big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1784: Hitting the wall one after another!

Ah Si was so angry that he trembled all over, "Do you really want to die that much?"

Qin Youcai said nonchalantly: "Who doesn't want to live longer in life, but I know better that if you kill me, someone will repay you ten or a hundred times in the future.

Our Majesty is the one who protects the calf the most.

Do you know what happened to those who offended His Majesty?
Either he died, or he lived in endless pain for the rest of his life. "

He looked at Ah Si, "I guess your end will not be much better in the future. Li Yue's end will be your end!"

Ah Si's eyes were red with anger, but looking at Qin Youcai who didn't care, he really didn't dare to touch him.

"You wait!"

"I'll wait!" Qin Youcai replied.

After Ah Si left, prison chief Xiao Zhang got up from the ground. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Qin Youcai: "Mr. Qin, are you really not afraid?"

"What's so scary? When a person dies, there are just scars on his head as big as a bowl!" Qin Youcai said.

Xiao Zhang touched his neck subconsciously and kept swallowing his saliva.

At this time, A Si left Dali Temple, feeling increasingly irritable.

Qin Youcai's path was blocked, Qin Shuangshuang ignored him, and Princess Jing'an also scolded him.

Everyone seemed to blame him.

He sent a telegram to Qin Mo, but Qin Mo ignored him.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone was looking at him coldly.

And when he returned to the capital, even worse news came. The Bohai Sea Division was attacked, Gongsun Min was defeated, the Bohai Sea Division base was occupied, and Gongsun Min led his troops to retreat!

After hearing the news, Ah Si sat on the dragon throne, feeling a little at a loss.

The Bohai Navy Base was just occupied?
Da Gan was defeated so completely?
Holding the telegram in hand, Ah Si's anger was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

The Bohai Navy Base is two thousand miles away from the capital, but it is the gateway to the east of Daqian.

Once the Bohai Navy Base falls, the capital will be in danger.

And the entire Liaodong
Ah Si was upset.

He didn't even want to summon Gongsun Wuji and others.

But Gongsun Wuji and others received the news immediately and came in a hurry.

Seeing the expressionless A Si, Gongsun Wuji hurriedly knelt down and confessed, "The humble minister is guilty and has no way to teach his son, so Bohai..."

Ah Si waved his hand feebly, "What does this have to do with uncle? Victory or defeat is a common thing for military officers, and cousin Min also tried his best."

Seeing that A Si was not in good condition, Yu Boshi said worriedly: "Your Majesty, do you need to call the imperial doctor?"

"No need, I'm just a little tired." Ah Siqiang cheered up, "The Bohai Sea Division Base has been occupied. Next, we should strengthen the defense in the east. I will leave this matter to you."

Li Daoyuan said worriedly: "Your Majesty, what did Qin Youcai say?"

"He, he doesn't want to come out," Ah Si said.

"This bastard is really enjoying his life." Li Daoyuan sighed helplessly.

Tang Jian said: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, then it is better for me to be an envoy to the Ming Dynasty."

Several people looked at Tang Jian. This was something they had agreed upon. Daming didn't care at all about Ah Si's apology.

Instead, it accelerated the pace of the war, which made it clear that it was serious about taking action.

Ah Si frowned, "Are you going to Daming?"

"Yes, there are some things that the telegram cannot explain clearly, and it also seems informal. If Wei Chen represents Da Gan, it will appear more formal.

Although Wei Chen is not confident in persuading Qin Mo, it is better than everyone just being here in a hurry.

Moreover, I also believe that Qin Mo is not willing to fight to the death. "

Ah Si said: "Well, since you are willing to go on an envoy, then I will naturally give my full support!" "It is easy to go on an envoy, but I still need your Majesty's cooperation."

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"Write a handwritten letter of apology to Qin Mo and Qin Xiangru, and ask Wei Chen to escort the queen back to Ming Dynasty, on the grounds that the queen returns home to visit relatives.

It would be best to bring the prince and the little princess with you.

Only in this way can Qin Mo's anger be calmed! "

Ah Si hesitated.

Seeing that Ah Si didn't speak, Yu Boshi became anxious and said, "Your Majesty, this is the last resort. If Daming doesn't stop, it means they have ideas about Da Gan from the beginning.

If you want to fight, then fight until the end, and the people can see it. "

"What if they don't come back? What if they support Lao San as emperor?" Ah Si said, "Then wouldn't I be held hostage by him?"

"Then it depends on whether Qin Mo really wants to rob his nephew of the world." Li Daoyuan said: "If this is the case, people in the world will definitely not be ashamed of Qin Mo!"

Ah Si couldn't make up his mind.

Tang Jian said: "Your Majesty, the news of the defeat of the Bohai Sea Navy cannot be concealed for a while, but it cannot be concealed for a lifetime. Once it spreads, it will inevitably lead to domestic turmoil.

The only thing we can do is to set off as soon as possible to quell the war. As long as Ming Dynasty agrees to a ceasefire, all other conditions are easy to negotiate! "

Ah Si looked at the dome and couldn't help but feel that God was unfair, "That's all, go ahead, I agree!"

After hearing this, everyone was overjoyed and praised Ah Si for his wisdom.


Ah Si suddenly felt that this word was ridiculous.

I am afraid that in the eyes of many people, I am a prodigal, a foolish king, or an unfilial person.

The inheritance of our ancestors has been ruined like this!
"Everyone, please go down." Ah Si waved his hand feebly.

After a few people left, Ah Si thought about it and didn't want to go to the Li Zheng Palace, but in the end he asked his eunuch to go find Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang saw A Si's personal eunuch and said, "What are you doing here?"

The eunuch knelt on the ground and said, "Queen, I am here to invite you out. Your Majesty agrees that your Majesty, the prince, and the little princess will leave Daqian and return to Daming to visit their relatives."

It would be better for Tang Guogong to escort the empress away. "

Qin Shuangshuang couldn't help but said: "I don't want anyone else to send it to me. If I want to send it to you, let A Si do it. How can I go home to visit my relatives and my husband doesn't go with me?"

Go and tell A Si, unless he sends me away, I will never leave the Li Zheng Palace! "

The eunuch said with a bitter face: "My dear, the couple had a fight at the end of the bed, Your Majesty."

Qin Shuangshuang was too lazy to listen to his nonsense. He knew very well that Ah Si's sudden surrender must have resulted in a lot of defeats.

His compromise was just because he couldn't bear the pressure, that's all!

In the final analysis, we still hope that the Ming Dynasty will cease the war.

The two wars were both started by Da Qian. I really thought Da Ming was easy to bully.

Seeing that Qin Shuangshuang ignored him, the eunuch had no choice but to go back and report.

After hearing this, Ah Si felt his blood boil, and felt his eyes turning black. "This vicious woman, this bitch, really wants me to die?

I am really unlucky for eight lifetimes to marry such a poisonous woman! "

He said vicious words and completely forgot about his original obsession and love for Qin Shuangshuang.

He is the one who speaks the truth, and it is he who changes his mind.

And Qin Shuangshuang was the same Qin Shuangshuang from beginning to end.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, hurry up, hurry up and fetch Doctor Zan." (End of Chapter)

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