big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1780 Beihai Navy was defeated!

"Brainwashing? Maybe!" the adjutant said: "I actually miss Qin Mo when he was in Dagan. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Dagan was so powerful at that time.

When the officials govern the Qingming Festival, there will be a sage king above and wise ministers below, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, the world will be at peace, and all nations will come to court.

This is a prosperous age that has never been seen in history books.

I was born in this era, and I am proud of it. I always feel that I have caught up with the good times.

But I don’t know when it started, but I felt like it had changed.

Probably, it started from the time when the superiors began to doubt Qin Mo, and Daqian changed its taste.

Later, Qin Mo left and secretly founded the country.

Can't tell who is right and who is wrong.

But that kid does have a conscience.

I can't hate him. I know you hate Qin Mo, but Qin Mo alone takes half of the credit for the prosperity of the world. "

Xue Qianren looked at him with a complicated expression, "If you think so, how many people in Daqian think so?"

"There are many, many more than you can imagine." The adjutant said with a smile: "Lingnan is the best example. Just watch, as long as we lose, it won't take much effort for them to capture Lingnan.

We have been working together for many years. We have the right time, right place, and right people. We are lucky to have the same fate.

But now, Ming Dynasty has taken advantage of the right time, place, people and people.

How do we win?
If people's hearts are not attached to them, how can they fight? "

Xue Qianren was speechless. He looked at the adjutant with hatred, "Even so, since you said these words today, I can't let you stay on your own.

From today on, you are suspended and remain in the team, and you are not allowed to go anywhere! "

The adjutant knew that Xue Qianren was thinking about his old relationship and was unwilling to deal with him. Finally he smiled and said: "What if I insist on going against you? How long can you tolerate me?"

Xue Qianren gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red, "Do you really want to die that much?"

"Well, Daming also wants to do something big." The adjutant said with a smile.

Xue Qianren was suddenly stunned.

Yes, the situation between the two of them is not the current situation of Ming Dynasty and Daqian?
Everyone in the world knew that the world would be good, but only the emperor could not see it. They all laughed at the emperor for being timid and afraid of death, and for not having the image of a king.

Qin Mo dared to come to Daming, but he didn't dare to go to Daming. What else could he do if he wasn't afraid of death?
This is almost a consensus among the people.

Seeing that the great country is being turned upside down by the little emperor, who can not be anxious?
Seeing that Xue Qianren didn't speak, the adjutant turned around and left, "Look, times have changed, and the people today are no longer the people they used to be.

You all thought that Qin Mo's backup plan was hidden everywhere, or it was some kind of secret weapon.

In my opinion, Qin Mo's back-up plan is that he rescued the people from dire straits and rescued them from hardship.

The people have seen hope, stood up and straightened their backs.

The older generation of people have survived by living quietly, while the new generation of people have been standing since they were born.

do you know?

If we let them live a hard life again, do you think they will agree?
You all think that Qin Mo can win people's hearts, but in my opinion, only Qin Mo really regards these people as human beings.

You can only write articles and moan about nothing, but no one has ever really solved the problems of the people.

Qin Mo did it.

He did what countless kings and sages could not do.

People in Lingnan call him a saint. Is it too much?

Not too much.

This battle was lost from the beginning!

Qin Mo's backup plan has always been upright. "

The adjutant's voice gradually faded away and finally disappeared.Xue Qianren stood there stupidly for a long time.

He felt that there was an insurmountable gap between himself and the adjutant, but every word he said made him have to reflect.

Is he wrong?

At that moment, the adjutant's words made the hatred for Qin Mo in his heart weaken continuously, and he could not even find a reason to continue fighting.

For the country and the people?

For which people?

It was you who deceived others in the first place, and it was you who started the fight. Now that you have lost, you just throw in the towel and want others to stop fighting. How can it be such a good thing!

But as a general, you can't do whatever you want.

He looked at the dilapidated naval base and was troubled in his heart.

Retreating can preserve your strength.

In the end, he compromised and took advantage of the darkness to have people begin to transfer weapons and evacuate the base.

After that, he first sent a telegram to the court, and then reminded the direction of Gaozhou.

Xue Gui frowned after receiving the news.

Then the generals were summoned, "The Beihai Navy was bombed in turn by Ming fighter planes, causing heavy casualties. Moreover, Ming artillery shells seemed to be able to penetrate the ground and shatter thick fortresses.

In other words, our existing defense methods, except for mountain air raid shelters, are difficult to carry out effective defense.

Or it could be tens of meters underground, but in that case, we would have fallen into a trap and would not be able to effectively kill the enemy at all. "

Everyone read the emergency report, and the more they read, the more frightened they became. In one day, there were more than a dozen bombings, and the number of fighter aircraft dispatched reached hundreds.

More than 2 people were killed or injured, the port was destroyed, and the warships were destroyed. The Ming Dynasty did not hold back, and it dealt the most ruthless and severe blow.

Li Yongmeng sighed, "The retreat of the Beihai Navy means that the barrier there is gone. It is only a matter of time before the Ming Dynasty takes over the west of Lingnan.

Now, the Ming Dynasty has established a supply point in Wozhou and raided Gaolizhou. The next step will definitely be to continue attacking the Bohai Sea Division.

If they do not attack the Bohai Sea Division, then the entire coastal defense line will be under attack from the Ming Dynasty.

No matter which point they land from, it is a difficult matter for us. "

Even though Dagan has nearly 200 million troops, the battle line is too long.

The entire coastal defense line is nearly [-] miles long, and including the celestial phenomena, it is more than [-] miles long.

"The Bohai Sea Navy is not something we have to consider, we just need to keep our eyes on it.

The Beihai Navy can cross, and the Bohai Navy can cross, but we cannot collapse. Xue Guidao: "Now that the Beihai Navy Base has been destroyed, we will encounter the Ming army sooner or later."

Therefore, before that, we must dig as many defenses as possible.

You must be able to resist the opponent and at the same time be able to attack.

The opponent's artillery shells and fighter planes are not unlimited. The fighter planes have limited endurance. They fly around and are always damaged.

The more powerful the artillery shells are, the more expensive they are, and unlimited bombing is impossible.

If the other party joins forces to fight, we might as well make multi-faceted arrangements. "

Xue Gui walked to the map and said, "None of us need to be afraid of land battles. They bomb. If the infantry advances, we can deploy troops around and attack them.

As long as they come quickly, our mines can blow them up into the sky.

You see that they used troops against the Beihai Navy and did not see the army. It is obvious that they are afraid of this.

Although they have mine detectors, they can't detect them while fighting, right? "(End of chapter)

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