big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1891 The bill is passed!

Chapter 1891 The bill is passed!

"Then wouldn't this be a mess?" Qin Youde frowned and said, "Your Highness, the chaos of party strife in history is still there, and history must not be repeated."

"Yes, conservatives and welfare factions do have a purpose, but they should not become a legal faction. If so, there will be endless troubles!"

The people who were called were quite resistant to this.

It’s not that they are short-sighted, but that this kind of thing has actually happened quite a lot throughout the ages.

The final result of all kinds of party struggles is either bloodshed or death.

"Your Highness, I know that you are kind-hearted, but I will never agree to such a thing." The ministers of the Qin clan were extremely opposed.

"Even if we agree, His Majesty will not agree."

"That's right, His Majesty's side won't be able to pass, so don't waste your efforts!"

Seeing this scene, Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er also smiled bitterly. They knew it would be like this.

But Tianxin said: "I specifically asked my father for his opinion, and he agreed with my approach. He said that the future Ming Dynasty will be complicated and will need more support to cope with the ever-changing situation.

Just like now, the Ming Dynasty has reached a relatively critical period of transformation. It may take a generation to complete this transformation. At that time, the Ming Dynasty will completely transform from an agricultural society to an industrial society.

Social transformation means structural changes.

Just like in the tribal era, whoever has more power and catches more prey is the boss.

Crowds gathered, and then cities came into being, and the concept of ethnic groups slowly evolved into countries.

Does the king still want to go hunting at this time?

Not relying on farming?

But now, the Ming Dynasty's state system is being upgraded, and agricultural taxes and corvee have been exempted, so national welfare must keep up.

People's demands are higher.

You must know better than I do what will happen if we fail to meet the needs of the people. "

Tianxin looked at those who objected, "As for the early running-in, it will definitely take time, and some friction is normal.

But we also need competition internally.

A stagnant court is definitely not what I want to see.

The future Ming Dynasty will be a fiercely competitive Ming Dynasty. Every year, hundreds of thousands or millions of students will study and repay the country.

If you think about it, so many talents flowing into all walks of life will inevitably push the entire country forward.

We still hold on to the old ideas. Isn’t this an outdated thought?

As you all know, I advocate forging ahead.

Being enterprising means embracing all rivers and removing the bad while retaining the good.

Keep the good ones and get rid of the useless ones.

That's what we're going to do today.

Leaving conservatives and welfare factions behind, it cannot be as simple as simply talking about integration.

Give them responsibilities and regulate them.

In Gu's eyes, they are all tools to promote national progress, nothing more! "

Qin Youde and others looked at each other, their attitudes became a little relaxed, and finally he said: "Since His Highness the Crown Prince has mentioned this, if I still don't understand, it means that my ideas are outdated and I can't keep up with the times.

But Wei Chen still wants to say that legislation is possible, but it can be implemented on a trial basis first.

Check to see if it fits. If there is anything inappropriate, you can stop it immediately without causing any greater impact.

Ming Dynasty is so big that a small decision may affect countless people. What we are doing now is unprecedented and unprecedented. No one knows whether the outcome will be good or bad. We can only cross the river by feeling for stones.

No one can give us experience. "

This sentence is indeed an old saying for seeking a country.

Tianxin smiled, he was afraid that these people would be bitten to death if they disagreed.

After all, the support of the cabinet, secretariat, and these clan elders is very important.

Qin Mo said that if he didn't come forward to do this, everything would be left to him to decide. It would be a test for him to make it clear.

Tianxin naturally wants to do this well.

Thinking of this, he nodded, "Okay, let's try it out on a small scale first. The main thing is to let these two factions assist the East Palace, improve its mechanism, and let the three factions compete healthily.

However, the political faction must dominate, and this cannot be shaken.

What kind of government my next generation will choose to govern is his choice, not mine.

One generation governs another. My father has also said that he will not interfere with my governance of the world. He only cares about the results, good or bad! "

Qin Mo gave him the greatest authority and a broad space for display.

Tianxin is very grateful and understands that the conditions for such wild gifts have never existed in the past and present.

His father's kindness and love for him are enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

Immediately, everyone began to have a heated discussion about this matter.

It took five days of discussion before a feasible plan was come up.

Taking this plan, Tianxin hurriedly came to Fengtian Palace and handed the plan to Qin Mo, "Dad, take a look, what do you think of this plan?"

Qin Mo took the plan and looked at it carefully. From his perspective, this plan was indeed okay. He thought about it but did not correct the mistakes in it, because some mistakes needed to be discovered by himself. of.

If Qin Mo said it directly, it would be like telling him the answer.

In this way, Tianxin will never remember it.

Only when you learn lessons will you remember them firmly in your heart.

"Well, it's generally fine. There are some minor issues. You can judge the quality in practice. I won't comment." Qin Mo put down the plan and said.

Tianxin was stunned for a moment, then understood what his father meant, "Yes, Dad!"

"I haven't had any rest in the past few days. The second and third children both came to me to complain, for fear that I might misunderstand!"

"They are so careless!" Tian Xin said with a bitter smile, "In my opinion, brothers working together are more powerful than gold. Since I brought up this matter, how could I test them?"

Qin Mo said: "Your identity is different. You have been with me since childhood. Do you think I have changed?"

Tianxin looked at his father and finally shook his head, "No, in my heart, you are still the same as before. You have never changed."

"But in the eyes of others, it's not like this. My best brother has to think carefully before speaking.

Some people even trembled when they saw me, but I am not a man-eating monster. Qin Mo sighed, "This is a side effect of changes in status. You have to spend time adapting to it." Then, you continue to be yourself, don't change, don't be a slave to power, don't be blinded by it.

That way, you can stay awake at all times and make judgments and things that are best for yourself and the country. "

Tianxin bowed seriously, knowing that his father was teaching him, "My son, please obey your father's teachings!"

(End of this chapter)

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