big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1829: Gentlemen, come on stage with me!

"Father, please don't embarrass him at this time." Xiao Jiu begged: "Do we have to fight to the death?

Moreover, I am really not blackmailing you. You don’t know how much your brother-in-law loves us. How could you let us take risks? "

"He just knows that I won't hurt his daughter, so he lets you come here with confidence and boldness." Li Shilong said: "I put my words here today. If that bitch dares to come over, everything will be easy to talk about.

If you don’t dare to come over, there’s no need to talk! "


All the girls knelt down and begged.

But Li Shilong was as determined as if he had eaten a weight, and he was determined to let Qin Mo come over for negotiation.

"I just want that bitch to feel something. When we held the world conference, he asked Ah Si to come over and let him feel it!"

"Father, how can it be the same? The relationship between the two countries was still good at that time. Didn't he come to Daqing? Didn't he stay here with you for three months?" Li Yushu said: "What about A Si? That's not what we can do. Evaluation, but now you are forcing yourself to do something difficult.

When you came, I said, don't let us advise you, just stay with you, so as not to cause more troubles.

But how can we, as daughters, watch you get hurt?

The palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh. It’s really embarrassing for me and our sisters. "

Li Lizhen also cried and echoed, "That's right, you men just know how to fight and kill without caring about other people's feelings."

Li Shilong was a little upset, "Anyway, if that bitch dares to come, I respect him as a hero, and we can talk about anything!"
If he doesn't dare to come, then he is a traitor and a thief. I will hate him forever! "

Li Yulan and the others were in a particularly difficult position.

When they entered the city, they knew who looked at them with hatred.

Even if he is like this, if Qin Mo comes, will those people be able to bear it?
Doesn't it mean that Qin Mo will be cut into pieces with a thousand swords?
If Qin Mo does anything bad, do they still have the nerve to go back and face their children, their father-in-law, and the millions of people in the Ming Dynasty?
I'm afraid I can only die with Qin Mo, right?
"Wuji, go call Qin Mo and tell him that Jingyang and the others have come over. If he wants to talk to me, he can come over by himself.

We can talk about anything. If you don't dare to come, let him lead troops to break through the walls of the capital. "

When Gongsun Wuji heard this, his scalp went numb. Who is Qin Mo? Since he dared to let the princesses come over, he was determined to win.

But no normal person would come here at this time, right?
Come to die?
Unless Qin Mo's head is abnormal.

In his opinion, Li Shilong was really a bit pushy.

It was completely different from that time at the World Conference.

Ah Si is simply timid, suspicious and ill, and cannot be compared with Qin Mo.

"Old Emperor, this matter."

"Go if you are told. That bitch doesn't dare to come over. I will laugh at him. Also, let me go to the city wall. I will watch him. When the time comes, I will laugh at him hard!" Li Shilong said.

Gongsun Wuji glanced at the others, and they all exchanged glances, but no one dared to agree.

"Why, I'm not dead now, so you don't take my words seriously. If I'm dead, then you won't surrender immediately?" Li Shilong said sarcastically.

"Your Majesty, I am not afraid of death!" Li Daoyuan said hurriedly.

Immediately, Li Cungong and others all said: "I, you are not afraid of death!"

"If you're not afraid of death, then let me go and shout!" Li Shilong raised his hand tremblingly, "Even if I die, I will die on the front line instead of dying on the bed.

In this way, even if I die, it can be regarded as dying on the battlefield, and I can be regarded as having exerted my last effort for the country.

Even if he is the king of subjugation, so what, I will take it! "

Gongsun Wuji and others only felt sad.

They followed Li Shilong all the way to the present, from a high-spirited young man to an old man.

Now, they are all people with half their necks buried in the ground.

This big job still requires them to make repairs.

"That's it. If you die, you will die. Then let me have a big fight with Your Majesty!" Gongsun Wuji said with red eyes.

Everyone also responded.Li Shilong's eyes were filled with relief, and he said: "Then go and shout, I really want to laugh at that bitch Qin Mo.

In these years, I have not defeated him once.

I know that he suppressed him too hard before retaliating against me.

But I just want to crush him! "

"Father, you are too cruel." Li Yulan cried, "You don't care about me at all!"

In her opinion, her father was too competitive.

Qin Mo had already given in under pressure and wanted to force him.

It really takes all the last bit of love to be exhausted.

Do you have to be hostile to be satisfied?

In her opinion, her father was also taking revenge on Qin Mo.

Do you have to take revenge or take revenge?

As if Li Shilong hadn't heard anything, he said to his wife: "You and the girls can go to the Li Zheng Palace. I am about to go on an expedition!"

At this moment, Li Shilong seemed to have unlimited strength, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

The Empress Dowager Gongsun was stunned. She seemed to see the former General Tiance, that heroic husband.

In a blink of an eye, he transformed into an old man lying on the bed.

She opened her mouth, wanting to persuade, but after following Li Shilong for many years, she knew Li Shilong too well.

To persuade him at this time is to harm him and hinder him.

"Go, my great general!" Queen Mother Gongsun said.

Li Shilong suddenly laughed loudly, "I like this title!"

The cloudy eyes began to become darker, as if all the confusion was dispelled.

He glanced at everyone.

Everyone is getting old, but so what.

"Bring me my sword!"

Gongsun Wuji hurriedly took the sword that Li Shilong had brought with him.

"Gentlemen, today may be the last time that our military ministers go on a military expedition together.

I have no regrets about having you follow me over the years! "

The six assistant ministers all burst into tears and said in unison: We are so lucky to be able to follow the old emperor! "

Li Shilong laughed loudly, "Let's go!"


At this moment, infinite pride gathered in the chests of the six people. They were in a trance, as if the skinny old man in front of them had turned into the invincible Tiance general.

At that time, he was dressed in black armor, with the six horses of Zhaoling underneath him, and a long spear in his hand.

He danced his long spear and entered the enemy's army at will. He wielded it freely and took the enemy's head as if he were searching for something from a bag.

They followed the man as if no enemy could stop them.

At this moment, they seemed to become younger themselves.

They held their heads high and chests high, as if they had returned to the era when they were surrounded by enemies on all sides.

"Niannu, wait here for me to come back!" Li Shilong looked at his wife, but his eyes were full of reluctance, as if he would never see her again after this time! (End of chapter)

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