big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1865 Change of Yuan Shuntian

"Now that the army outside has sealed off the surrounding areas, if we start an uprising now, is there still hope?" one person said.

"Unless we continue to go north to the grassland, the only way out is there!"

"Yes, go to the grassland and enter the vast grassland. Only then will we have a chance. We can face each other head-on. We cannot be opponents."

In the room, everyone was discussing that in the Central Plains, there was no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation with the Ming army. The only way was to go to the grassland and then continue northward. Maybe they could lead these people to build a country in the north.

Daqian has also explored a lot of the world over the years. There is still a vast land on the other side of the grassland.

On that land, there is also a country called Ross. This country was established by the local indigenous people, as well as people from the Western Regions and the Northern Slaves.

The founding of the country was very short, and it was very closed, with little contact with the outside world.

But the people in this country are very tough, and it is said that they drink blood like hair.

Li Anxiang said: "It's not easy to cross the grassland from here!"

"The country of Rus is closed, and we have guns and cannons in our hands. It is only a matter of time before we defeat them. As long as we get to Rus and conquer Rus, then we will have the basis to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

If it were just us, we wouldn't be able to fight against Ming Dynasty. "

Li Anxiang's clan brother said: "First of all, Rus borders the grasslands and the Western Regions. As long as we wait a few years, we will definitely be able to dominate the Western Regions and have the ability to compete with the Ming Dynasty."

"Yes, we have too few people now. If there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, even if they are not Ming's opponents, Ming will never dare to take action easily."

Everyone was chatting more and more enthusiastically. At this moment, a person said: "There is no leader. How about we nominate someone to be the emperor?"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Li Anxiang.

He was the one responsible for the rebellion.

"An Anxiang, you have pushed everyone onto the chariot. You don't want to be the emperor, but no one will. You have to consider everyone's wealth and lives.

Moreover, the mission of restoring the glory of Daqian still falls on you. "

Li Anxiang didn't expect that things would develop so quickly. He originally thought of fighting to the death with Daming, but after everyone's discussion, he completely gave up this idea.

Daming is not a soft persimmon, and head-on confrontation will only lead to a bloody head.

Go to Rus to build a country. After you have a foundation, you can slowly get in touch with the scattered Li families in the country.

And with the national foundation, we have the qualifications to challenge the Ming Dynasty.

He, Qin Jingyun, can build a huge country from scratch, so why can't he, Li Anxiang?

Li Anxiang walked to the crowd and said, "Thank you for your respect, I will do my part. This world was earned by my Li family through hard work, but it was stolen by Qin Mo, a thief.

No matter how Qin thief talks, he can't escape his identity as a rebel.

Today, I, Li Anxiang, will raise the banner of Daqian again to win the hearts of the people.

In time, Daqian's dragon flag will surely fly over this land again! "

After saying this, everyone bowed their heads and bowed, "See you, Your Majesty!"

Immediately afterwards, someone took a yellow robe and put it on Li Anxiang.

In fact, everyone knows clearly that this is a game, but it can give everyone hope.

None of them are willing to live in the Ming Dynasty, and would rather go to the unknown country of Rus to give everyone a chance to get ahead.

The main thing is that Qin Mo set an example for them, and there is not much land left for them in this world.

The yellow robe was added to his body. At this moment, Li Anxiang felt as if he was destined to be a great leader. He scanned the people in the room and said, "Let's all get back together!" Followed closely were the 'big ministers', these people are all the mainstays of Xingan. .

"Call all the young and talented men and women of Longyou. Even if Longyou is evacuated, there will never be any left for the Qin thieves." Li Anran said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone retreated, and Li Anxiang calmed down his excitement.

At this time, a man came out from behind Li Anxiang. This man had white hair and a childlike face. He was holding a whisk in his hand. He looked very fairy-like. "The situation has been established. Only by going north can there be hope. I would like to congratulate your majesty first." ”

"Taoist Master Liaochen, I would have failed in your plan, otherwise."

Liao Chen chuckled and said: "Da Qian's vitality is still uncertain, Qin's thieves' soft-heartedness will eventually destroy the Ming Dynasty, and Your Majesty is the dawn of Da Qian's future.

Poor people are just following destiny! "

"What a follower of fate!" Li Anxiang couldn't help but laugh. This old man's words were so pleasing to the ear!

"Taoist Master Liao Chen, if that's the case, then from now on, I will make you the Imperial Master of Daqian!" Li Anxiang said.

Liao Chen seemed to have been prepared for it. He was not surprised by Li Anxiang's canonization. Instead, he accepted it happily and said, "Wei Chen, thank you Your Majesty!"

"With the help of Master Chen, I am even more powerful!"

"Your Majesty, I watched the stars last night, and the Greedy Wolf star appeared. Murderous intent is looming. We must go north as soon as possible, otherwise things will change later. We must not give the Ming Dynasty a chance to besieged. By then, the trapped dragon will not be able to ascend to the sky!" Liao Chen said.

Li Anxiang looked serious. In fact, he just wanted revenge at first. It was by chance that he met this Luo Chen, and the two got along quite well.

Li Anxiang learned that this man was a sorcerer who lived in seclusion in the mountains. He inherited the lineage from ancient times and did not go out of the mountains on weekdays. This time when he came out of the mountains, he felt that the world was in chaos, so he went down the mountain to find the Ming Lord and correct the path.

This set of rhetoric has been used for thousands of years, but it is still very popular today.

At least Li Anxiang believed it.

It was also with Liao Chen's instigation and advice that Li Anxiang was able to rally so many people to resist.

And Li Anxiang also thinks that he is the destined master who can correct the path!
  But now, he wants to pull up these teams and escape for his life!

Li Anxiang only proclaimed himself emperor secretly and did not declare it to the outside world, because they knew that if he proclaimed himself emperor at this time, he would be ruthlessly suppressed by the Ming Dynasty.

But secretly, Li Anxiang has changed his name to Shuntian.

He, Emperor Shuntian, was already sitting in the car heading to the grassland at this moment.

Looking at his hometown behind him, Li Anxiang was quite reluctant to leave and felt very embarrassed.

He clenched his fists and said secretly to himself: "When I come back again, I will make the Central Plains completely different. Father, I will definitely avenge you.

This country still belongs to my Li family.

The son is now going to a foreign country to keep the incense for Da Qian.

Those people who are willing to be Ming Dynasty's lackeys will not end well! "

Li Anxiang looked back and his eyes became firm.

The road on the grassland is not easy, and in recent years, the grassland has surrendered. Whether it is Daqian or Ming Dynasty, the control and rule of the grassland have reached an unprecedented level.

The grassland is also the home of all ethnic groups. At the moment, all they can do is sing and dance, and they won’t be able to do anything! (End of chapter)

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