big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1787 Aren’t you afraid that they will be pissed off by you?

In the blink of an eye, September has arrived.

At this time, it had been more than half a year since the war between the two countries.

In the past six months, the two sides have been fighting fiercely.

Over in the Western Regions, Yuchi Nobuxiong had lost the Yuezhi Governor's Mansion, and Li Shuang'an was temporarily in charge of the army and led it to guard Qiuci.

Most of Tianxiang was also captured.

Qin Mo has been serving as the No. 1 governor of the celestial phenomena for a long time, and the nobles here are deeply afraid of Qin Mo.

Without much resistance, they complied with the rule of Ming Dynasty.

The countries in Southeast Asia also fell.

In fact, many small countries in Nanyang were almost evacuated by Qin Mo before, and the number of people left behind was not very large.

Of course, these small countries still had kings who were affiliated with them, and they turned a blind eye to what Qin Mo did back then. Even the huge profits from the slave trade made these kings dizzy and arrested their own citizens on a large scale.

Then there is Annan and Lingnan.

To the west of Lingnan, they even reached the vicinity of Sichuan and Shu.

The Bohai Sea Naval Base has been contributed, and it can be said that it has blossomed in many aspects.

Qin Mo spoke up at the World Conference, saying that Ah Si was acting rebelliously, provoking a war, and was alienated from morality, and the Ming Dynasty would fight to the end.

Qin Mo also responded to the rumors about his uncle robbing his nephew's country, and even detailed his views on the matter in "Records of the Ming Dynasty".

He said: "If the Ming Dynasty were not full of martial virtue, how could the young emperor depose his own prince and establish his legitimate son as prince?
In this life, I am worthy of heaven, earth, and even more worthy of Li Qian.

The mistake was made by the little emperor himself, why should my nephew take the blame?

Does a child less than four years old understand what war is?
This despicable act is simply shameful to the extreme!
I would rather conquer Daqian and return the world to my nephew than be threatened by the little emperor.

You should bear your own mistakes by yourself, instead of dragging everyone else along with you.

For the sake of their own selfish desires, they ignored the peace that thousands of soldiers had sacrificed their lives for.

That narrow-mindedness made him miss his childhood sweetheart's first wife.

Ignoring the laws of the country and reversing the course of history is a big sin. "

Qin Mo's words spread like crazy, and Tang Jian happened to arrive at the port of Xijing in the Ming Dynasty at this time.

However, what greeted him was a rough seizure by the navy.

"I am the Duke of Tang Dynasty in Daqian. I want to see His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. I am here for peace talks." Tang Jian said loudly: "I am not here to cause trouble."

"Who cares about you, sir, once you come to the Ming Dynasty, don't even think about going back!" The navy general laughed ferociously, "You actually dare to send me here by yourself. Do you really think that the blade of my Ming Dynasty is bad?"

"General, I, I am Tang Jian. I have a good relationship with His Majesty the Ming Dynasty. If he knew that I was coming, he would definitely see me. You are treating me like this."

"Fuck you, just stay here!"

With that said, he put his foot on Tang Jian's butt and put him into prison.

Tang Jian fell to the ground, and all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

"Ouch, damn fool Qin, I came all the way here, forget it if you don't see me, and let me be humiliated like this!" Tang Jian lay on the ground and waited for a long time before he recovered.

He cursed in prison, "God damn Qin Hanzi, if you have the ability to kill me, I think you are a tycoon."

Come, kill me." Seeing Tang Jian yelling, the jailers did not dare to use heavy weapons except for scolding and cursing.

After all, Tang Jian was the minister of Honglu Temple in Daqian, and he was considered an important hostage.

Tang Jian scolded him for a whole day until his throat became hoarse, but no one came.

He sat helplessly on the ground, with a dejected look on his face, "Qin Mo, is this your attitude?
Do you really no longer miss your old relationship? "

As he finished speaking, a voice rang in his ear, "I've been scolding you all day. You must be thirsty or hungry. I brought you something to eat. It's your favorite roasted chicken and water and wine!"

That familiar voice made Tang Jian tremble all over.

Tang Jian looked up and saw a familiar figure, and he immediately became excited, "Qin Hanzi, you are so majestic. It's just that you don't see me when I come, and you let people bully me like this.

Where is your conscience, has it been eaten by a dog?
Didn't you forget that I was there to help you when you were doing this?

I have hard work without any merit, right?
Even if we are in different camps now, it wouldn't be better than bullying me like this, right? "

Tang Jian grabbed the railing, with a look of grievance on his face, and spitted on Qin Mo's face.

Qin Mo wiped his face and handed the thing over, "I can leave if you don't want to eat!"

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't seem to be joking, Tang Jian took the food and said, "If you don't eat, you will eat for free. You will be poor, you bastard!"

As he said that, he started to devour it.

"I put poison in it!" Qin Mo threatened.

"I would rather be poisoned to death than humiliated to death. At least I can be a well-fed ghost before I die!" Tang Jian said angrily.

Qin Mo smiled and shook his head, asked someone else to open the prison door, and then sat next to him, "I didn't want to come at first, but when I thought about you coming here despite your age, I couldn't bear it, so I came over to take a look.

Now that I see that you can eat, drink, and curse, you are full of energy and have strong bones, it seems that I am here early.

I should let people starve you for ten days and a half, and then let you lie on the ground and beg for mercy. "

"You, the Ming Dynasty emperor, would not use such dirty methods." Tang Jian knew very well that the prison was close to the floor, the lights were bright, and there was a bed for lying on. It was clear that it was a detention room, not a prison.

Qin Mo did it on purpose.

While eating roast chicken and drinking wine, he said, "I came here this time to ask you to show me your kindness. It is not easy for Da Qian to be where he is today.

There is also your own hard work in it. Can you bear to see all your years of hard work go up in flames?
There are many people out there who admire you and believe in you.

Do you want them to feel that the person they admire and believe in is an executioner? "

"So what, Daqian is not my Daqian, so what's the use of feeling sorry for me? If I want to change this situation, only by making Daqian mine can I really let Daqian go according to my ideas. .

You also said that there is my hard work in this, am I just going to watch my hard work being destroyed? "

"I can't tell you anything, but do you really not miss your old feelings at all?" Tang Jian said: "The Emperor's condition is really not good, and his life depends entirely on Zan Ying's superb medical skills.

The Queen Mother is not in good condition either. She suddenly fell seriously ill this year. "

"The lives of both of them have always been hung by me." Qin Mo sighed.

Tang Jian didn't understand. Qin Mo had indeed saved Li Shilong's life, but why was the life of Empress Dowager Gongsun dependent on him again?

But at this time, he was unwilling to dwell on the details, "Aren't you afraid that they will be pissed off by you?" (End of Chapter)

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