big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1868 Killing you bastard!

"But, they said that I am the king of Qianzhou, so I should work harder." Li Zhao had a trace of helplessness on his face.

For a child of a few years old, such a huge burden obviously made him uncomfortable.

Qin Xiangru scolded: "Who said that? Those bastards know nothing, Zhao'er, let me tell you this, what do you think of your uncle?"

Speaking of Qin Mo, Li Zhaodao: "My uncle is the most powerful emperor, the only emperor in the world. People outside say so."

"Then do you know how naughty your uncle was when he was a child?" Qin Xiangru said: "When your uncle was your age, he led a group of children and beat up all over the capital. Those naughty children were very well-behaved when they saw your uncle.

He fishes in rivers every day, digs out bird eggs in trees, and fools around outside every day. This does not affect his great achievements in this world at all.

You are still young and mentally immature. If you put too much experience into things that do not belong to your age, it will consume your energy.

So, what you have to do now is to grow up happily and do what you like to do.

The identity of King Qian is something you should face when you grow up, not something you can handle now.

understand? "

Li Zhao thought thoughtfully, "Then why do they say that about me?"

"Maybe they say this for your own good, but you have to remember that you are your mother's baby, and your mother is your grandfather's baby, so you are all my babies.

Grandpa, it’s impossible to treat you badly.

Your uncle endured a lot of anger for you.

You may not understand it now, but when you grow up, you will understand it! "Qin Xiangru said.

"Okay, why are you talking to your children so much now?" Qin Xiuying complained: "Those people are just evil-minded. If you ask me, Mo'er should be allowed to deal with them all again!"

Qin Xiangru waved his hand, knowing that those people actually had no bad intentions, but they had to be careful.

No one knows if there are bad elements among these people. If he secretly instigates a relationship between Li Zhao and the Qin family, it will be hard to predict the future.

The next day, Li Zhao came to A Si's place.

Although Ah Si was deposed, he was still living a good life, and the concubines around him still followed him.

In recent years, there have been many births of children.

He was in a state of low spirits, and it looked like his body had been drained by alcohol and sex. He was already frail and looked particularly short-lived.

"I have met my father!" Li Zhao didn't like his father, but thinking of his grandfather's words, he still respectfully saluted his grandfather.

Accompanying him was Li Xin.

Li Xin has returned to the Li clan and is still labeled as a reformed prince.

Ah Si looked at Li Zhao with somewhat blurred eyes, "Why are you here, you little beast?"

Hearing this, Li Zhao's face was filled with helplessness. How could any father call his son a 'little beast'?

"Uncle!" Li Zhao looked at Li Xin.

Li Xin also shook his head, "Si, if the child comes to see you, why do you say bad things to him? What did the child do wrong?
  You should feel lucky. If it weren't for this child, do you think you would have survived until now?

Can you still live in drunken dreams every day? "

"Brother, why don't you fucking teach me a lesson here." Ah Si sneered: "Kill me if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, stop talking nonsense. How good you are now. You have returned to the clan and become the talk of the clan. people.

And I am just a lost dog.     Are you here to see my joke now? "

Li Xin frowned and said to Li Zhao: "Your father is already unconscious. You go out first and I will talk to him."

Li Zhao hesitated for a moment, he really didn't like this father, and then turned and left.

Seeing Li Zhao's quick steps, Ah Si felt as if his tail was being stepped on, and he cursed: "You little beast, you are indeed a white-eyed wolf that has not been raised well, and I don't know whose bastard it is!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Xinsan stepped forward, kicked him over, and slapped him hard on the face, "Whose bastard? Your bastard! You bastard, kid." What's wrong?

It's not your own fault. It was you who said at the beginning that you would rather let the world down than let the world down you.

How can you afford to play but not afford to lose?

Now that we have lost, we are passing the responsibility to a child?
  When you were in power, you didn’t act like an emperor properly. If you stopped being an emperor, now you’re starting to act like a human being, right?
  Your father asked you to go to the city gate. You have really embarrassed your father.

I really don’t blame anyone for what happened to Da Gan today, I blame you, this incompetent emperor.

Your mother is here to support you, what do you do?

My mother is still in good health, but it can be seen that she was depressed because you couldn't hold her up against the wall, so she left so quickly. "

Li Xin became angrier as he spoke, and punched Ah Si in the face. His face was instantly bruised and swollen, and his nose was bleeding.

Ah Si was beaten until he screamed.

Li Xin grabbed his neck, "So what if I strangle you to death now, this unfaithful, unfilial, unfaithful and unjust son!"

Ah Si laughed, "It doesn't matter if a tiger falls down and is bullied by a dog. If you want to kill him, just kill him. I don't care."

Li Xin sighed and let go of his hand, "Sure enough, mud can't hold up a wall."

As soon as Ah Si wiped his nosebleed, the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

But he saw the dagger in Li Xin's hand. At that moment, Ah Si trembled all over, and the flesh on his face twitched, watching Li Xin coming towards him step by step.

Ah Si swallowed his saliva, "Brother, what are you going to do? You can't kill me. If you kill me, what will the world think of you?"

Li Xin stopped, finally hid the dagger, and gave Ah Si a final cold look, "Remember, the next time the child comes over, speak to me properly, and next time, I will definitely kill you!" "

The murderous painting made Ah Si feel confused. He knew that what Li Xin said was true, "I, I will definitely speak well next time!"

"You've never been a tough person, so why bother pretending!" Li Xin smiled mockingly and left without looking back.

Ah Si was left sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Uncle, my father"

"It's okay, I just had a friendly exchange with him, and I won't talk to you like that again in the future." Li Xin smiled and touched Li Zhao's head.

Li Zhao was stunned, "Really? But I don't understand why he hates me so much?"

Li Xin knelt down and looked at Li Zhao and said: "Not everyone is worthy of being a father, do you understand? You have done a good job and are a good child, so don't imitate your father.

He is a selfish person who only has himself in mind.

If you want to learn, just learn from your uncle. Your uncle is a man who has the world in his heart.

You can also learn from your Azu. Your uncle also learned from your Azu. "(End of chapter)

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