big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1832 Princess Jingan goes to the city wall!

"What is that?" Ah Si couldn't help but ask as if he couldn't believe his guess.

"That's the Ming Dynasty's tank camp." Gongsun Wuji returned coldly.

Not only in the front, but also on the left, right, and behind, there were all Ming troops.

Four armies surrounded the capital, and the billowing dust covered the sky and the sun.

The timid person’s feet are trembling.

Li Shilong didn't have any emotions. He looked ahead and said, "Whoever goes down to deliver a message for me, just say that I want to see Qin Mo. If there is anything, let Qin Mo come to the city wall to talk in person!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that Li Shilong was out of his mind. At this juncture, would Qin Mo come forward?

This is absolutely impossible.

But Tang Jian surprised everyone and stood up, "Wei Chen is willing to go!"

Yu Boshi looked at Tang Jian in disbelief. In his eyes, this old man who had wavered in military morale before the battle actually stood up.

You know, at this time, you are very likely to be killed by a stray bullet.

"Old Tang, you."

"A certain person is the minister of Honglu Temple. External negotiation is originally the responsibility of Honglu Temple. He has an unyielding obligation." Tang Jian smiled faintly, as if the hundreds of thousands of troops in front of him were nothing in his eyes.

Yu Boshi paused, took a deep breath, and bowed to Tang Jian, "Brother Tang's bravery is inferior to that of someone else!"

How difficult is it to get Yu Boshi to express his dissatisfaction?

Tang Jian laughed loudly after hearing this, "It's worth it!"

Li Shilong looked at Tang Jian and said, "Go!"

"Wei Chen, take your orders!" Tang Jian did not take anyone with him this time. He walked down the city wall with one person and one horse. Under the watchful eyes of countless soldiers, he slowly walked towards the enemy camp.

That gesture made countless people blush.

It also allowed them to see a 'lone hero'!
Ah Si was greatly shocked. He didn't understand why Tang Jian dared to go.

Isn't he afraid of death?
He didn't even look back. How much courage and courage does that take?
Gongsun Wuji said calmly: "Brother Tang, he has long ignored life and death."

Li Daoyuan and Li Cungong just silently saluted Tang Jian with a military salute!
At this moment, they felt that Da Gan's backbone was back.

In fact, Daqian's backbone has never been lost, it has always been there.

At this moment, a person came up to announce, "Old Emperor, Princess Jing'an is here!"

Li Shilong frowned, "What is she here for?"

"You say you want to protect your home and country!" the man said.

Everyone looked at Ah Si in unison.

At this moment, Ah Si wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Princess Jing'an, a woman, dared to climb the city wall and share life and death with the country when the country was in danger, but she was greedy for life and afraid of death.

How embarrassing?
Li Shilong sighed. He owed this sister, both in the past and now.

"Let her come up." Li Shilong knew Jing'an's temper and knew that he wouldn't give up if he didn't let her come up today.

Not long after, Princess Jing'an came up and said, "Second brother, I thought you would drive me down."

Li Shilong looked at his older sister. Compared to the previous two years, her hair was almost white. He felt sad for a moment, "Jing'an, why are you like this?"

Princess Jing'an smoothed her hair and said, "As I get older, my hair will naturally turn gray!"

As she said that, she glanced at the cowering Ah Si, her eyes full of disappointment, and then said to Li Shilong: "Second brother, back then, when Nanfan came, I stood on the city wall. Now that the Ming Dynasty has come, I will still do it." Stand here firmly.

Where are you, where am I, let's protect our home together! "This sentence made everyone present feel sad.

Ah Si was so embarrassed that he wanted to throw himself off the city wall.

"Princess is righteous!" Gongsun Wuji said.

"Princess Gaoyi!"

Yu Boshi bowed deeply to Princess Jing'an.

Immediately, everyone said: "Princess is so righteous!"

One person followed another, like dominoes.

Princess Jingan, wearing red armor, sat next to Li Shilong and held his hand, "Second brother, if you send me away this time, no one will want me!"

Hearing Jing'an's words, Li Shilong felt a sore nose, "You are the second brother's precious sister, and the second brother is reluctant to send you away!"

With that said, Li Shilong suppressed the sadness in his heart, "Where is Xue'er?"

"Keep her in the princess mansion and don't let her come out, so as not to hurt her!" Princess Jing'an said.

"Very good!" Li Shilong nodded, and then said: "It's the second brother who doesn't know how to teach his son. I can't help you."

Princess Jing'an said indifferently: "The nine sons of the dragon are all different. Why should the second brother care? I have a clear conscience, and Shuang'an has a clear conscience. I am worthy of my ancestors, worthy of the heaven and earth, and worthy of the people of Limin."

Princess Jing'an said this very loudly, and Ah Si heard it clearly. He didn't even dare to raise his head, he just felt that he was extremely short at this moment.

As an emperor, I am even worse than a woman like Jing'an.

Compared to Jing'an, she seems to be the woman.

"You are worthy of everyone." Li Shilong held his sister's hand. At this moment, Li Shilong no longer cared about the existence of Daqian. For him, being accompanied by loyal ministers and family members, and being able to drive and conquer in person before his death, he would spend the rest of his life , had a really wonderful time.

Worth it!

Li Shilong squinted and looked ahead, the wrinkles on his face relaxing.

At this time, Tang Jian rode a horse and came to the Ming army camp. He was quickly caught by the scouts. After a body search, he was turned and sent to the military camp.

Qin Mo looked at the embarrassed Tang Jian, "Old Tang, what are you doing here?"

Tang Jian straightened his clothes and said, "Your Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, I am not here to persuade you to make peace, but to convey a message to me, the old Emperor Daqian.

The old prince said, if you want to talk, go to the city wall alone.

Wherever he is waiting for you, you can talk about anything, it just depends on whether you have the courage! "

After the words fell, everyone in the military camp became furious, "Tang Jian, stop talking nonsense here. Why don't you let the old emperor come to our side?"

Qin Mo pressed his hand and was also very surprised.

"Can we talk about surrender, too?" Qin Mo asked.

Tang Jian said: "Then I don't know. Anyway, the old emperor said so. Everything can be discussed. It depends on whether you, Qin Mo, have the courage!"

Qin Mo touched the broken beard on his chin, "Dare, you must dare, but if I go, you will have to listen to me in the future, Old Tang!"

Tang Jian was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Qin Mo to agree without hesitation, "You have to think clearly. Do you dare to go alone without any soldiers?"

"Why don't you dare?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "Anyway, I left my words here and went. Old Tang, you just listen to me from now on. How about that?"

Tang Jian couldn't turn his head, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Are you really not afraid of death?"


"Then why did you agree?" (End of Chapter)

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