big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1830 You shouldn’t have a mouth!

Empress Dowager Gongsun tried not to let her tears fall. She forced out a smile and said, "Concubine, I am waiting here for the general to return victoriously!"

"Haha, okay!" Li Shilong nodded and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Li Shilong finally climbed up the city wall. Looking at the collapsed city wall and the shattered bodies, a trace of unbearability flashed in his eyes.

Seeing those people transporting young soldiers with severed arms and legs, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The city wall of Daqian Capital is the tallest in the world, but no matter how tall the city wall is, it cannot hold up aircraft and artillery.

There was no city wall in Xijing of the Ming Dynasty, but even the most powerful navy could not get close to it.

The city wall may be an old thing from the times, and it will be swept into the garbage dump together with those old things.

But he felt right, it was really this city wall that solved their difficulties time and time again.

However, the tide of the times is too high and too strong, and this city wall can no longer bear the weight of the times.

You can say that it cannot withstand the tide of the times, but you cannot despise it.

When the soldiers saw Li Shilong dragging the sick body up, they all burst into tears.

Zan Ying followed Li Shilong. At this moment, Li Shilong was always hanging on. Even though Li Shilong felt that this was against his bravery, he still had to listen to Zan Ying on this matter.

Li Shilong said: "Go and call Ah Si. If he doesn't come, we will tie him up!"

Everyone was stunned again, "Old Emperor, this..."

"Don't ask why, the law of Daqian states that the emperor guards the gates of the country, and the king dies in the country. This is what the king should do.

He is still a great emperor.

Li Zhao is too young, let us two take care of this matter for him! "Li Shilong said.

The people on the side burst into tears after hearing this.

"Don't cry. A man won't shed tears when he has tears. He won't shed tears when he bleeds." Li Shilong said: "You are all good men and the pillars of my work. Don't cry. Don't cry."

Gongsun Wuji took a deep breath. He entered the palace and saw Ah Si. At this time, Ah Si was still living and drinking. The artillery fire from the outside had no impact on him.

"Your Majesty, the old emperor wants you to leave the palace and go to the city gate!" Gongsun Wuji said patiently.

Ah Si drunkenly hugged a concubine, "Oh, uncle Guo is here, are you also here to drink with me?
Come, I, my concubine, will reward you! "

Gongsun Wuji's face was ashen. He was his uncle, how could he ask for his reward?
He looked at Ah Si and saw a sarcastic look on his face, knowing that he meant this to stimulate him.

At that moment, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed. He walked forward in three or two steps, pointed at Ah Si and said: "You are such a foolish king. Your career is at stake. You are still here living and drinking. I have never made any of the decisions you made before." Say something to you.

I have been covering up for you, and now, you are still here to ridicule me.

How can you ridicule me?

The world is like this because of you, but you hide here and act like a coward.

You are a coward, you are not even comparable to Emperor Zhou Yang. "

When Ah Si heard this, he was not angry at all. Instead, he said indifferently: "So what, if you think I am a coward, then I am a coward. If not, how dare you scold me!"

Gongsun Wuji took a deep breath, stepped forward quickly, grabbed Ah Si's collar, and slapped Ah Si on the face, "I am your uncle, so what if I scold you or hit you?
My mother-in-law, if I beat you, even the old prince won’t be able to say a word that I’m not here!

It's just not worth it for me to take care of your mother. I worked so hard for you, but in the end, I made you feel that everyone was wrong.

I'm not worth it for your father. Your father is like this and has to guard the city wall.You, a young man with good hands and feet, are hiding here. "

This slap stunned Ah Si. From childhood to adulthood, no one dared to do something to him.

The burning pain on his face made him wake up. He looked at Gongsun Wuji and wanted to take action, but when he heard Gongsun Wuji saying that Li Shilong had climbed up the city wall, he was stunned again, "What did you say? What happened to my father?" ?”

"The old emperor dragged the sick body up to the city wall, and was about to fight to the death with the Ming Dynasty. If you still have a conscience, you should go and have a look." Gongsun Wuji said with red eyes: "If you don't go, I will take your father's place today. Mother, beat you to death!"

Ah Si looked at the furious Gongsun Wuji and felt fear in his heart.

He had never seen Gongsun Wuji's cannibalistic eyes.

"So what if we go, don't we have to lose to the Ming Dynasty? That cannonball has no eyes. If it falls on the body, it will be a hole. Even gods can't save it!" Ah Si couldn't help but shake his head.

"You foolish king, you are afraid of death, aren't those soldiers afraid? Aren't they the children of their mother and father?
Are they not flesh and blood?
What are they doing? It’s Li Qian’s empire. What will they do if they know that their emperor is greedy for life and afraid of death? "

Gongsun Wuji only thought it was ridiculous. When A Si refused to join the World Association, he was full of reasons. Now it seems that he is just greedy for life and afraid of death, just afraid and afraid.

He held A Si's collar, and the eunuch on the side stepped forward, "Uncle Guo, this is the Supreme Emperor, you can't."

"Get out of here, I!" Gongsun Wuji kicked the eunuch away, then dragged the disheveled Ah Si out. No one dared to stop him during the whole process.

"Let me go, Gongsun Wuji, you dare to do this to me, aren't you afraid of thunder from the sky?" Ah Si said angrily: "If Gongsun Min hadn't guarded it well, would Bohai have been so completely destroyed?

How can you blame me for trusting your family too much?
Don't think that I don't know that you and Qin Mo are actually connected.

Don’t think you really don’t know that Gongsun Chong was serving as a marquis in the Ming Dynasty!
You are the real wolf with ambition, hedging your bets!
You are a sinner of Daqian, a traitor! "

Gongsun Wuji pursed his lips and said nothing. He just felt chilled.

However, he is also a person who has made mistakes.

It was Qin Mo who saved his dignity.

But in the end, he let his nephew stab his wounds severely.

Really inferior to outsiders.

Speaking of which, is Qin Mo an outsider?

Yes, no.

Is it an enemy?

It used to be true, but now he can't hate it. On the contrary, he is still a little grateful.

"Look, you don't dare to speak anymore, Gongsun Wuji, put away your hypocritical face, I actually knew it a long time ago.

If I lose so quickly, you must be the one doing the inside job! "

Gongsun Wuji looked at him coldly, "If I want to be an internal agent, Dagan will not last for two or three years, and at most half a year, Dagan will fall apart.

Do you understand what you are saying?
Your mouth should be sewn shut. With just one word, Nanfan will be in chaos, Jing'an will be sad, the world will be boiling, and the country will live or die.

You shouldn't be so talkative. If you were my son, you would have been beaten to death!
You should be glad that you are the emperor!

However, from now on, no one will care about you, no one will let you go! "(End of chapter)

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