big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1833 There is no one before, and there will be no one after!

"Aren't you going if you're afraid of death?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "Besides, there is my father-in-law on the city wall, and I don't believe he is willing to kill me as his son-in-law. Moreover, in this situation, killing just one of me will be useful.

If you kill me, everyone will be buried with you. "

Tang Jian thought it made sense when he heard it, but even so, Qin Mo could agree without thinking. His courage was really admirable.

As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes.

But Qin Mo is now at the highest position of power, so there is no need to take this risk.

Everyone could see clearly that it was only a matter of time before the capital was destroyed.

"Okay, if you really dare to go, it doesn't matter if I listen to you."

"Now, you promised this yourself!"

"I spit on you and nail it!" Tang Jian said.

After saying that, everyone in the camp tried to persuade Qin Mo, especially Chai Rong, who knelt on the ground and begged: "Your Majesty, if you don't sit down in the hall with a body of ten thousand gold, I don't know what the situation will be like in Daqian. Please, Your Majesty, For the sake of the thousands of people of Ming Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, please think twice!" All the generals knelt down one after another, especially the generals of the Qin tribe, who were even more angry.

"Just kill them and destroy the city. Why do you need to take such risks?"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to be the vanguard to attack the east gate of the capital!"

Qin Mo turned his head and glanced at them, "If I go, we can capture the capital without spending a single soldier. Can you?"

Everyone was stunned, they didn't have this ability.

Qin Mo added: "Da Ming and Da Qian have grudges, and I also have some personal things to understand with them.

If I go, do you know how many casualties they can reduce and how many lives of soldiers they can save?

Although taking a risk is a bit risky, life is unpredictable. Even if you eat or drink water, there is a risk of choking to death. Is it possible that you can still stop eating because of choking? "

Everyone had a grimace. Even though they strongly opposed it, Qin Mo always insisted on speaking the truth.

Chai Rong gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will accompany you."

"Stay here. If I have any good intentions, attack and kill them all!" Qin Mo smiled and walked out of the tent.

Tang Jian was stunned, and then quickly followed.

When he walked out of the camp, he saw the Ming army outside. Those people were kneeling on the ground and begging, "Your Majesty, don't go, I'm not afraid of death!"

"I am willing to fight to the death for the Ming Dynasty!"

"Wrapping one's body in horse leather is the fate of a soldier!"

"Your Majesty, please stop!"

The soldiers knelt on the ground and blocked Qin Mo's path, "Your Majesty takes care of us. We are lucky.

Being able to be the people of the Ming Dynasty and your Majesty's ministers is the blessing that we have cultivated for three lifetimes.

But I cannot wait to watch His Majesty take the risk.

Your Majesty, please stay. "

The leading general was from the Qin tribe and was of the same generation as Qin Mo, but he was more than ten years younger than Qin Mo. When he could remember, he grew up listening to Qin Mo's deeds.

He admired Qin Mo the most.

Qin Mo looked at them and said with a smile: "I know how protective you are, but I also want to protect you.

The war against Da Gan has been going on for so long, and it’s time to bring it to an end.

I'll be fine, just get out of my way! "

Many people's eyes were red. It was very rare to find a monarch who loved and cared for his soldiers like Qin Mo.

In order to reduce casualties, how many monarchs are willing to take risks?
The culprit who caused the war between the two countries did not even dare to attend the World Conference.

"Your Majesty, think again!" Everyone burst into tears.

Tang Jian sighed in his heart after seeing it. Qin Mo was like this when he was in Daqian, and it was the same after Ming Dynasty.Perhaps Qin Mo has never changed and has become someone else.

Qin Mo looked ahead, "If we attack the city today and there are countless casualties, and I come to manage it in the future, I'm afraid there will be a lot of hatred left behind. These hatreds cannot be solved with a few words.

It may take one, two, or even three generations to fade away.

Those are all unstable factors.

I am here to eliminate this hidden danger.

After success, things are indistinguishable from each other.

We, originally, are Longyan people with the same origin, same blood, and same veins.

We should not have any hatred. "

Tang Jian stopped talking. Qin Mo looked too far ahead in looking at the problem, always taking one step at a time and looking at ten steps.

Qin Mo walked towards the outside, but everyone was still kneeling there, unwilling to move at all.

Qin Mo said helplessly: "If you don't get out of the way, I will kneel down."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and then they all moved out of the way.

Qin Mo looked at the separated road and said to Tang Jian behind him: "Follow!"

Tang Jian followed them one after another.

Qin Mo asked someone to bring a horse. In fact, he had not ridden a horse for several years.

Daming has developed rapidly, and cars have begun to become popular. Although not every household has a car, according to the latest data, the number of private cars in Daming should be around 15.

Limited by industry, this number should increase twenty times or even more in the next ten years.

Ming Dynasty has taken the lead in completing industrial innovation.

Sitting on the horse, Qin Mo said with a smile: "Over the years, Daqian Capital seems to have not changed much. Instead, it feels like it has stood still."

Tang Jian sighed, "It wasn't because of you. If it weren't for the war, even the suburbs of Beijing would be very lively."

"What does this have to do with me?" Qin Mo refused to accept the blame, "That is not a matter for you assistant ministers. If we follow the national policy I formulated at the beginning, we will definitely develop better than now!"

Tang Jian rolled his eyes, "You are praising yourself in a different way."

Qin Mo laughed.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty behind them wanted to follow but did not dare to follow.

Chai Rong took a deep breath and said, "Advance the team three miles forward and be ready to attack at any time."

After receiving the order, everyone set off one after another.

Qin Mo looked back and said nothing.

Instead, he continued to chat with Tang Jian.

Tang Jiandao: "There have been many heroes throughout the ages, and I have always thought that you, Qin Mo, are a great person.

Look now, I still underestimate you too much. "

Tang Jian sighed: "I thought that when you were in Daqian, you had accomplished everything that a civil servant and general could do, but now I find that I was wrong, you never set limits for yourself.

I don’t know how far you will be able to achieve in the future, but what you have done so far is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Your courage alone is better than countless heroes and pride!
I, Tang Jian, have never convinced anyone, but I am convinced only by you! "

Tang Jian said sincerely, his tone full of admiration, and his eyes full of admiration.

Qin Mo suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "Old Tang, don't be like this. If you praise me so much, I will be proud!"

Saying that, Qin Mo laughed loudly again. (End of chapter)

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