big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1864 Attitude

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Li Xianzong left the palace, he was almost paralyzed. He did not dare to delay, and ran back to the clan without stopping, and then called the person in charge of the clan over, "This Li Anxiang did such a treasonous thing, I Wait until you have to express your position, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a disaster.

Now, since we have separated our families and clans, it has nothing to do with Qianzhou.

You must have a clear attitude. "

Everyone believed this, after all, at this time, one careless move could very well destroy the entire clan.

Qin Mo is not a white lotus, but a real massacre of millions of people.

It pissed him off. Killing the Li clan is not like killing a chicken?

"Clan leader, let's issue a statement to the outside world to denounce Li Anxiang. If it doesn't work, we will send people to attack him again.

If it’s not for anything else, even if it’s just for show, we must do our best to show off! "

"That's right, let's make a statement first, and then go to the court to ask for orders and send people to attack!"

Everyone was chattering, and Li Xianzong nodded, "Then it's settled."

At this time, Xijing Daily also reported the entire incident.

In the east, Qianzhou, Qin Xiangru is receiving ministers.

Li Xin hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, we should let the garrison in Qianzhou destroy this kind of rebellion. We will definitely restore peace to Longyou!"

Qin Xiangru said: "I, the Qin family, can handle the Li family, and I can handle you, so why should I do this?
  Have they suppressed you crazily and denied you any space to survive?

In fact, I have treated you very favorably.

Many people have criticized it, but I didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

How do you ask me to convince those people in Xijing?

How do you ask me to explain to my son?

Is it because Ming Dynasty is incapable? "

Li Xin smiled bitterly. Everyone scolded Li Anxiang to death for doing such a thing.

In the past two years, everyone has actually lived quite well. For them, there have been no substantial changes in life.

Power is also changing smoothly. The most important thing is that the Li family has not declined, but has only blossomed all over the world.

This is already the best consequence.

But this piece of shit like Li Anxiang is very likely to push the Li family completely into the abyss.

Gathered [-] people and revolted in Longyou.

What's the meaning?

Da Qian is gone, but Qianzhou is still there, and Qianwang is still there.

Li Zhao is the real son of the emperor, and this bloodline cannot be faked.

The Li family still ruled a considerable part of the country, which was the best treatment for them.

"Your Majesty, no one wants something like this to happen, so I'm asking for orders to personally eliminate such rebellion!"

Li Xin knew very well that if the Ming army was sent out, none of these people would survive.

And if he went to recruit surrender, a considerable number of people would definitely survive.

Of course, Li Anxiang's lineage has no hope of survival, and it is their own fault. They had no reason or ground for an uprising, and they had no firm foothold.

Qin Xiangru looked at Li Xin and knew what Li Xin was thinking, "I am also waiting for news from the emperor. Whether I want you to destroy it or let the Ming Guards be dispatched, the emperor has the final say!"

Li Xin sighed. For such a big event, even Qin Xiangru had to wait for Qin Mo to speak.

Gongsun Wuji has now retired and was replaced by Gongsun Min.

Li Daoyuan and Li Cungong also retired, replaced by Li Yongyong and Yongfeng.

It can be said that all the older generations in Qianzhou have retired, and the rest are the Mesozoic and New Generations.

Li Yongmeng stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is willing to lead the Qianzhou Guards to attack the rebels. If you give Wei Chen a month, these rebels and traitors will be wiped out!"

Qin Xiangru said: "Just wait, I want to see how much trouble these people want to make, and how many people are causing trouble in secret, so I can catch them all in one fell swoop."

After hearing Qin Xiangru's words, everyone understood that it was not that Qin Xiangru did not send troops, but that he wanted to continue to expand the situation, let more people surface, and then catch them all!
  Several people exchanged glances, and they all knew that this time they were probably going to kill heads.

For a moment, I was extremely helpless.

"Grandpa, can the child lead an army to fight?" At this time, Li Zhao said at the side. Li Zhao, who was already six years old, was well taken care of by Qin Xiangru and his wife, and he was quite smart at a young age.

Qin Xiangru touched his head and said: "If you were sixteen now, my grandfather would definitely not stop you. But you are only six years old now. You still have to grow up. When you are stronger than your grandfather, you can went."

Li Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "These rebellious officials and traitors can only live a good life, but they insist on causing trouble. It's really abominable!"

Qin Xiangru said with a smile: "Zhao'er, remember, some people make trouble for the sake of a stable life for everyone in the world.

Some people make trouble because they want to disrupt everyone's originally peaceful life.

We must support the former, and we must firmly resist the latter. "

"I understand, kid!" Li Zhao nodded, with a look of hatred on his face.

Qin Xiangru glanced at everyone and said, "Let's all go down. There are guards guarding Longyou. There won't be a big chaos for a while. When the emperor's order comes, we will do whatever we want."

Longyou is not very far from the capital of Qianzhou, but there are nearly [-] troops around, and they wouldn't dare to come even if they had the guts to do so.

As the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the capital of Qianzhou built three military airports, equipped with first-generation fighters and hundreds of second-generation fighters.

It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who comes will die!

Qin Xiangru was not worried about Li Anxiang's mindless rebellion.

The world has just reached peace. In the past two years, people's lives have become better and more prosperous. People talk about the Ming Dynasty less and less, and more and more people are returning to the Ming Dynasty.

A large number of favorable strategies have made people's lives better and better. How can they miss the hard days of the past?

Although it is said that the people of Daqian lived well during Li Shilong's period, the rule of Ming Dynasty seemed to be better.

Qin Xiangru sighed, "Is there still a market for rebellion now? You are so evil-minded."

On the other side, in Longyou, Li Anxiang gathered more than [-] people. He had only one purpose, which was to avenge his father and wake up those who were loyal to the Daqian court.

Don't let them continue to be enslaved by the Ming Dynasty!
  These days, Li Anxiang often wakes up from fright. He often sees his father scolding him in his dreams.

Then I couldn't sleep anymore.

Seeing the clan members in Longyou being torn apart, and seeing the originally prosperous Li family in Longyou decline, Li Anxiang felt that he should do something.

Even if he dies, he must stand up!
  He wants Longyou to return to its former prosperity, and he wants the Daqian Dragon Flag to fly again.

He wants to avenge his father, he wants to break the demon in his heart! (End of chapter)

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