big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1785 4!

Chapter 1785 Forty!

The Ming Dynasty's army was advancing with great success. A large amount of armaments were transported from surrounding bases. Along with the materials, a large number of soldiers and generals were sent to Daqian.

In addition to the 25 troops in the Western Regions, the number of troops deployed in the Central Plains was also increased from the original 10 troops in the two naval fleets to 20.

Moreover, this number is still rising.

The population of the Ming Dynasty is increasing rapidly. In recent years, through measures such as encouraging births, expanding territory, and immigration.

The population of Ming Dynasty is close to 3000 million.

Although the increase in the number of people diluted the proportion of Qin people, this was only temporary.

After winning the battle, these problems will be solved.

How many people are there in the entire Central Plains? Is it 3000 million or 5000 million?
After more than ten years of development, the number of Daqian people has experienced several rounds of surges.

The number of new births reaches new highs every year.

At that time, even if Qin Mo conquered the whole world, he would not have to worry about the Qin people being diluted.

The use of troops against Daqian went smoothly, and Qin Mo was in a good mood.

The children grew up one after another, and Qin Mo also celebrated his 40th birthday.

"40 years old!" Qin Mo sighed with emotion.

On this day, he did not make any special arrangements, but refused the officials' requests for large-scale arrangements on the grounds that the war was tight.

Looking at the people below, Qin Mo said: "The Wanshou Festival in the future will not be a grand event. I will entertain all the ministers in the palace and keep everything simple.

From now on, taking this as an example, I will no longer accept or give valuable gifts. "

Everyone was quite helpless. Qin Mo was an extremely simple person. To put it bluntly, he just didn't like to join in the fun.

This is good, but this day of universal celebration also makes everyone happy and happy.

Fortunately, Qin Mo was not so unkind. He made this day a legal holiday and extended it from one day to two days.

"Your Majesty, this is a birthday that happens once every ten years. Ordinary people have to make special arrangements. You are the Holy One, so..."

"Just because I am the emperor, I have to do something big and special? Now that the soldiers are fighting life and death on the front line, I still want to spend a lot of time at home?
I am already very uneasy because I cannot go to the front line and fight bloody battles with them. Qin Mo waved his hand, "That's it. Let's get down to business." "

Everyone also looked at each other in confusion, and finally had to sigh.

The emperor is so frugal, what can they say?

In fact, they also knew that Qin Mo had always wanted to kill Ming Dynasty's arrogant and extravagant style.

I also want to start from myself.

And many people smelled something different.

It seems that everything will be kept simple for birthday banquets in the future.

"I received a telegram from the Ming Dynasty, saying that Tang Jian came to the Ming Dynasty. What do you think?"

Nowadays, Qin Mo rarely expresses his opinions. He always leaves questions to the people below and then chooses the most suitable one.

If it doesn't suit you, just change it. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and everyone is trying to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Qin Youde was the first to jump out, "So what if he's here? I've tried to tell them to calm down over and over again, but they just kicked their noses and slapped their faces one by one, thinking that we were easy to talk to."

The battle that needs to be fought must continue to be fought.

Once Daqian belongs to us, everyone will be at peace in the future, and there will be no need to consider other things.

This is a once and for all move! "

"Yes, Duke Su is right. No matter who comes, we will not cease the war."

Everyone came one after another, and those centrists and conservatives couldn't get a word in at all.

In fact, it has almost become a consensus that the Ming Dynasty is advancing rapidly, pushing forward all the way, and coupled with the propaganda of the Propaganda Department, it is unified and the war is permanently stopped.

The little emperor made a mistake in asking Tang Jian to come and make peace.

Qin Mo glanced at the others and said, "Du Aiqing, what do you think?"

Du Jingming raised his eyebrows, stepped out of the queue, and said with cupped hands: "Your Majesty, I don't have any objections to the low-ranking ministers. We have already fought here. Everything else is not important. The world praises us and slanders us, and our Ming Dynasty has nothing to lose.

It's just that if we take over the big cadres in the future, we will have to spend more time managing them. "

In fact, these senior officials are extremely complicated in their hearts.

They left Daqian because they were disappointed with Daqian, so they came to Ming Dynasty.

But they never thought about going against Da Gan.

He never thought that one day he would win Daqian.

Do they want to go back to Daqian again?
Fate is ridiculous.

However, the little emperor was too stupid. Qin Mo had been laying down rules and maintaining peace within the rules.

A red line has also been drawn. Even if there is a war in the future, the war will be mostly in the Western Region and will not spread to the borders of the two countries.

But the little emperor doesn't believe in evil and insists on trying to die by holding his neck, what can he do?
He did not avoid any of the traps drawn by Qin Mo.

At present, the world will be dominated by the Ming Dynasty, which has great righteousness.

How to lose?
Unless Daqian's technology advances by leaps and bounds and catches up with Ming Dynasty, will it be possible to compete.

Dou Xuanling also said: "The little emperor has lost the hearts of the people and the whole world has expelled him!"

Such familiar words, everyone said the same thing when the Northern Zhou Emperor stepped down.

Qin Mo nodded, "That's it!"

After the dynasty ended, Qin Mo took the time to visit the old patriarch.

The old patriarch is nearly ten years older than his father, making him eighty-seventy years old.

After all, my body is not as good as it used to be, and I am also suffering from a lot of pain now. This disease makes my feet unable to touch the ground.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for not being able to come down to pay your respects to Your Majesty."

Qin Mo stopped him quickly, sat by the bed, and held his hand, "Old patriarch, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to cure you."

"Your Majesty, don't bother." The old patriarch was already thin, and he was even more frail now. "At my age, I have already lived enough.

We, the Qin people, suffered a lot back then, even our ancestral land was occupied by others.

It’s so hard that we can only rely on others and be bullied, but we dare not say a word.

Later, someone said that the child who ran away from home had become the Duke of Qin, so I could only take the risk and bring my tribe here to have a look.

But I didn't expect it to be true.

The Supreme Emperor is a nobleman of our Qin clan.

If it weren't for the Supreme Emperor, we might still be living under someone else's roof, homeless.

Of course, our Qin people are most fortunate to have you.

It has brought our Qin clan to an unprecedented peak.

Our Qin people have straightened their backs, spread their branches and leaves, and enjoyed all the glory and wealth. This is what we can't get even if we do good deeds for ten lifetimes.

Seeing how well everyone is doing, I have nothing to regret.

However, the only pity I feel is that we cannot see us return to the big fight.

Let’s come to Daming. I’ve been holding a fire in my stomach.

Now, the fire is gone.

I have no worries and my life is really wonderful. "

He held Qin Mo's hand, his cloudy eyes filled with gratitude.

Qin Mo felt a little emotional. On that morning more than 20 years ago, this little old man came to the door with a group of Qin people who looked like refugees!

(End of this chapter)

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