big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1779 Loyal to the last name!

And Ming's bombing continues.

For one day, fighter planes carried out carpet bombing on the North Sea Navy.

The sound of the explosion almost made them deaf.

Xue Qianren looked at the casualty data and was speechless.

But if they leave the naval base, their greatest value as naval forces will disappear.

As the sun set, the fighter planes gradually stopped bombing the base.

Xue Qianren came out of the air raid shelter in the back mountain.

No matter how powerful the fighter planes are, it is impossible to blow up the mountain.

Looking from the bottom up, Beihai Navy is devastated.

Even though he was so anxious that he had blisters on his lips, it didn't help. He just silently asked people to count the casualties, and then had people move the wounded.

They have not yet developed radio technology, so there is currently no way to contact the fleet performing tasks at sea.

Unlike the Ming Dynasty, they can be contacted at any time across the world. This efficient communication method allows them to make up for the information gap as quickly as possible.

"Commander, the final casualty statistics are out." The adjutant was in a low mood, unable to hide his sadness, and even trembled when he spoke.

"How many?"

“7000 people were killed and 7000 injured, the docks were destroyed, and almost all the warships were wiped out. Simply because our ammunition depot was set up inside the mountain, we didn’t suffer much loss.

However, [-]% of our defensive weapons outside were destroyed. "

Xue Qianren's hand holding the cigarette could not help but tremble, "Why are there more dead than wounded?"

"During the bombing, many soldiers got into the specially built fortress. The fortress was penetrated and few survived." Speaking of this, the adjutant's eyes were already red. "The Ming Dynasty's artillery shells were specially studied and fell from high altitudes. , can penetrate very thick concrete facilities.

So instead of playing a protective role, the fortress became a tomb.

Our current defensive measures do not seem to provide an effective protection.

Commander, it’s miserable, it’s really miserable.

The fortress is full of broken limbs, and even a complete person cannot be found.

The atmosphere in the team was very wrong.

They all said that Ming Dynasty was really serious about it. They said, if Ming Dynasty added white phosphorus to the shells, would anyone in the base survive?
Many people flinched, they were afraid!

Our battleship is destroyed.

We have no way to resist Ming's warships.

Let's withdraw! "

These heartfelt words made Xue Qianren feel powerless for a while.

He exhaled a puff of smoke and looked down in confusion.

The red color of the sunset is particularly beautiful.

Every time he stood here, he would sigh with emotion, but this time the redness was as dazzling as blood.

He didn't know if Ming's fighter planes would come to bomb after dark.

But once they left here, the first barrier to the south of Daqian was completely torn apart.

He shook his head, "If the Ming Dynasty's fighter planes come to bomb, we will hide in the cave. No matter how powerful their warships are, they will not be able to sail ashore.

As long as their people come ashore, we have a chance.

Once ashore, at this distance and with the help of the bunker, we have a chance. "

"Commander, what if the other side fights together with land, sea and air?" the adjutant said, "Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. This kind of sacrifice is meaningless."

He pulled off his hat and said, "The Western Region seemed to have won, but in fact it was a huge defeat. The Bohai Sea Division was defeated, and even their hometown was taken away.

Two days ago, the Japanese Navy and the Gaoli Navy were attacked, and two bases were taken away.

This first barrier has long been breached.

Otherwise, why would Your Majesty issue the edict of sin in such a hurry?
Everyone actually knows what the meaning behind this is. Xue Qianren glared at the adjutant and grabbed his collar, "You want to die?"To disturb the morale of the army at this time? "

The adjutant looked at him without any fear, "Captain, we were wrong, we were wrong from the beginning, we overestimated ourselves and underestimated Ming!

At the beginning, Daming's methods were mild, but now they have completed the layout.

They will eat away at the land bit by bit.

But we don't have many options.

It is true that there are many of us and we can use our lives to pile them up.

But there are too many dead people in this land.

Almost every inch of the land was stained with blood.

Two hundred years ago, the Five Huns invaded the Central Plains and killed only a few million people in the Central Plains.

Now, there are tens of millions of people in the Central Plains.

It is not easy to go from the Northern Zhou Dynasty to Daqian.

The common people don't care who is the emperor, what they care about is who can keep them safe and let them live a stable life.

War is an excuse for careerists.

In this world, there are too many choices. You can choose to continue to resist, lead your soldiers to die for your country, and earn a good name for yourself.

But, in my opinion, this is extremely stupid.

Because of the wrong decision above, countless soldiers made fearless sacrifices.

Who the hell is not raised by his mother’s biological father?

To be honest, Ming Dynasty listed the areas not to be conquered, and those people moved the Ministry of War to the areas not to be contested.

I felt ashamed when I saw it.

How do you want the people to live?

Those people are still complacent and think they are smart.

But what about their backbone. "

The adjutant pulled Xue Qianren's hand away. He might not have a good reputation, but Da Gan was made possible by thousands of people with no good reputations.

"Captain, I can't change your mind. I just want to save the lives of the soldiers." The adjutant looked at the sunset, "Qin Mo wrote a book about a country called Song. That country occupied the richest place in the Central Plains. , but was defeated steadily by the aliens.

Expelling foreigners is called righteousness, and it is what everyone wants.

But what is this battle now?
You and I both know it in our hearts.

I've said all that needs to be said. You can arrest me or report to the court, I don't care.

As for me, I just want to protect the soldiers and the people.

Daqian did not hurt any of the people, but the imperial court was the target from the beginning to the end.

Who am I going to protect?
Protecting those corrupt officials in the imperial court who have nothing to eat but are full of oil?
I especially remember that in the early years, Qin Mo changed the law and required officials to be decentralized.

What now?
Almost all of them are plated with gold underneath.

How many of them really work for the people?
Anyone in the Central Plains can be the emperor. As long as he does not hurt the people, truly considers the people and is good for the people, I will support him. "

Da Ming has been forbearing. Even if Da Qian goes too far, he has not done anything truly extraordinary.

There is no right or wrong in politics, but he does not want to die in vain.

Seeing the adjutant's frank look, Xue Qianren said, "When were you brainwashed?"

The adjutant has been with him for many years. It can be said that he has always been by his side. The two of them are as close as brothers, and I trust him the most.

But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, he would actually say these words.

He even wondered whether his brother had been persuaded to rebel by Ming a long time ago? (End of chapter)

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