big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1828: Let that bitch come over!

"It's already this time, and you're still thinking about him." Li Xue was a little angry. Even if his uncle was in poor health, he wouldn't let his sister be bullied like this?
It doesn't matter if he can't take care of his son. Does he even think that what his son said is right?
Princess Jing'an said: "It seems that your uncle is in charge of everything now, but he can't even get out of Da'an Palace. He can only lie in bed and suffer day by day.

He doesn’t know I’m like this, so don’t blame him. "

Li Xue couldn't get rid of her anger, "Okay, let's not talk about him anymore. In short, you should come back to Daming with me in the future. If you don't go, I will also take you away!"

At this time, Li Yulan and others entered the palace and saw the emaciated Li Shilong lying on the bed. They burst into tears. The four girls knelt on the ground and burst into tears, "Father, why are you like this!"

Seeing Li Yulan and others, Li Shilong was also very excited. At this moment, he couldn't help but have red eyes, "My daughter, I thought I would never see you again."

Li Yushu and Xiaojiu even threw themselves on Li Shilong, "Father, you have suffered!"

The Queen Mother Gongsun on the side also kept wiping tears.

Gongsun Wuji and others couldn't help but sigh when they saw the scene of father and daughter meeting.

After a while, Li Shilong calmed down and asked: "Why did that bitch let you guys come over? There are so many artillery fires, and there are mines laid outside. If anything happens to you guys, I can't spare him." .”

Li Yulan shook his head and said: "A few of us insisted on coming, I don't blame Lang Jun!"

"What are you guys doing? Are you here to persuade me?" Li Shilong said.

"Yes, we are here to advise you. To this day, we will not say whether it is right or wrong, and it would be meaningless to say it again.

Lower it, don't fight anymore, that will not do any good except increase death! "Xiaojiu said: "I really can't bear to see my home being beaten to pieces. "

Li Shilong's mood was extremely complicated, "If you ask me to surrender, then Daqian will die, and I will become the king of subjugation.

How are you going to see your grandfather and the ancestors of the Li family after death? "

"The unification of the East and the West is the general trend. In the future, Hanzi will unify the world and divide the nine states. Perhaps in this way, peace in the true sense can be achieved!" Li Yushu said: "When we came, we begged Hanzi, and Hanzi said that as long as we surrender, , the state of Daqian can be retained, and unlike Nanfan, the autonomy of Daqian can be retained."

"Doesn't that mean I become a vassal?" Li Shilong is the Khan of Heaven. He has always been the only one who can be vassalized by others, so how can he be vassaled by others?

"What do you mean by being a vassal or not? Father, don't think so."

Li Shilong interrupted Li Yushu, "I already knew that you are here to be lobbyists. Needless to say, even if I die, I will not be a vassal of the Ming Dynasty.

I, Li Shilong, can be the king of subjugation, but I will definitely be someone who is greedy for life and afraid of death. "

Li Yulan said: "Father, I heard from Lang Jun before that the world is divided into nine states, and the nine states are huge. In the end, the nine states will be classified into nine regions.

It can be understood as the nine kingdoms.

It is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to completely rule these nine states.

Daqian is naturally one of the nine states. If the world is unified and the nine states are unified, from now on, there will be no distinction between you and me, so how can there be any distinction between us and the enemy?

If Da Qian Guozuo is retained, perhaps a state can be named after Da Qian.

Don't think about yourself, but also think about Li Zhao.

All the people in the world combined are not as numerous as Daqian and Daming. If time passes and they multiply, the world will be full of people from Daqian and Daming.

We all have the same skin color, the same blood, speak the same words, write the same characters, and share the same identity.

Daqian will not subjugate the country, and you are not the king who subjugates the country.

Li Zhao, Li Zhao's descendants, will continue to multiply.

Why bother arguing about the length of time?

Do you have to have your relatives kill each other until the end before you finally wake up?

Previously, Lang Jun had tried his best to protect the relationship between the two countries, but what was the result?
If you had stopped A Si in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.Both countries are doing well and will jointly govern the world.

Maybe 30 years, maybe 50 years, or even longer peace.

Lang Jun was extremely disappointed and exhausted before he made this decision.

We couldn't find any reason to persuade him.

This time he came to Daqian, not to supervise the battle. He said that he wanted to let some people survive as much as possible.

He really couldn't bear to see those old friends die tragically in their old age.

Uncles, Uncle Chengjun Wang, Uncle Heng Wang, Yu Guogong, Tang Guogong.
All those acquaintances were in his heart.

But what he misses most is you! "

Li Yulan choked up and said: "Lang Jun, he cares about you the most and only cares about you the most. He said that there has never been any personal hatred between you and him.

Therefore, he and you will never look at each other with hatred.

He still regards you as his most respected and trusted elder.

Therefore, he hopes that you can be well and can provide for you until your death.

Waiting for you for a hundred years, he will keep your filial piety and support your soul.

So, he was willing to give in, and he could even change the entire plan.

For nothing else, I just want to have a clear mind, I just want to have a clear conscience! "

Li Yulan's words made everyone in Da'an Palace lose their minds.

Gongsun Wuji was silent. For some reason, he suddenly felt like crying.

It feels like I repay the enemy with a knife, and the enemy repays me with a song. In the end, it is the enemy who misses me the most.

Li Shilong's lips trembled, and his eyes were indescribably complicated. He was touched and relieved, but more importantly, he was relieved.

"So, I'm old enough that I want him to take pity on me!" Li Shilong laughed at himself, "That bitch always likes to play the emotional card, and this time is no exception."

"Father, this is not an emotional card, this is the fool's sincerity." Li Yushu said: "Stop fighting, sit down and talk!"

She didn't dare to say surrender, fearing that this sentence would irritate this arrogant and stubborn old man.

Xiaojiu said: "I'm still pregnant and can't hear the sound of the explosion. Father, you just agreed. Can we sit down and talk?"

Li Shilong looked down and realized that Xiaojiu's belly was swollen, and he became even more angry, "This bitch is really crazy. I'm asking you to come here. If anything happens, I'll beat him to death."

Okay, now that he is here, I really want to see him.

It's okay, you let that bitch come over alone. As long as he has the courage to come over, I will promise him anything.

See if that bitch dares! "

Hearing this, Li Yulan said: "Father, aren't you trying to make things difficult for others?"

"Hmph, he's using you to coerce me, but I want to see if he has the guts to come here.

If you don’t have the guts, there’s no need to talk! "(End of chapter)

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