big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1841 Brothers reunite again!

"No one can pretend to be crazy in front of me, Qin Mo!" Qin Mo patted Ah Si's face with the blade of his knife.

The cold blade made Ah Si's blood freeze. He sensed Qin Mo's murderous intention and did not hide it at all, "Brother-in-law, teacher, you can't kill me. If you kill me, what will you say to your father, queen, and mother?"

Third sister, how do you explain to seventh sister?

When Zhao'er grows up, if he knows that you killed me, he will definitely hate you! "

"Oh, you've learned how to threaten!" Qin Mo smiled mockingly, looking at the embarrassed Ah Si, with disappointment evident in his words, "Although you were still young when I left, I taught you sincerely.

I didn't expect you to be so greedy for life and afraid of death.

Compared to your brothers, you are the least outstanding and spineless one.

I despise you. "

Qin Mo threw the knife to the guard on the side, and then said: "From now on, I will honor my mother in front of my mother, and don't go there anymore. I can be your filial son with peace of mind.

But if you have a different intention, I will kill you, even the King of Heaven can’t stop you, I said so! "

For A Si, Qin Mo was only disappointed. This closed disciple was simply a stain on his life resume!

There are so many of his disciples, some of whom are useless, but none of them are so greedy for life and afraid of death.

If Ah Si had some backbone, she wouldn't be so angry.

Walking in Daqian Palace, Qin Mo was not in a high mood. He couldn't help but come to Da'an Palace. It was still the same as many years ago, but the old man was no longer there.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with these concubines in the harem?" Chai Rong stepped forward and asked.

There are some beautiful girls and some young concubines in the palace. Qin Mo said: "Let them accompany their father. All the beautiful girls and eunuchs should be sent home!"

Qin Mo will not leave any hidden dangers.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Seeing Chai Rong about to leave, Qin Mo said: "Xiao Chai, wait!"

Chai Rong stopped and stood aside respectfully, waiting for Qin Mo to speak.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "When will we two brothers be like this?"

Chai Rong smiled and said: "Today, His Majesty is already the most noble person in the world. Just standing next to His Majesty, his majesty makes even the smallest minister panic."

He did not tell lies. When Qin Mo was not prosperous, he was the eldest brother of everyone. After he became prosperous, he was the king of a country. Now, he is the most powerful man in the world.

No one dared to stand in front of Qin Mo and look directly into his eyes.

Chai Rong is no exception.

When Qin Mo heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and touched his chin, "Is it so scary?"

"Of course, if you don't believe it, your Majesty can ask someone else!" Chai Rong swallowed.

Qin Mo scanned the others, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at them.

"Hey, boring!" Qin Mo sighed, "This is just a side-effect of power. I am still the same me and have never changed!"

Chai Rong smiled and said: "Your Majesty is of course your Majesty, and it has never changed."

Qin Mo said: "From now on, you will be in charge of Daqian. This time you will be the main force, and you will take the greatest credit. When they come from Ming Dynasty, I will reward you heavily!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chai Rong was very happy.At this moment, the guard came to report, "Your Majesty, Li Yongmeng, the crown prince of Chengjun, wants to see you!"

Qin Mo was overjoyed, "Yong Neng is back? Hurry, let him come over."

As he spoke, he said to Chai Rong: "Go and call Xiao Dou, Dabao and the others over. Our brothers have finally gathered together today."

Chai Rong also nodded happily, and Sayazi ran over.

There were nine brothers in total at the time. Although Li Yue is no longer here, it doesn't matter.

Soon, Li Yongmeng came all the way to Da'an Palace and saw Qin Mo.

Seeing Qin Mo, he was overjoyed at first, but then the power in Qin Mo's body made him stop.

Qin Mo opened his hands and greeted him with a smile, "Yongyan, long time no see!"

He picked up Li Yongmeng and said, "Your uncle, he was already ugly, but now that he has a beard, he is even more damn uglier."

Hearing this, Li Yongmeng's eyes became wet. After landing, he hugged Qin Mo tightly and cried loudly, "Idiot."

"Damn, even if you are happy to see your brother, you won't cry, right?" Qin Mo said with a smile, but he knew in his heart how much criticism Li Yongmeng had endured over the years.

An ordinary person would have committed suicide long ago to prove his innocence.

And there was probably a lot of regret in Li Yongmeng's cry.

"Fool, what I'm happy about is that my family is safe, but what I'm crying about is the destruction of the country. To this day, things have changed and people have changed."

"Things are the same, but people are still the same people as before!" Qin Mo patted his back and said: "We brothers should be worthy of ourselves and others, and that's enough.

You only live for a few decades in this world, why should you care about other people's opinions?
It is enough for each of us to live happily.

The reason why I went to the city alone this time was because I thought your family was still there, and I really didn't want these old friends and elders to die. "

"I understand, I understand everything. I know you are not a cruel person. I was the first to object to A Si doing such a thing.

But no one listened to me. Everyone thought I was secretly contacting you and they were on guard against me. "Li Yongmeng couldn't stop crying. The 40-year-old man started crying, which was funny and sad at the same time.

He didn't cry in front of his father, he didn't cry in front of his wife, only in front of his eldest brother Qin Mo, he could cry without reservation.

"I understand, and I don't blame you. You are still alive, which is more important than anything else. Right now, our brothers are all well. Isn't this God's blessing?" Qin Mo looked at Li Yongmeng and patted him. Shoulders, "No matter how old we are this year, even if we are seventy or eighty, in my eyes, we are still the same as before.

Regardless of whether I am the emperor or not, I am still me and your eldest brother. I will take care of you for the rest of my life. "

Li Yongmeng nodded, and just as he was talking, Dou Yiai's teasing voice came from outside, "Who am I to say? He is crying so hard, so he is brave.

Damn it, did you make another mistake and was scolded by my elder brother? "

Dou Yiai is still the same as before. In front of Qin Mo, he has never been big or small. But in front of outsiders, if anyone dares to say anything wrong about Qin Mo, he will fight for his life every minute.

This bitch has learned a little bit better over the years of fighting in the north and south, but the habit of keeping concubines has not changed.

No, after Li Shilong surrendered, this bitch immediately entered the palace and found a few beauties to take as concubines.

Chai Rong was so angry that he couldn't help it. After Qin Mo found out, he just followed him.

When asked, he said that he learned from Qin Mo.

What can Qin Mo do?
Dou Yiai said that she didn't want credit, but beautiful women. Qin Mo could only kick him in anger, and then had to help him choose a few more beauties. (End of chapter)

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