big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1840 No one can pretend to be crazy in front of me!

"It comes around every 40 years, and this year happens to be 41 years." Li Shilong sighed: "If I could live my life over again, I..."

"What will happen to my father?" Qin Mo asked.

"I will be the first to kill you, you bastard!" Li Shilong puffed his beard and glared.

Qin Mo smiled harshly, "Father is reluctant to let go."

"I can't bear to give it up." Li Shilong snorted, but is there any regret medicine in life?
But to be honest, if he could live his life over again, Li Shilong would most likely reuse Qin Mo, and he would reuse Qin Mo even more, assigning him a lot of tasks, and tiring this shit out.

In this way, this bitch won't have time to think about other things, and will just work as a cow and horse for Da Gan.

At this moment, Empress Dowager Gongsun came. Li Yulan and others had been accompanying her these days, and Empress Dowager Gongsun was in a normal mood.

However, when she came in this time, Empress Dowager Gongsun knelt in front of Qin Mo, "Jingyun, I beg you, can you save A Si?"

Qin Mo was startled and hurriedly ran over to help Empress Dowager Gongsun up, "Mother, what are you doing?"

Empress Dowager Gongsun cried and said: "My Si is crazy. He is either crying or laughing in the palace now. Zan Ying said that only you can enlighten him and save him."

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "Heart disease requires heart medicine. Besides, I don't know whether A Si is crazy or not.

After all, you can't wake someone who is pretending to be asleep.

Besides, my son-in-law has no intention of killing him. Even for Li Zhao's sake, I won't touch him.

He will still be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life. "

Empress Dowager Gongsun said helplessly: "I can't help it. You are also a father, so you should know how it feels to be a parent."

Qin Mo glanced at Li Shilong.

Li Shilong didn't say anything, but his eyes were filled with uncontrollable sadness.

Qin Mo had a lot to say, but in the end he nodded. No matter what Queen Mother Gongsun did, at least she never did anything excessive from beginning to end.

This is good, he has to admit it.

Perhaps, Empress Dowager Gongsun has a plan, but is that person not selfish?
"Okay, I'll go and try to persuade you, but I can't guarantee whether it will be of any use."

"That's good, it will definitely be useful if you go." Empress Dowager Gongsun cried, "If he dies."

"If Asi dies, there will be brother-in-law." Qin Mo said: "There will also be brother-in-law. He is not the only child you have.

If a person lives up to expectations, God will look down upon him. If a person fails to live up to his expectations, even a dog will be disgusted by it.

Mother, there is only so much I can do. "

After that, he reminded Feng Jin to take good care of Li Shilong.

Then he strode away from Qinzhuang.

Entering the palace, the Ming army had completely taken control of the city defense and all the land in the capital was under control.

There are still some small disturbances in various places, caused by those who take the opportunity to cause trouble.

These are nothing, the situation has been decided, if these people continue to make trouble, they will only be wiped out.

Before he even got close to Ah Si's yard, he could hear shouting and fussing coming from inside.

Based on Qin Mo's understanding of Ah Si, he was probably just pretending.

A person who is afraid of death cannot be crazy.

If his self-esteem was really that strong, he would have committed suicide long ago.

Which of those strong-willed people in history could bear the humiliation?

"When did he start making trouble?" Qin Mo asked. "Back to Your Majesty, just a few days ago, I didn't eat or drink at first, and then I started crying and making a fuss and rolling all over the floor!" said the guard guard.

Qin Mo nodded, then took out the knife carried by the guard and walked in with the knife.

Everyone around them swallowed their saliva when they saw it. What is Your Majesty going to do?
Revenge for the princess?
Also, when His Majesty picked up the princess, she had lost more than two laps of weight.

It’s amazing that Your Majesty can swallow this breath!
The knife dragged on the ground and sparks flew everywhere. He walked up to Ah Si, who was drooling and crying. He looked like he was crazy.

"Back then, the fourth child used this trick to deceive his father, and then the father sent the fourth child to Jiangnan to recuperate.

But it's a pity that the fourth child has deceived everyone except me.

So, I took care of the fourth child by the way. Do you know what happened to him? "Qin Mo looked down upon this Asi, "He was crippled by a dead eunuch and became a useless person. Then he stayed in the imperial mausoleum miserable for many years.

How cruel those eunuchs were, they stripped him naked in winter and pushed him outside to enjoy the cold wind.

Let him be exposed to the sun outside in the summer.

Often let him eat sour rice and sour water.

He was chained around his neck and made to lie on the ground like a pig or dog, surrounded by snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

But all five of his limbs were broken, and his tongue was cut off. He could only wriggle on the ground like a fat maggot.

The sky is not working, the earth is not responding, the picture is really miserable!
This was just the Bingshan family that he was bullied by. The eunuchs guarding the imperial tomb were suffering, so they had to bully others tenfold of their own suffering.

How about I send you there too and let you experience the torture before the fourth child died tragically? "

Ah Si was still yelling, but his voice had obviously weakened.

"It doesn't matter if you don't speak. Don't blame my brother-in-law and teacher for being cruel. Who asked you to bully my sister? Who asked you to bully my nephew and niece?

You made my father sad, made my aunt sad, and made me, my brother-in-law and teacher, sad and embarrassed. "

Qin Mo raised the knife high, "Anyway, you are already crazy now. I will cut off your limbs and make you a human pig. Then I will put you in a clay pot and soak you with the best potion." Get up and I promise not to let you die.

Don't worry, I promised my father, the emperor and my mother that I would not kill you or humiliate you.

I will have the eunuchs feed you regularly, but I will have your tongue cut off, your eyes gouged out, your eardrums pierced, and cuts on your face so that no one will recognize you anymore. Come.

In this way, no one will know that the person in the clay pot is the former Daqian Emperor.

Don't blame teacher brother-in-law for not taking care of you. This is the last thing teacher-in-law can do for you.

No need to thank my brother-in-law, teacher.

If you want to be grateful, just thank you for what you did in the past! "

Speaking of the latter part, the murderous look on Qin Mo's face almost froze A Si's soul.

Seeing the knife hit his head without any bias.

Ah Si knelt down on the ground with a pop, and then said loudly: "Brother-in-law, please forgive me, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I did not deserve the teachings of my brother-in-law, and I am ashamed of my expectations."

Please forgive my brother-in-law, teacher! "

Ah Si was frightened.

Qin Mo's knife stopped, only a few centimeters away from Ah Si.

Qin Mo looked at Ah Si mockingly, "Your acting skills are far inferior to those of the fourth child. The fourth child rolled all over the floor and ate pig food for half a year, and suddenly he transformed from a fat man weighing [-] to [-] pounds. Almost reduced to skin and bones.

You just had a good life, coming out of the queen mother's belly, if it were anyone else, you would have died eight hundred times! "(End of chapter)

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