big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1792 Weakness!

Chapter 1792 Weakness!

Qin Shuangshuang looked at these people and said quietly: "I disappoint you. I, Qin Shuangshuang, am no longer a big-time person.

As for my son, I still say the same thing, I will take him home.

You want to sever my relationship with the Qin family and Daming, but that's impossible.

I don't care about the vast country.

The only people I care about are those who work hard.

Now, the people in Daqian are not worthy of my nostalgia.

I don’t care if anyone visits my grave after I die. Who knows what will happen after my death?
If I were the Queen Mother, I would still tell my son and tell him everything. Do you think he, the emperor, would hate his uncle for stealing his world?
Will not.

Tell Si, I am the next Princess Jing'an! "

After saying that, she turned around and entered the Li Zheng Hall again.

The palace door was closed and everyone sat down.

They saw the shadow of Qin Mo in Qin Shuangshuang and the determination of Princess Jing'an.

For Qin Mo, what he cared about was the people of Daqian, so he missed the past.

For Princess Jing'an, going home is her obsession.

Qin Shuangshuang is a combination of two people.

Everyone looked at Gongsun Wuji.

Gongsun Wuji sighed, "No more, I can't say anything anymore. Her stubbornness is deeper than we imagined."

"How about asking the Empress Dowager to come forward?" Li Daoyuan said.

Gongsun Wuji said helplessly: "It seems that this is the only way to go!"

Everyone looked at Li Zhengdian helplessly and left immediately.

After Qin Shuangshuang made this decision, she didn't feel anything was wrong, but felt relieved.

These people tried to tempt her with big cakes, but she refused to take the bait.

She knew very well that once she became the queen mother, her eldest brother would most likely withdraw his troops.

Because it is impossible for the eldest brother to come and beat himself or his nephew.

These people are like this because they understand their elder brother's weaknesses.

She had already made a mistake when she came to work, so how could she continue to make a mistake?
Now she just hopes that the Ming people will come over as soon as possible and take her back. She is not willing to stay in this miserable place for a moment.

At this time, Gongsun Wuji and others arrived at Da'an Palace.

"Old Emperor, your Majesty will not accept it. She is determined to return to the Ming Dynasty!" Gongsun Wuji squatted beside Li Shilong's bed and whispered.

Li Shilong turned to look at the others, and seeing that they were all helpless, he said, "That woman looks very much like Qin Mo. She is a very measured person, and her toughness is not inferior to that of Jing'an."

Empress Dowager Gongsun was standing aside, her face expressionless, and she felt uncomfortable inside.

When Ah Si came down, it was Li Shilong who overdid this matter.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to successfully evade Ah Si.

As for her mother, she could only watch from the sidelines, helpless.

At this time, when she heard Gongsun Wuji's words, her dissatisfaction reached the extreme, "Now that his son is the emperor, what else can he do if he allows her to supervise the government?
Is it possible that she really wants to destroy Da Gan?

Even if we feel sorry for her, we have done everything we should do. The harem has never been involved in politics. The two men, Li Qian, are still there and they both tacitly allow her to supervise the government. What else can we do? "

Everyone was silent, that's why, but Qin Shuangshuang is an emotional person.

This is the same as Qin Mo.

"Needless to say, one wrong step, one wrong step after another, let's continue the peace talks with the Ming Dynasty now. I don't have much time." As he said that, Li Shilong coughed violently. His condition was getting worse. Whether he could survive this winter was very unclear. Hard to say.

Zan Ying almost lives here now because he is afraid that something bad will happen to him.

After this tone came over, Li Shilong continued: "Da Qian, you can't die in front of my eyes. Use my telegram to send Qin Mo a message and ask him what he wants. Ask him if he will help me in the future." Spirit or not.

If he hits the capital in front of me, I will hate him. "

Everyone felt sad.

The majestic Tian Khan said such words, which makes people feel sad no matter how you look at them.

Heroes are late, but that's all.

"If he wanted to stop, he would have stopped long ago." Empress Dowager Gongsun said, "If it doesn't work, I will go to the Ming Dynasty to beg him and kneel before him to see if he can bear it."

These words were naturally made out of anger. Even if Da Qian failed, it would be impossible for the Empress Dowager to kneel down and beg for help.

Then they might as well all die on the battlefield.

"Old Emperor, since your Majesty is unwilling to come to court and there is no one around at this time, how about asking the Empress Dowager to assist?" Gongsun Wuji asked tentatively.

Empress Dowager Gongsun was also shocked.

Li Shilong took a deep look at Gongsun Wuji, and then shook his head heavily, "No!"

Gongsun Wuji is already the first assistant minister in the cabinet. If the Empress Dowager Gongsun controls the government and he is no longer around, there may be a big disaster in the future.

That's not what he wants to see.

"Let's just say to the outside world that the Queen Mother is coming to court. No matter whether outsiders believe it or not, as long as Ming Dynasty sees our attitude, it will be fine.

If that bitch Qin Mo still wants to send troops, then send him a telegram to tell him, and then I will personally go to Ming Dynasty to beg him.

As long as he is ruthless, I will die on the ship at worst! "After Li Shilong finished speaking, he coughed violently. There was helplessness and regret in his eyes. He even hated his son for not being talented.

In fact, he was thinking that it would be better to let Shi 56 go, or choose a more mediocre emperor, who would at least be obedient and not have so many opinions.

Or, withstand all the pressure and let Li Xin come on!
At the very least, Daqian will not fall into endless war now.

"Yes, old prince!" Gongsun Wuji said hurriedly.

Zan Ying spoke at this time: "The old prince should not talk for a long time. Everyone, please go back and don't let the old prince's mood fluctuate too much."

"Go back, everyone!" Li Shilong waved his hand.

Several people left Da'an Palace with sad faces.

You can only act according to Li Shilong's orders.

The next day, the news that Qin Shuangshuang came to the court to assist the emperor was sent out, and within a few days, the news reached the Ming Dynasty.

Before that, Li Shilong used his own exclusive telegram to send a [-]-word telegram to Qin Mo.

For the first time in the telegram, Li Shilong did not scold Qin Mo. The entire text was full of helplessness and pleading.

Looking at this text, Qin Mo actually felt a little sad.

Tian Khan was pushed up by him with one hand.

He witnessed the birth of Tian Khan, and also witnessed the heroic twilight of Tian Khan.

When he begged him, Qin Mo couldn't bear it.

Especially after Li Zhao ascended the throne and Qin Shuangshuang came to court, his choices seemed to be even smaller.

Go forward despite the infamy, or stop at this moment!
But now it has reached this point.

Qin Mo leaned on the dragon chair, his mind filled with the past.

These people are quite scheming, and they really drove him into a corner with one move.

They know their own weaknesses so well that they stab themselves in the heart.

How to do?
This is the most difficult time Qin Mo has experienced since the war began.

He doesn't care about Li Shilong, the Empress Dowager Gongsun, or his nephew.

But sister, he can't care less!
(End of this chapter)

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