big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1860 Nervous girls!

Qin Mo smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, you are doing well, I know very well what Zhonghuzhou was like before.

It is indeed not easy for you to develop Zhonghuzhou like this in a short period of time. "

Don't think that just because Qin Shuo is a prince, he can unite the scattered forces into one unified force. That also requires brains and wisdom.

Especially the complex national conditions of Ming Dynasty.

Hearing his father's praise, Qin Shuo breathed a sigh of relief, "My son just does what he can to the best of his ability. He does not deserve his father's praise. Compared with my elder brother and the others, what I have done is actually far from enough."

The west where Tianxin is located can be said to be the poorest place in the country, but now due to the construction of the Grand Canal, the west has been reborn. Coupled with Tianxin's insistence on afforestation, it has become a dazzling pearl of the west.

"Good is good, bad is bad. There is no need to belittle yourself. Every place has its own difficulties. You are surrounded by powerful states. It is indeed not easy to stand out among these powerful states.

However, relying on this alone, Zhonghuzhou still lacks the stamina to achieve sustained development. " Qin Mo hit the nail on the head, "Of course, your strategy can help Zhonghu Prefecture get out of its current predicament, and it can bring Zhonghu Prefecture to a higher level, but Zhonghu Prefecture lacks competitiveness.

Although there are many deserts in the west where Tianxin is located, the underground is full of gold and oil. As long as transportation and roads are solved and the environment is changed, a steady stream of talents will naturally be attracted there.

Moreover, Tianxin vigorously improved the environment and made great efforts in education and medical care.

In fact, uncovering the truth and looking at the essence is nothing more than creating an environment whose essence is the same as yours.

In the future, if Zhonghu Prefecture wants to dominate the surrounding powerful states, you must think clearly about the future positioning of Zhonghu Prefecture. "

Qin Shuo said hurriedly: "Please give me some advice!"

Qin Mo smiled and said: "What does Ming Dynasty lack?"

Qin Shuo was stunned for a moment, thinking about what Ming Dynasty lacked.

"What does the Ming Dynasty lack? It seems that everything is lacking!" Qin Shuo thought to himself. As the most powerful country in the world, the Ming Dynasty has the largest population and the most powerful strength. It can be said that the world must accept the dominance of the Ming Dynasty.

His father's words directly stopped him.

"My son doesn't know what Ming Dynasty lacks." Qin Shuo shook his head.

Qin Mo said with a smile: "Look, this is your problem, or in other words, the problem of most people. If there is a cake in front of you, if you compete with others, you will naturally have to pay a lot.

In the final analysis, it is a question of resources.

Tianxin secured resources, so the tide in the west lifted all boats.

According to your strategy, Zhonghu State will have more resources, and Zhonghu State will also get rid of its current predicament.

But if you want to jump to the top, you still need to sublimate.

The reason why the southeast is prosperous is because there are a large number of shipyards there, which is what the Ming Dynasty needs. In the future, the Ming Dynasty will need more giant ships to sail the ocean to satisfy the exchanges between people in the east and west.

Let me give you a suggestion. It may take some time, but once it succeeds, Zhonghu State will become a strong state that is difficult to replace.

You can build Zhonghu Prefecture into a strong state in education, fishing, agriculture, and industry, but you can’t have everything!

You can choose a direction and take it to the extreme, making it impeccable.

If it were me, I would vigorously recruit private scientific research talents and encourage them to build cars and even aircraft. Once your Zhonghu Prefecture builds its first self-developed car, is Zhonghu Prefecture still far behind? Either don’t do it, or do something that is irreplaceable. No one can take away your credit! "

Qin Shuo was shocked. He, who was a little confused and smug at first, suddenly felt ashamed, "My son understands, thank you for reminding me!"

"Although Ming Dynasty is at the forefront of the world, it does not mean that it will stop. Why should I develop rocket engineering and satellite engineering?
  Is it just for the dream of flying to the sky and exploring the moon palace?
  No, that means human progress, that's a huge goal.

Just like when people are poor, they think about food and clothing. After food and clothing, they think about clothing and making their families live a better life.

When these are achieved, they begin to pursue fame and spiritual prosperity.

People will live longer and longer in the future, so we cannot stand still and must keep climbing up.

You have to set a goal for them, otherwise, people will waste their energy doing the same thing day after day. "

"My son has learned a lesson!" Qin Shuo was convinced.

"There is no need for us, father and son, to be so estranged. I know that Lao Jiu's incident makes you think that I am too cruel. You are also a father. You should know that no father would kill his children for fun.

We have too many families, and it’s impossible for everyone to be successful.

My lowest bottom line for you is, don’t be a scum of society. Even if you are mediocre and lazy, don’t harm others.

I will not let anyone touch this bottom line. "

“I really didn’t understand it before, but now I understand. After coming here for two years, I have seen too much and encountered too many things that make people helpless.

Sometimes human feelings and laws always make people waver. " Qin Shuo said.

"As long as you understand, adults should pay for what they do." Qin Mo did not talk too much to Qin Shuo, "Do it well. As long as you focus on doing it well, you will not be simple."

"Yes, son understands!"

After leaving, Li Yushu asked: "I see you are happy, what are you talking about with your son?"

"After we talked about some official matters, this guy fell in love with a little girl and said he wanted to accept her. I told him not to abandon his official duties for personal reasons!" Qin Mo hugged Li Yushu, "You seem very nervous?"

Li Yushu rolled her eyes and said, "Who is not nervous? Go and see the sisters. Which one is not nervous?"

Qin Mo said speechlessly: "Am I a man-eating demon? If they don't commit any crime and I have nothing to do with them, then that's my son too!"

Seeing that Qin Mo was a little angry, Li Yushu said: "It's not what happened with Lao Jiu that caused the trouble. Look at Sister Churui, she looks more haggard than ten years old!"

When it comes to Churui, Qin Mo is heartbroken. He has tried his best to enlighten Churui, but Churui can't get out of the knot in his heart. People are most afraid of getting into trouble. Once they get in, they can't get out.

Qin Mo didn't know what to do. He just wanted to take this opportunity to take her out to relax, but he didn't expect these women to become even more nervous.

"There is no rule without rules. We have too many children in our family. Even if there are three or five people who do evil, then three or five people in the place will suffer.

We are all born and raised by our parents, why should we be bullied by you? Qin Mo pinched Li Yushu's nose and said, "That's good, lest they get carried away!" "(End of chapter)

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