big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1786 Inheritance!

Those people were pitiful, their clothes were ragged, and their children were as skinny as monkeys.

Only Qin Youde and a few others stood up to support the situation.

But they still couldn't hide the fear and nervousness in their bones.

Qin Mo didn't know what he was thinking at the beginning. Before that, they had no interaction, but he could trust them unconditionally and regard them as his family.

Perhaps, this is the power of clan in this era.

He suddenly understood why there were clans in the feudal era.

It was one after another small people who gathered together to fight for their own interests and prevent themselves from being bullied by outsiders.

Because the rulers of this era have no conscience.

Even when he first came to Daqian, the rulers only governed the people according to the script.

They just want to add a few more impressive feats to their resume.

Have they ever thought about Xiaomin?

Will not.

I really thought that by planting a few pieces of land in Huangzhuang, I would understand the hardships of people's livelihood.


"We are all in the same family, why are you talking about this?" Qin Mo patted his hand and comforted him: "You, relax, I will take care of this big family, and I will definitely let them all prosper.

Anyone who dares not to make a difference."

"Just slap the big mouth!" Qing Xianggui said: "These little bastards have to be chased with whips from behind, otherwise they will not make progress.

You must not be too nice to them. If you are a slut, just kick them all out.

We Qin people don’t want to be rubbish! "

Qin Mo nodded, "Don't worry, I will take care of the Qin clan."

Qin Xianggui smiled and said, "I'm relieved."

He glanced at the family members standing next to him, "You all must be loyal and patriotic. This is our country. If you are lazy in the future, I will never rest in peace!"

A filial son and a filial grandson knelt on the ground.

Qin Mo didn't say anything, just held his increasingly cold hand.

However, Qin Xianggui became more and more excited and energetic, as if he wanted to show off the momentum he had once led the clan.

"Think about how difficult it was for our Qin people back then. It was difficult for the whole family to wear the same clothes. It was difficult for our ancestral land to be occupied. It was difficult for us to be under the protection of others and bullied every day.

It's so hard that I can't sleep all night long. Sometimes, I can dream about the ancestors of our Qin tribe.

I was so ashamed that I hid in my room wiping tears every day.
You are lucky and you are good. My children and grandchildren must love their country! "

After saying this, the corners of the old patriarch's mouth raised slightly, and he glanced at Qin Mo one last time, and the light in his eyes dissipated little by little.

In the end, the breath was gone.

His hand dropped weakly.

Qin Mo felt uncomfortable and panicked, and said: "Come, the old patriarch is a clean and filial son, come and help me, change the old patriarch's clothes!"

As soon as these words came out, the filial son and filial grandson burst into tears.

The entire Qin clan also dared to come after hearing the news.

Those who were in Xijing also rushed over as soon as possible, and those who were not in Xijing also sent messages to them, asking them to come back as soon as possible.

Qin Xiangru also came.

Looking at the clan brother, he also bowed and offered incense.

The ministers of the court also came, and people kept coming to express their condolences.

The two emperors supported the old patriarch. Everyone saw the conscience of the father and son, and they also saw the human touch of the old Qin clan.

Qin Xiangru wrote an elegiac couplet himself, feeling sad from the bottom of his heart.

Back then, his clan brother took good care of him.

His parents died young, and they would have died long ago if it weren't for the help of people in the clan.But at that time, everyone was poor and not eating well, and the world was in chaos, so he was really hungry.

Taking the family heirloom, he went out hunting.

The clan brother said that while there was war and chaos outside, they could still survive by hiding here.

He said he didn't want to starve to death here.

As a result, he met Li Shilong while hunting.

After being gone for decades, when they saw their clan brothers again, both of them had white frost on their heads.

He brought his tribe here to find a hope of survival.

He kept wiping away tears when he talked about these past events, "My brother has always been in good health, but he passed away so suddenly this time. I still have many things I haven't said to him."

Qin Mo said: "Dad, the old patriarch has no regrets. He smiled when he left."

Qin Xiangru nodded, "That's good. Tonight, we, father and son, will accompany our clan brothers."

The father and son stayed with Qin Xiangru all night. They both hoped that this would be made a common practice in the clan.

A few days later, Qin Mo personally sent Qin Xianggui up the mountain.

Logically speaking, his identity is absolutely impossible.

But he did it anyway.

Those old people who followed him will be sent away one by one in the future.

When they come, they follow me, and when they leave, I also hope to be able to talk to them, so that they can leave with peace of mind.

This is called a beginning and an end.

After seeing off the old patriarch, Qin Mo was in a very low mood for a while. To the world, it was just the death of a long-lived old man, but to Qin Mo, what he left was a story, a person he respected and trusted. 's elders.

He looked back and saw people following him one after another and trusting him.

This story continues.

Qin Mo suddenly figured it out.

He understood the meaning of inheritance.

The older generation has passed the fire into their own hands, and they have the obligation to pass this fire on to the next generation.

Generation after generation, people add more firewood to the fire. In the end, the fire cannot be extinguished by pouring water or covering it with sand!

Seeing Qin Mo's mood getting better again, Fang Chun said, "Have you figured it out?"

"Well, I figured it out. I always feel that I am cold-blooded than before. Maybe I have seen too much life and death?"

Fang Shun reached out and knocked Qin Mo, "This is called maturity!"

"Senior sister, just say what you say. Can you please stop taking action? I'm forty years old and I'm still being beaten by you!"

"So what if you are four hundred years old?" Fang Shuan raised his head, "Unless you are not my junior brother!"

Qin Mo suddenly withered, "Yes, yes, whatever senior sister says is right."

Fang Chun, who is in his 40s, has signs of age on his face. Fortunately, Yuan Tiangang has good medical skills. Over the years, Fang Chun has been given secret medicine, so Fang Chun has always been in good health.

The ugly scar on his chest gradually faded away.

"Miaoyun, when we go to Daqian, can you accompany me to the grassland?"

"What are you doing in the grassland?"

Fang Chun said: "I want to go to the place where we got married."

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Okay, when I give up my seat, I will take you to go sightseeing and go where you want to go."

Fang Shun hugged Qin Mo, "Miaoyun, why are you so good? They say men will change their hearts, but after so many years, aren't you tired of me?"

Qin Mo was bullied by her back then, but now that he is an emperor, he is still being bullied in front of her, unable to fight back or retaliate when scolded.

"If you don't get tired of it, I can still play for decades!" Qin Mo said with a grin: "Who makes me, senior sister, naturally beautiful? Even when she is old, she is still a beauty!" (End of Chapter)

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