commerce. After a few modifications, those ships will become qualified warships.

Although it is not as good as the new warships, it is still an excellent ship. "Li Daoyuan said.

The three people offered suggestions one after another, all of which were good ways to quickly solve the Bohai Sea Navy's dilemma.

Ah Si had not fallen asleep since he woke up. Hearing this, he felt a little calmer and said, "That's it. We'll suppress this matter for now and gather battleships for the Bohai Navy as soon as possible.

In addition, we need a big victory to suppress all voices.

I have been waiting for this big victory for a long time. If we continue to delay like this, sooner or later we will be defeated.

Since it is a desperate effort, why should we be afraid of our hands and feet? "

A big victory is easier said than done.

No one dares to play this guarantee.

Now the Ming Dynasty has released another big killer weapon, but the fighter planes have not yet been dispatched, like a sharp sword hanging over everyone's heads.

In the DPRK, several auxiliary ministers are already old, and the current pressure of a large number of state affairs makes them look particularly haggard and vicissitudes of life.

"Your Majesty, we haven't reached the time to fight with all our strength yet." Li Daoyuan said: "If we use too much force, we will inevitably run out of strength.

This is the strategy we have formulated at the moment. "

If you can't beat it hard, you can only make up for it strategically.

Lure the enemy deep and then encircle and strike.

When fighting inland, it will be easier to kill the enemy by comparing numbers and weapons.

"I understand, but the people don't think so. A large number of people flee the capital every day. Even though orders have been given, there are still people who turn into beggars and flee the capital." A Si was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

As prosperous as the capital city was in the past, it is now in a state of depression.

They fled all the way north, and some even fled to the grassland and took root in the grassland.

This was originally a good thing, but it is definitely not a good thing now.

However, who among the people present does not know this issue?

Faced with Ming's propaganda, overwhelming pressure swept over them.

Once this rumor started, it became unstoppable.

The common people said that this incident was caused by the emperor's immorality.

They said that the emperor had betrayed his trust and killed the queen's legitimate son, and so on.

Undoubtedly, A Si was ugly and turned into a coward.

There were many rebels from various places, as well as those students, who also participated.

Chaos cannot be suppressed easily.

Just dealing with domestic affairs has made them exhausted.

As he talked, Ah Si got a little excited again, but he finally restrained himself and did not lose his temper. He knew that everyone was tired.

"Everyone, go down. I hope there will be good news next!" A Si waved his hand and left Tai Chi Palace.

And on the other side, Annan.

As the bridgehead of the Ming Dynasty in Nanyang, many years ago, when Qin Mo was conducting military operations, a large number of spies were left behind.There is no need to be as cautious as in Guanzhong in remote places. It took almost no effort to capture Annan.

With Annan as a strategic point, they can use it to radiate the surrounding areas of Nanyang, Lingnan, Tianxiang, and Nanfang, all within their attack range.

However, Nanyang has long been emptied out by the Ming Dynasty in recent years, except for some indigenous people hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, or some new immigrants.

Not much value.

There are dozens of fighter planes parked on the newly built airstrip.

Right now they are still waiting for reinforcements.

They can fight on land, but their navy cannot go deep into the interior like the land army can.

Chai Rong couldn't put the cart before the horse.

And after coming to Annan for so long, Lingnan's dark child has almost been activated.

I also have some understanding of Daqian's defense.

They originally wanted to send fighter planes to bomb, but when they came, Qin Mo told them not to bomb hospitals, schools and other places to avoid civilian casualties as much as possible.

Therefore, the strategies they adopted in Lingnan were more tolerant, including wooing, dividing, and assassinating.

This is Qin Mo's base camp, so these strategies are extremely easy to use.

Not to mention those students, the story of the generous sacrifice of three thousand students has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Many people have launched rehabilitation movements in the name of restoring new learning.

And right now, what they want to target is the Beihai Navy Base.

By capturing the Beihai Marine Base, Lingnan lost its first barrier. In this way, they could advance step by step and fight steadily.

The sky was blocked by Piao and other countries, and traveling was difficult, so those people did not dare to come.

Nanfan is too far away, and a strong attack on Luozhe can indeed put more pressure on the Western Regions, but Nanfan has a large number of people and can easily pull up an army of hundreds of thousands.

At that time, you will be thrown into jail.

Therefore, we first went to the Nanyang, settled Annan, and attacked the North Sea navy. We worked step by step to encroach on the Lingnan land bordering Annan and use this as our foundation.

With the support of these people, it is only a matter of time before they invade the capital of Daqian from Lingnan.

Moreover, good news came from the Fourth Navy Fleet, and the secret weapon made a great contribution.

When the time comes and Dagan is overwhelmed by the double-sided attack, it will only be a matter of time before this behemoth collapses.

After reviewing the entire plan, Chai Rong had to sigh with emotion at Qin Mo's methods.

If we use fighter planes to bomb as soon as we arrive, we can indeed quickly capture Gaozhou and other places, but that may also cause fierce resistance.

Boiled frogs in warm water, coupled with the gratitude of the people in Lingnan to Qin Mo, the wind in Lingnan almost tilted to one side.

This made Chai Rong feel that many years ago, when Qin Mo was still in Lingnan, Qin Mo's words at that time were the unchanging imperial edict of Lingnan.

From top to bottom, everyone is regarded as a model.

Chai Rong clenched his fists and looked at the Dagankan Map. He believed that it would not take long before it would become the Ming Dynasty Nine States Map.

When the time comes, from south to north, from east to west, it will all be the land of the Ming Dynasty.

Wherever the sun shines, it is the light of the Ming Dynasty.

This is the foundation of all eternity.

"Captain, urgent report from the front!" At this time, a scout hurried in and handed over the urgent report.

After reading the emergency report, Chai Rong couldn't help but sneered, "How shameful, actually setting up the base in a school or hospital!"

These people probably figured out their concerns, so they set up military points in Ming Dynasty's unconquered areas. (End of chapter)

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