big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1869 Arrival in Russia

In the seventh year of Yong'an, Li Ankang led nearly [-] people across thousands of miles of grassland and arrived at the forest sea. However, the coldness of the far north exceeded his imagination.

There is a large forest here, as far as the eye can see, and there are countless beasts.

The food they brought was no longer enough, so they could only rely on hunting and fishing to eat.

"Your Majesty, it seems that we have passed the territory of the Ming Dynasty and arrived at the country of Rus." Li Xianzong stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "I found the boundary monument of the country of Rus ahead."

"Where is the boundary marker?" Li Anxiang couldn't hold himself any longer. After walking with so many people for more than half a year, both mentally and physically, he was stretched to the limit. He even doubted whether he could really reach the destination. .

"It's just ahead." Li Xianzong took Li Ansheng over. The boundary monument was not big, but it had Russian and Chinese characters that looked like ghostly drawings.

It can be determined from the Chinese characters that behind this boundary monument is the territory of Russia.

And this so-called Romance is actually Western Regions.

Li Anxiang was overjoyed, "Okay, great. Since there is a boundary marker, there must be some scouts sent out to investigate. It's best to capture some people and bring them back."

They turned a blind eye to the situation in Russia. Although they had guns and cannons, this was another country after all.

Moreover, spring has just begun and the weather is still extremely cold. Many people have frozen to death on the road.

After taking a look at the men and women behind him, Li Anan sighed, and then quickly stepped forward and gathered the people together. In fact, in order to resist the severe cold, they brought everyone together, with men in the outer circle and women in the inner circle.

"Now, we have arrived in the country of Russia and are about to start a new journey, so we have guns and cannons and are ready to attack at any time.

Enter the country of Rus, enjoy the popular food, drink spicy food, and hug their women! "

Many people became fanatical, but some were sober. They thought to themselves that if they invaded for no reason, wouldn't they become perpetrators?
  But no one dares to say such a thing.

Li Anxiang was waiting for the scouts in the camp. Not long after, the scouts came back and arrested some people, both men and women.

Some of them were proficient in Western languages, and after asking, they found out that there was a city with thousands of people hundreds of miles away.

And twenty miles away, there was a village with only a few hundred people inside.

And these people know how to cross these forests.

Li Anxiang was so excited that he asked these prisoners to lead the way. In just half a day, he arrived at the village and captured all of them.

There were not many women in the village, only twenty or thirty people, but these women became the targets of General Li Anxiang's vent.

For this reason, Li Anxiang didn't stop him. He had his own wives and concubines.

After taking a hot bath, Li Anxiang was wrapped in thick bearskin clothes and felt extremely warm.

He, who was originally digging and searching, also asked people to put food out so that everyone who was hungry and full could eat.

The new ministers all entered the room one after another.

Li Anxiang said: "It can be known that this country of Russia is very backward, but it cannot be underestimated.

Although this country is small, it has nearly a million people.

That's nearly a million people. With so many people, we have a foundation to stand on.

As long as we capture the country of Russia, we can continue to plunder people from other places.

Over time, if our number exceeds five million, we can go head-to-head with Ming! "

When Li Anxiang said this, his eyes were full of excitement.

Li Xianzong said: "We are in a very bad state now. We still need to let everyone take a break and eat something good, so that we can better demonstrate our combat effectiveness.

When we reach the nearest city, we should camp down and make camp step by step.

The country of Russia is vast and a truly bitter and cold place. The Ming Dynasty may not send troops here, so this gives us an opportunity. In the early stage, we should focus on digesting the basic market and not provoke those in the Western Regions.

Preventing those in the Western Regions from asking Ming Dynasty for help. "

Everyone is convinced that they are no match for the Ming army now.

They walked on tenterhooks along the way because they were afraid of encountering the Ming army.

Li Anxiang nodded, "First send scouts to investigate the situation. There are not many cities around here. For those cities, we need to build the country first and repair it for a few days. We need to create more weapons to deal with it."

Some of the weapons in their hands were broken on the road, and some were empty of bullets due to hunting.

After taking inventory, if they use the ammunition sparingly, they can still fight three to five battles, but also against a backward country like Russia.

If it were the Ming Dynasty, they could kill them with piles of bullets.

Everyone discussed for a long time and decided on the basic plan. That night, Li slept peacefully and peacefully.

The next day, the scouts brought back the news. Li Anxiang asked people to bring weapons and go straight to the nearest city.

In less than a month, all the cities and towns in the surrounding three hundred miles were captured.

The number of people under Li Anxiang's rule has reached more than [-]. Not only that, the territory is hundreds of miles wide.

Although it is not as good as Ming Dynasty, it is still a good start.

At the very least, they no longer have to be displaced.

However, they still face food shortages.

The food seized was only enough to sustain them for a few months. Fortunately, the people here had the habit of hunting and fishing.

The winter here is long, so they will stock up on a lot of meat in advance to get them through the cold winter.

And these meat-eating and cold-proof animal furs are all cheap for new people.

Li Anxiang finally looked a little like an emperor. The coat he wore was tanned with white tiger skin.

He also changed the original city lord's palace into a palace where he temporarily stayed, and everything was in accordance with the emperor's specifications.

The second thing Li Anxiang did was to collect Ross's beautiful girls from various places. This is what they call fusion.

And these beautiful girls from the Rus' country are really no match for the women from the Central Plains. Not only do they have strong body odor, but their hair is also very luxuriant.

But in order to better rule this land, he must do this, even give birth to an heir.

And the longer Li Anxiang stayed here, the more he understood the situation in Ross Country.

The country of Rus, to be precise, is now the Rurik Dynasty.

Their national capital is thousands of miles away from here.

And across these thousands of miles, many places are actually not very suitable for living.

This is a truly barren land, but after the ice and snow melt, the black earth here is really fascinating.

And these black soils are black gold that can grow food.

The food they brought from Daming can definitely be harvested here.

Li Anxiang patrolled the territory of his kingdom every day, but his wife said worriedly: "I always feel that this place is too close to the Ming Dynasty and I don't feel safe. How about we move further in?" (End of Chapter)

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