big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1866 Let them escape!

Although he can't lift the sword, the military minister is still there.

This old boy is still the most noble being on the grassland, and his descendants are quite proud of themselves on this grassland.

Of course, most of them were tired of the boring grassland and went to the Central Plains. A considerable number of them became officials in the imperial court.

Although the wolf, Military Minister, is old, the people under his command are still very fierce.

Li Anxiang had to be careful to avoid these people. Once intercepted by them, he would probably suffer heavy losses.

But the good thing is that the grassland is so big and sparsely populated.

Even if there are diesel locomotives now, it is impossible to travel across the entire grassland. Here, cattle and horses are the safest way.

As long as they are careful, they can completely cross this grassland.

On the other side of the grassland, there is an endless forest. It is said that it is extremely cold there, so they must pass through the grassland and the forest in summer before arriving in Ross.

At the same time, the news of Li Anxiang's escape had also spread.

When the news reached Qin Xiangru's ears, he couldn't help but be stunned, "This kid actually escaped? Didn't he want revenge?"

Not only Qin Xiangru, but also everyone else was confused.

Li Anxiang fled to the grassland, but was there a way for them to survive in the grassland?
  Moreover, before leaving, Li Anxiang also robbed hundreds of thousands of young men and women from Longyou. These people's food, clothing and housing were a big problem.

Qin Xiangru's intuition told him that the problem was not as simple as he thought.

"Don't these people want to cross the grassland and go to other places to build a country?" At this time, a person said.

This sentence directly reminded Qin Xiangru, "[-]% yes, otherwise, how could they take away young men and women, not just to reproduce?"

Qin Xiangru hurriedly brought a world map and looked at it, "There is no way for them to survive in the grassland, either on the left or the right, but going north is the vast forest. According to the news from Honglu Pavilion, [-]% of the world's Nine countries have the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion, but some extremely feudal and closed countries do not. Among them is a country in the North that is newly built. That country is extremely barbaric.

Named Rose! "

Qin Xiangru pointed in this direction, "They left, which saves some trouble, but we can't just let them slip away. We must keep track of their movements. If they really establish a country overseas, we can strike accurately at that time!"

It's not that Qin Xiangru is overbearing, but that they have given the Li family a chance, and now they dare to rob the people of the Ming Dynasty. This matter must be explained.

Otherwise, it is impossible to justify.

If everyone could learn from the same thing, what kind of country would we have?

The news also reached the ears of Li Xin and others, "This guy really wants to die."

Li Yongmeng said: "Do they also want to imitate fools? Do they have the capital? They have been targeted from the beginning. What can they do to build a country?"

The reason why Qin Mo was able to found the country was that he was well prepared. In the years after the founding of the country, no one knew about it.

After knowing it, the Ming Dynasty had a population of several million. In addition, it was thousands of miles away from Daqian. It took almost a year to go back and forth. The cost of the expedition had to be considered, so at that time, Daqian had been struggling. Should we conquer the Ming Dynasty?

It wasn't until the battle in the Western Regions that Daming used its own hard power to defeat Daqian, and then Daqian knew that Daming already had the same strength as Daqian.

Later, when the two countries established diplomatic relations, the strength revealed by Ming Dynasty and the development strategy of Qin Mo were unexpected.

They knew that Daqian and Ming could only live in peace.

Only A Si, a silly boy, would want to defeat Ming Dynasty.

Does Li Anxiang have a chance?
  He couldn't stand a chance.

With Daming's current size, he could survive them to death.

To put it bluntly, the situation is very clear now. Ming Dynasty may unify the world in the future. When the time comes, where can these people hide?
  It's just a useless struggle. "Now we want to warn those people everywhere not to let them contact Li Anxiang. Once discovered, they will be killed without mercy!" Li Yong said fiercely: "And according to the report from the spies, Li Anxiang secretly ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, with the reign title Shuntian.

Qianzhou is still there and Daqian has not yet been destroyed. What kind of emperor does he call him?

What is it but rebellion? "

Li Yongmeng still knew very well that if he did not characterize this matter, it would definitely be a disaster for the Li family in the world.

These damn things are simply making fun of the lives of the people.

In other words, for the power in their hands and their own ambitions, they no longer take the lives of others into consideration.

"Send someone to monitor them. It's best to go out for encirclement and suppression now. If they go to the country of Ross, trouble will arise."

And this news also reached Ming Dynasty.

When Qin Mo saw the news, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Did you imitate me?"

The ministers all stood up one after another to persuade Qin Mo to surround and suppress these people.

Qin Mo said: "I heard that Russia has a vast territory. Although many areas are bitterly cold, there are abundant resources under the frozen soil, such as combustible natural gas, oil, forest resources, and fishery resources. That's all good stuff.

It's just that we can't spare any time now.

Let Li Anxiang be the vanguard first. If the Russian Empire does not establish diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty, then we have no obligation to help them.

Without guns and cannons, it would be impossible to defeat people like Li Anxiang with just the swords and axes in their hands. "

After hearing Qin Mo's words, everyone present's eyes lit up.

Everyone knew that the emperor was attracted to the country of Russia.

It's a good move to kill someone with a borrowed sword. After Li Anxiang takes over the country of Ross, it's time for Ming Dynasty to come on stage.

Today's Ming Dynasty is the suzerain state of all countries in the world, and after Qin Mo took over Daqian, he re-formulated a century-old policy.

The globalization of the world and the modernization of the Ming Dynasty are also included in the centenary plan.

It's just a secret plan, the kind that's not open to the public.

"This method is very good, but will it create trouble for bandits?" someone asked worriedly.

“If they could follow the path of Ming Dynasty, how could Dagan with such a large body still lose to Smashing Door?
  Then it’s not unfair for us to lose. "Qin Mo looks down on these people. They don't know Daming's strength at all.

The Ming Dynasty's military power is constantly improving. No one knows to what height it will return to in a few years.

Or, one day, when Ming Dynasty launches satellites, the whole world will be within the attack range of Ming Dynasty.

Of course, that would be many years later.

But the current strength is enough for those small countries to catch up for a hundred years.

Some key technical barriers cannot be easily overcome.

And with their size, it is very difficult to make these things.

Therefore, if a small country wants to surpass a big country, it will only be crushed unless it cheats.

Such a thing will not happen to Daming! (End of chapter)

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