big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1783 This is a dead end!

Chapter 1783 This is a dead end!
Zhang Laotou, leaning against Qin Mo, was very popular in the Dali Temple. Even though he was just a small prison guard, he was a person who could be heard by heaven.

At the beginning, the Supreme Emperor had talked with him and even wanted to promote him.

But Zhang Laotou refused.

During the official reform, prison chief Zhang relied on his old connections to get his son a job as prison chief.

Dali Temple is a bit dirty, but it is not exposed to the wind or the sun. It has delicious food and drink, and you can earn a lot of money in a year.

He can sell favors and has access to all kinds of religions, and most importantly, the people who come in are all criminal officials.

Some of them were because they talked back to His Majesty, but few actually made big mistakes.

This kind of character will usually leave. As long as he is careful, there is no way he can become a character like Qin Mo.

However, Xiao Zhang knew that he was not so lucky and would never have the chance to meet a fairy like Qin Mo.

However, although Qin Mo couldn't be seen, Qin Mo's cousin was there.

This is also an opportunity.

When Qin Youcai extended an olive branch to him, he was ready to move.

To be honest, he had long been tired of the prison chief's job. Daming that was where his heart wanted to be.

He didn't know why Qin Mo asked his father to leave but his father refused to leave.

Now that his father is gone, he wants to leave.

He can be the prison chief, but what about his children?

Can his descendants still serve as prison chiefs?

I am not as lucky as my father, being able to meet so many big shots from my small position as prison chief.

He still remembered that on the day his father passed away, many, many people came to the family, and every one of those elegiac couplets sent by the big shots would shake the capital with a stamp of their feet.

Only then did he understand how powerful his father was.

"Heroes don't ask for a way out. Your father is a good man, and your son can't do errands anymore." Qin Youcai drank wine, "This matter is over. Come with me to see the scenery of the Ming Dynasty."

Xiao Zhang scratched his head in embarrassment and just smiled innocently.

Seeing this, Qin Youcai admired him even more, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't go, because in two years, Daqian will belong to the Ming Dynasty. If you stay here, you may be reused in the future."

"I, I'll go with you!" Xiao Zhang said.

If the war spread to the capital, it would be difficult for him to protect himself given his status. Although Qin Youcai's protection could protect his family, what if?
After going to the Ming Dynasty, it is the dream of many young people to stay away from the war and see the real free country and utopia?

He is no exception.

"Okay!" Qin Youcai stroked his beard and nodded.

At this time, a voice came from outside, and Qin Youcai's expression immediately relaxed.

Prison head Xiao Zhang also hurriedly stood up straight and pretended to be businesslike.

Not long after, Ah Si walked in and looked at the spotless cell. It had all the necessary food and clothing, and it didn't look like he was in jail at all.

It looked like he was on vacation.

The Qin family is really a piss-poor!
Being in jail is different from ordinary people!
When Qin Youcai saw Ah Si, he didn't get up, so he just thought he was nothing.

Ah Si was very angry when he saw this, but he still suppressed his anger and said: "Ambassador Qin, didn't you see me coming?"

"So what?" Qin Youcai was drinking, looking absent-minded, "I am a prisoner now, and I am not afraid of someone who is about to die, no matter who comes.

It doesn’t matter whether you are the emperor or whoever you are, love whoever you are! These words almost made Ah Si angry to death, "Who said you were going to die?" "

"Didn't you say that?" Qin Youcai said: "You said you wanted to kill someone, cut someone into pieces with a thousand knives, but you said it yourself.

Did you forget?

It seems that you came here today to kill me, but can you let me finish the food in front of me and die a full man? "

How could Ah Si not know that he was in Yin Yang himself, "I didn't say I wanted to kill you, don't talk nonsense, I came this time because I both want to see you!"

Qin Youcai listened to the movements in his hands, "If the princess wants to see me, she will naturally send someone to summon me. Why do you, the emperor, need to come to me personally.

If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush and try to talk about the princess.

Do you really think I don’t know that the princess has been imprisoned by you all this time? "

Qin Youcai really disliked Ah Si. He was a pretty and pretty child at first, but he didn't expect that when he grew up, he would become so hypocritical and like a villain.

He was only doing it for Qin Shuangshuang, not Qin Mo.

He has trained such a white-eyed wolf.

Ah Si was a bit embarrassed. After being exposed by Qin Youcai, he simply didn't bother to pretend, "I have already made the third son the crown prince. After a while, I will abdicate to him.

Shuangshuang has also been released from the ban, but she is unwilling to come out. Believe it or not, there is no need for me to lie to you.

I came here this time to let you go. "

"So what, the third prince is your bloodline. Not to mention making him the crown prince or giving him the throne, even if you let him ascend the throne now, it is still your Li family's business. What does it have to do with me?" Qin Youcai said: "If the princess doesn't want to leave the palace, there must be a reason why she doesn't want to come out. However, you made this mistake yourself."

Being scolded by Qin Youcai, Ah Si was furious. At that moment, he really wanted to run away and continue fighting to the end.

But his confidence was gone after the continuous defeat.

"Forget about that, you can leave. I want to contact Daming again. I was bullied by a traitor before, so I acted impulsively.

I wish to reconcile with the Ming Dynasty. "Ah Si said.

When Qin Youcai heard this, he burst into laughter, "What? Are you impulsive? How many people tried to persuade you in the first place?
Now you turn around and blame this on others?
You are so hypocritical. It is really bad to be an emperor for your sake.

If you are wrong, then admit it openly and I will respect you.

I don't like how secretive you are! "

Ah Si's face turned red, "What do you mean?"

"I understand what you mean. You want me to go out, and then let me communicate with the court and cease the war, right?"

"Yes!" Ah Si said.

"Impossible, you have a beautiful idea!" Qin Youcai pointed at Ah Si's nose and said: "You attacked first with a sneak attack, but now you want Ming Dynasty to stop the war, no way!

You've already pissed us off. Do you really think it's just two kids playing house?

Let me tell you, you have failed His Majesty the Ming Emperor, you have failed the princess, and you have even failed the Emperor's trust in you.

You are a fool.

If you want to stop the war in Ming Dynasty, you should go to Ming Dynasty in person to obtain forgiveness from His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor.

I, Qin Youcai, am not that capable of bringing the two countries to a truce.

Go back, Your Majesty the Emperor Daqian, my road is not going to work! "

(End of this chapter)

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