big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1861 The wave of change!

Li Yushu sighed, "Actually, in the eyes of many people, we represent law and power."

Qin Mo frowned slightly, "Is this your idea alone, or does everyone think so?"

Seeing Qin Mo's expression change, Li Yushu said: "I just said that."

Qin Mo shook his head, "For so many years, what I have been doing is to perfect the laws as much as possible. Whether it is the emperor or the person in power, these laws are actually just decorations on some levels.

If I don't step forward, who do you think can punish the prince?
  Who can punish the feudal officials?

If the feudal officials had no conscience, how miserable would the world be?
  An immoral person holds the law and power. Do you know how cruel that is to the people? "

Qin Mo shook his head, "I advise you to give up this idea. The Ming Dynasty in the future will inevitably take a different path from this era.

Our status is still extremely valuable, but it would be a mistake to think that we can casually turn a blind eye to the life, death and power of ordinary people.

In that case, the Ming Dynasty will fall sooner or later, it is just a matter of time. "

Seeing that Qin Mo became serious and even a little angry, Li Yushu was also startled. She hurriedly said: "That's not what I meant, and I don't want to be superior to all living beings."

"There are always people who think so." Qin Mo said lightly: "Yu Shu, times have changed. People, you can't be too greedy."

Li Yushu said depressedly: "Look, you just like Shangzang Shangxian."

"I finally understand why, since ancient times, it has been established that the harem cannot interfere in politics, because many times, you always think of everything too simply."

Qin Mo sighed, "What do you think the country I imagined is like? Is it a copy of another Dagan?

The Ming Dynasty I envision is a country that is open, tolerant, has sound laws, good public security, and where everyone has equal human rights.

In Ming Dynasty, everyone has a path to upwards.

Everyone is well fed, warmly clothed, has someone to rely on when they are old, and someone who cares for their children.

Whether he is a high-ranking official or a low-level official, he all serves the people.

Rather than an official.

Ming Dynasty doesn't need any bullshit officials.

The emperor is the leader, not the one who is greedy for pleasure and arrogant every day. "

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything. You calm down." This was the first time that Li Yushu saw Qin Mo talking to him in this tone, and he hurriedly softened his tone.

"Do you think I'm angry again?" Qin Mo shook his head, "I'm not angry, we can't enjoy enough of our glory and wealth.

You know, when things go to extremes, they must be reversed.

What is the prerequisite for the Qin family to rule the world?
  It is a gift of virtue.

It is for the sake of the people.

If you don't even understand this and think you represent privilege and power, then one day, when the rebels break Xijing, you won't know why you lost! "

Li Yushu's eyes turned red, "Yes, yes, I don't understand anything, okay?"

Qin Mo sighed, "I'm sorry, if you think so, what should others think?

I always thought I had done well enough, but now it seems that I have not done enough.

You are like this when you are by my side, how arrogant must those people be when they are thousands of miles away from me? "

This incident also sounded the alarm to Qin Mo. Ming Dynasty was at the watershed of transforming from a feudal society to an industrial and open society.

The overall education level of the people in the private sector is still acceptable, but a considerable number of people are still illiterate.

And their thinking is still stuck in more than [-] years ago. But there are some young people who are open-minded and full of innovative power.

For Qin Mo to be a good lubricant for the changes of the times and make the Ming Dynasty transition smoothly, it may take more than ten years, or even twenty years, and one or two generations of emperors.

When society changes smoothly, the emperor's power will be an unsolvable matter.

Qin Mo took a deep breath. It was undoubtedly a very stupid thing to put down his power within fifty years.

The unification of East and West does not mean complete integration of East and West, but still requires continued centralization of power.

Perhaps, we can find a different path.

Li Yushu said aggrievedly: "You are becoming more and more annoying, and you are becoming more and more like my father!"

After that, she left crying.

Qin Mo didn't catch up, enjoying the glory without thinking about how he got his glory and wealth.

Perhaps, while enjoying the luxurious life in the palace, they have forgotten why they can enjoy the glory and wealth.

The Ming Dynasty had only been founded for a few years, and it had completely forgotten the hardships of the founding of the country.

She felt that perhaps only Xiao Yurou understood her best.

After finding Xiao Yurou, Xiao Yuju said: "Just now Yushu left in tears. Did you take care of Qin Shuo?"

"No, he didn't make any mistakes. Why should I deal with him?" Qin Mo said, "I just found some problems."

Qin Mo did not hide anything from Xiao Yurou and spoke out the problem.

Xiao Yu Judo: "Do you know what is the biggest difference between you and others?"

"Am I more handsome than others?"

Xiao Yurou smiled helplessly, "How long has it been and you are still showing off? In the eyes of most people, the Ming Dynasty is now a powerful country that cannot be number one. They think it is enough to rest peacefully on their achievements. Why? Why bother yourself?

They are already in high positions, why can't they enjoy the power in their hands?

But you are different. You always have a strong sense of crisis. I always feel that you can see through the future.

You have taken every step of the country's transformation and responded quickly.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty could rise rapidly in such a short period of time. It was not as powerful as a country built from scratch.

With the general trend of the world, you can always seize the opportunity accurately every time.

Maybe, this is your strength.

But you forget that some people are already lazy and slack, and they no longer have the motivation to make progress.

Especially after Da Gan, the most powerful enemy, surrendered, they fell flat.

At least, some of it.

Since last year, I have clearly felt that the sense of urgency has disappeared, and everyone seems to be settling into the status quo. "

Qin Mo nodded, "You are right, in fact I have noticed it, but I feel that Ming Dynasty is developing too fast, and blind development may bring some unnecessary troubles.

But looking at it now, it's not this problem, but that some people are lying down and slacking off. "

Xiao Yu said judo: "Don't be so nervous. Why are you so tight? It's not like the sky is falling. Now we have no enemies. You still have a lot of time to solve this problem.

Is it possible that you don’t even believe in yourself? "(End of chapter)

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