big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1759 Against your will!

Chai Rong sneered at this, but someone had already mentioned this point.

Hiding in a place like this will only make people look down upon them even more.

Promoting it will also be more convenient for them.

This battle against Ming Dynasty is not a pure hard attack, which is not in the interests of Ming Dynasty.

The mission of the Annan Base and the Fourth Marine Division is to continue to put pressure on the Central Plains. Now that the Fourth Marine Division has defeated the Bohai Sea Division, they can take this opportunity to publicize it, and they will definitely be able to suffer another setback.

The real bloody battlefield is in the Western Region.

As long as the army stationed in the Western Region is defeated, all the problems in Daqian's country will explode in an instant.

The country will be ruined, civil strife will arise, the economy will be in ruins, and Ming will become the savior.

And Lingnan is the foundation.

Thinking of this, Chai Rong said: "Pull the fighter plane out for a spin, distribute leaflets, and let everyone see how powerful the Fourth Marine Division is."

Soon, the news spread among the army that the Fourth Navy had defeated the Bohai Navy without hurting anyone and destroying all the main warships in the Navy base.

It's an absolute miracle.

As a result, the printing factory worked overtime to print a large number of leaflets, which were finally transported by fighter planes and dropped over various cities in Lingnan.

This was also the first time that Ming Dynasty's fighter planes sailed in Daqian's airspace after several years.

The sound of fighter planes passing overhead alerted the Beihai Navy.

The alarm sounded instantly.

Many people looked at the sky and pointed their anti-aircraft machine guns at the sky. However, the fighter plane was too fast and passed over their heads.

Xue Qianren, the then commander of the Beihai Navy, urgently asked them to hide in a special air-raid shelter.

"These people couldn't help it in the end. I said, how could they hold back from bombing!" All the navy generals said indignantly.

"Commander, their fighter planes are powerful, but our anti-aircraft machine guns are not bad either. If we can shoot down their fighter planes, we won't be so passive."

Xue Qianren just let everyone enter the predetermined position, and then attacked the sky.

However, these people came and left quickly, as if they came here specifically to show off their power.

"Look, there seems to be something floating down in the sky!"

Everyone looked along the sky, and sure enough, there were dense things falling from the sky.

"No, this isn't a new weapon from the Ming Dynasty, is it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, many people felt chills in their hearts.

Xue Qianren shook his head, "No, it's a leaflet, probably promoting their disgusting ideas."

Sure enough, the objects in the sky fell to the ground, which undoubtedly confirmed Xue Qianren's words.

Many people picked up the flyers on the ground, originally just to watch the joke, but after seeing clearly the contents of the flyers, the Beihai Navy Base suddenly became uproar.

"Commander, the Bohai Sea Division was attacked. No one was injured in the Ming Dynasty's Fourth Navy Division, but all our main warships were destroyed!"

Hearing this, Xue Qianren frowned, picked up a flyer from the ground, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because, he did not receive this news.

Is it fake news from the Ming Navy?
He still prefers that this is a smoke bomb released by Ming Dynasty. In Ming Dynasty's propaganda, there is some false news from time to time.

It is these false news that make people in Lingnan become more and more uneasy.

Even if they suppress it here, it won't help.

And Lingnan was indeed Qin Mo's stronghold. Every household here set up longevity cards for Qin Mo. Even if the court introduced new knowledge, the new learning was still popular, and the new learning from the imperial court encountered the most severe resistance here.

"Captain, is this true or false?"

"Commander, is it true that the Bohai Navy is really there?" Looking at the anxious crowd, Xue Qianren said: "Don't panic, this must be the Ming Dynasty's plan, how can we mess up our position?"
If that were the case, I would have received news from the court long ago. "

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

"These Ming troops are really hateful!"

"Thinking about how to corrupt people's hearts all day long."

Everyone cursed again.

At this time, the people from the Intelligence Department called Xue Qianren aside, "Commander, the imperial court's first-level encrypted intelligence!"

Xue Qianren asked everyone to continue to observe the movements of the fighters, and then hurried to the intelligence office.

After taking the cracked intelligence, Xue Qianren was stunned for a moment. He held the information and couldn't believe his eyes.

The intelligence read, “Two days ago, the Daming Navy launched a sneak attack on the Bohai Sea Division’s base, destroying all the Bohai Sea Division’s main battleships and causing more than 2000 casualties on our side.

The Ming Dynasty is suspected of developing a new type of weapon, a submarine, which can sneak under the sea. Beihai navy must be careful."

The news in the flyer is true!

The Bohai Navy really suffered heavy losses!

The imperial court did not publicize this matter. This time, he was asked to find a way to remove the big ship from Lingnan.

Lingnan's sea trade was developed, and there were many large ships with drafts of more than [-] tons.

Although these large ships are not as good as warships, if modified, they can still be excellent warships.

However, what really troubled Xue Qianren was Ming's new weapon.


Able to sneak in the deep sea and avoid detection.

How to avoid the other party's attack?
He believed that Gaozhou must have received the news.

He burned the emergency report and left the intelligence office with a heavy heart.

At the moment, the fighter plane has not yet been conquered, and another more difficult submarine has arrived.

The country is in many tribulations.

Daming was undoubtedly boiling a frog in warm water, and living in Lingnan, he felt it the most.

Not only the people's preference, but also some young soldiers began to waver.

The Ming Dynasty's strategy directly touches people's hearts.

This is like a vicious and armed gangster putting a knife on your neck and telling you that as long as you make friends with him, he will let you go.

What should you do?
You can be brave enough to say: This person does not associate with gangsters.

But how many stubborn people are there in the world?
Very few!

Therefore, in Xue Qianren's view, the crisis Daqian encountered was the biggest crisis in history.

Daqian is really not ready now.

If the imperial court can mediate, it will not be too late to start a war after waiting for another ten years or so until Daqian has equal conditions.

"What's wrong with me?" Xue Qianren secretly cursed himself for being spineless. As the commander of an army, how could he have such an idea of ​​making peace with the enemy?
If this were the case for me, what would those young warriors think?
He dismissed the unwanted thoughts in his mind and came to the command center.

The news from the scouts gave him more and more headaches, "Captain, this fighter plane went all the way north, passing through many towns, spreading leaflets along the way. Now, this false news has spread!"

Xue Qianren wanted to say that this was not fake news.

But the court issued a hush-hush order, so the news was false.

"Let the Propaganda Department quash the rumors. This is fake news!" Xue Qianren said against his will. (End of chapter)

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