big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1793 Accompanying!

Chapter 1793 Accompanying!

If Qin Shuangshuang really comes to court, he really won't be able to fight anymore.

However, based on his understanding of Qin Shuangshuang, it should be impossible.

But maybe, she did it for the sake of her children.

Ming Dynasty is too far away from Daqian.

After much thought, he decided to see if Qin Shuangshuang was really coming to court. If so, he wanted to communicate with Qin Shuangshuang.

Thinking of this, he did not immediately give the order to stop the attack.

Instead, he called Qin Youde and others over and talked about the matter.

Hearing this, Qin Youde and others also found it quite difficult.

"Your Majesty, these people are so insidious. Knowing that they were no match for us, they put the little prince on the throne and the princess as regent. But who knows if the little emperor is controlling everything behind the scenes?
The princess has been imprisoned before and has no power. Will those people really listen to her? Qin Youde said: "I think that if His Majesty is moved by compassion, it would be better for us to capture the capital of Daqian and then return the capital to the young prince." "

Is it possible to defeat Daqian and then return it to Daqian?
Not to mention others, will those soldiers who have been through life and death agree?

Qin Mo couldn't do such a stupid thing.

He knew that this was just a reason for him to continue sending troops.

"If Shuangshuang really comes to power, it won't matter. We have gained so much territory, and we have taken advantage of this battle. The two countries can open a border market in the future.

However, it would be a pity to stop at this point. "Qin Mo said.

"Your Majesty is wise and must not fall into the enemy's tricks." Qin Youde said hurriedly: "I believe that this battle must continue. After the battle is over, I will consider whether to return the territory to Daqian."

Or, like Nanfan, divide an area and return it to Li Qian. "

Qin Mo nodded. In this way, it makes sense and can stop everyone in the world from talking, but it is easy to lose the big tail.

In the future, when Li Zhao grows up, he may not know what he will think when he hears the rumors.

He is different from Li Shuangan. Li Shuangan has been determined to bring peace between the two countries since he was a child.

But this probability is extremely low. Even if the mother is around to teach, it is difficult to say that the child will not be carried away by power.

"That's all it takes."

This meeting lasted for a full hour, and finally Qin Mo decided to continue to increase his troops and capture Daqian as quickly as possible.

It also determined how to deal with Daqian in the future.

As for Qin Shuangshuang's safety, Qin Mo is not worried unless those people don't want to live anymore.

Moreover, he also made two preparations.

After leaving Fengtian Palace, Qin Mo met Lao Qin, who expressed support for his decision, "War is not a child's play. If you want peace, let's fight to the end.

I understand this child Shuangshuang. If she was really greedy for power, she would have gone to great lengths to contact us and ask us to send troops to attack the capital.

So this is probably Daqian's plan to get us to retreat. "

"How is my aunt lately?"

"Just like that, I miss my daughter. I don't think about tea and food every day, and I don't want to move. The doctor saw her and said it was a heart disease. As long as she sees Shuangshuang, she can be cured without medicine." Qin Xiangru said helplessly.

Qin Mo sighed, and then saw Qin Xiuying. When she saw Qin Mo, there was a smile on her face, but the scowl between her eyebrows could not be removed at all.

Qin Mo told her the latest news, "Auntie, no matter what, we are both safe now. You don't have to worry too much. If you give me some more time, I will definitely bring them back, mother and son, safely."

"Hey, I'm not worried about this. I'm just afraid that those people will use the child to threaten her. That silly girl is a strong person and can do anything." Qin Xiuying felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.If she can't see Qin Shuangshuang this day, she will feel uneasy.

"Don't worry, my people have been protecting her. If they really dare to do this, my people will take action." Qin Mo said.

Qin Xiuying nodded.

Qin Xiangru came over with food and said, "If you act like this, let alone see your daughter, she will be tortured to death before she comes back.

Do you still think that you are a young girl and it is okay to be hungry every day like before? "

Although Qin Xiangru was blaming her, he actually felt sorry for her. Originally, Qin Xiuying's health had always been very good, and she had not had a single incident in several years.

Things have not been going well since the war started.

"It's a good time to die and let you find a young and beautiful wife!"

"I'm already old. I can't afford to beg but can't afford to play. What's the use?" Qin Xiangru glared at her, "You still have the energy to argue with me. It seems you're not hungry enough. I should continue to let you starve for three days." Five days!”

Seeing the two arguing, Qin Mo also smiled bitterly, but maybe this is the meaning of his wife.

Qin Xiuying was unforgiving, but when faced with the spoon handed to her by Qin Xiangru, she still opened her mouth obediently.

The companionship and understanding of a loved one is one of the best medicines.

Qin Mo was also there to accompany him. The older he got, the more he understood the meaning of companionship.

When he was young, he liked peace and quiet. Although he also likes peace and quiet now, he understands that at this age, it is a blessing to have elders to be filial to and children and grandchildren to surround one's knees.

He is very happy, with a group of sensible, well-behaved and capable children, and a group of lovely grandchildren.

And Qin Xiuying only has Qin Shuangshuang.

This is why she suddenly fell ill.

After Qin Xiuying rested, Qin Mo asked Lao Qin, "Dad, do you really want to have a little wife?"

Qin Xiangru scolded: "What a shame, I can afford it now, but I can't afford it. If you want me to die, just say so!"

"Death under peonies, it's cool to be a ghost!" Qin Mo joked.

Qin Xiangru raised his hand to hit him. If it had been before, Qin Mo would have run away, but now he was motionless and allowed his father to hit him.

The slap was neither painful nor itchy, and it made Qin Mo laugh, "Dad, I'm old, and I'm tired of hitting him!"

Qin Xiangru snorted and pointed at the crooked-necked tree that was like a canopy at that moment, "Believe it or not, I will hang you from the tree and beat you!"

Qin Mo nodded, "Believe it!"

However, he took a closer look and saw how many monkeys were there in the tree?
Wait, that's not a monkey, that's his little grandson!
Under the tree, a group of eunuchs were walking around anxiously.

"Hey, ancestors, please be careful and don't fall!"

Seeing Qin Mo and Qin Xiangru coming over, these little eunuchs were so frightened that their legs went weak.

Qin Xiangru looked at the 'monkeys' climbing up and down the tree and grinned, "Great-grandchildren, grandpa is here!"

With that said, Qin Xianggru climbed up quickly.

"Oh, Your Majesty, please wait a minute!" Gao Shilian said with a bitter face: "Okay, no wonder the whole family likes to climb trees, it turns out the root of it comes from here!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Mo couldn't help but said: "Dad, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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