big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1778 There is no escape, no avoidance!

Chapter 1778 There is no escape, no avoidance!

"Whether Ming Dynasty attacks or not, we must defend well." Xue Qianren said.

"Let me see, are they preparing to withdraw their troops?"

"Withdraw troops? Are you overthinking? Who is Qin Mo? They will withdraw their troops if they don't see rabbits and don't see any benefits?"

In the military camp, everyone was talking, and most of them spoke with disdain when Qin Mo was mentioned.

Xue Qianren said: "This is an important military camp, not a place for you to relax. Please pass on my military order. From now on, the three armies will be under martial law."

After everyone dispersed, Xue Qianren sighed, feeling a little uneasy inside.

The Annan Navy was moving forward step by step. Although they did not launch an attack, the people of Lingnan had already been sucked away by them.

If they attack, they can easily capture these places, not to mention that there are many Qin Mo followers in these places.

This is where he feels powerless.

And his inner uneasiness became more and more serious as time went by. One day three days later, an alarm suddenly sounded in the base.

At that moment, the entire Beihai Navy started to move.

Xue Qianren rushed out of the room immediately, "If necessary, prepare to defend against the enemy!"

"Captain, it's a fighter plane, it's Daqian's fighter plane. Look up at the sky!" A man pointed at the sky, his eyes widening.

Xue Qianren looked in the direction of the man's finger and suddenly took a breath of cold air. He saw dozens of small black dots in the sky. The small black dots came from far to near, and there was a roaring sound in the sky, which made people feel heartbroken. cold.

"Quickly, use anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns to shoot down these people." Xue Qianren said.

The anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns he talked about were actually modified, and this was also the name passed down from the Ming Dynasty.

It is said that the Ming Dynasty had anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft cannons specially designed to shoot fighter planes. They had no blueprints. The weapons department had to start from scratch and modify the machine guns, and finally formed bulky anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft cannons.

When there was an explosion ahead, Xue Qianren's expression changed drastically, "No, they are going to blow up the port, ship, be careful of the ship!"

The Beihai Navy has a main force of 8, and including logistics, there are more than [-].

The fleet owned is also up to date.

Fortunately, half of their ships were out on missions, but the other half were anchored in the port.

The cannonball hit the deck, directly hitting a hole in the deck, and then an entire cannonball was drawn into the cabin.

Exploding outside and exploding inside are completely different things.

This artillery shell is a specially designed armor-piercing projectile that can penetrate thick iron plates and concrete fortresses.

But the cost of making one is also very expensive, reaching a thousand taels of silver.

This kind of specialized ground-penetrating armor-piercing bomb is also very inconvenient to store. A fighter plane can only carry two.

The first-generation fighter planes could only carry one.

For a time, Beihai Navy exploded and roared, and the port was in flames.

Xue Qianren's heart was bleeding, but rushing over now was no different from dying.

"Quick, let everyone hide in the fortress and let the pilots fly the planes. Even if they hit me, I will destroy them!" Xue Qianren's nails were almost clasped into his flesh.

The Ming Dynasty had absolute hegemony over the sky.

This is so hopeless.

Even though they have anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, their hit rate is not high.

And once the opponent breaks through the defense line and the shells fall, they will only die.

The huge shock wave was enough to injure them.

Some people are fine at first, but after three to five days, they start to vomit blood and then die in pain.

Some people were desperate and did not die, but lost half their lives.

"Captain, ship, ship!" "Is the ship more important or life?" Xue Qianren said angrily. In addition to the ground combat troops and the aerial troops, everyone else should hide in the fortress!
At this time, the three treasure fighters assigned to the Beihai Navy also took off.

The pilot in the fighter plane almost took to the air with the determination to die.

They rushed towards Ming Dynasty's fighter planes, but the second-generation fighters were too flexible and too fast. They disappeared from their sight in just the blink of an eye.

What awaited them was a barrage of bullets from fighter planes.

Roaring bullets tore through the air, covering their fighter planes with bruises and breaking their wings.

The engine whined, and the fighter plane fell straight from the sky like a big bird with broken wings.

Because the first-generation fighter aircraft did not have an ejection device in order to reduce weight and carry weapons.

This kind of ejection device is installed in Ming Dynasty's second-generation fighter aircraft.

Therefore, the risk factor of flying the first-generation fighter is very high.

Three fighters took to the air and were shot down in less than a quarter of an hour.

Seeing this scene, Xue Qianren was completely desperate.

Half an hour later, the enemy fighter plane left.

Xue Qianren and others came out of the fortress. The pits on the ground were the aftermath of the bombing, and the warships parked in the port were completely destroyed.

The casualties are unknown, but wounded people can be seen everywhere wailing on the ground.

"Quick, medical soldier, save people!" Xue Qianren shouted.

The expressions of all the living people were a little numb. This was their first time fighting Ming face to face.

The opponent's main force did not show up. They just sent out a fleet of air force and swept the Beihai Navy's unbeaten record for many years into the trash.

And they only managed to shoot down three first-generation fighters, and similarly, the three first-generation fighters on their side were also destroyed.

Almost one to one.

Xue Qianren was angry, but mostly helpless.

At first, Ming Dynasty was just waiting and testing, but now, they have taken control of the situation and began to launch a fierce attack.

The uneasy premonition in his heart did not dissipate.

This failure means that the Beihai Navy Base has basically lost control of its surroundings.

Without an air force or even many effective means of confrontation, they could only be passively beaten.

After the casualties and losses were calculated, Xue Qianren only knew that it was a number that he was unwilling to face.

He didn't even know how to face it.

At the beginning, he was so arrogant, but Ming mercilessly used its most cruel method to give himself a blow in the head!
Just when Xue Qianren cheered up a little and was about to clean up the mess.

The second wave of bombings by Ming fighter planes came.

The first wave of bombing was in the morning, and the second wave of bombing was in the afternoon, which caught people off guard.

Looking at the roaring fighter plane, Xue Qianren knew what cruelty meant.

This time, even what he thought was the strongest fortress was useless.

The cannonballs drilled through the concrete and went straight into the center of the fortress. The powerful cannonballs directly turned the fortress into a tomb.

It is impossible for anyone to survive in a breached fortress.

At that moment, Xue Qianren realized that no place was safe.

There are Ming Dynasty's fighter planes in the sky, and Ming Dynasty's haunting submarines in the water. There is no way to escape and avoidance!

(End of this chapter)

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