big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1892 God loves Ming Dynasty so much!

Chapter 1892 God loves Ming Dynasty so much!

Qin Mo waved his hand, "It's nothing, go down, I'll give you a year, and you can get everything done as soon as possible.

Your Azu fell ill this year, and I'm very worried.

Although Zan Ying is there, Zan Ying cannot defy destiny. Aging is irreversible. "

Tianxin gave a wry smile, how could an emperor think about his son being punished every day?

Even at such an old age, he is still so rebellious.

But his father has always been like this.

"Dad, I have one more thing." Tianxin said: "That is about the country of Ross. According to reports from the front, those rebels seem to have taken over the capital of Ross. Can we take action now?"

"Why are you in a hurry? Do the things in front of you first. The road must be walked step by step and the food must be eaten one bite at a time!" Qin Mo smiled and reminded Tian Xin not to aim too high.

Tianxin also reacted, "I understand."

After leaving Fengtian Hall, Tianxin let out a sigh of relief and felt that the pressure was getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, in the country of Ross, Li Ran had led an army to the capital of Ross. As the capital of the country of Ross, there were nearly 300,000 people here.

But for Li Ran, who was used to seeing big scenes, 300,000 people was not even comparable to the population of a district in Qianzhou.

But now for Li Ran's new team, these 300,000 people are undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

Especially when 300,000 people were prostrate on the roadside, not daring to look up at him, this gave Li Ran a sense of ambition.

Li Xian stood next to Li Ran and said: "Your Majesty, right now, we have captured the entire territory of Russia, and its population has exceeded one million. Now, we are new in this world. Only then can we really have the capital to establish ourselves.”

Li Ran nodded, thinking of how many difficulties and obstacles they had experienced along the way when they came from the grassland in embarrassment a few years ago.

Until now, it can be said that we have created this career from scratch.

He entered the palace of the Ross Kingdom and saw the king of the Ross Kingdom. Li Ran didn't even look at him, so he was pulled down and beheaded in front of everyone in the Ross Kingdom.

He also left none of his heirs, and his wife and daughter were accepted by Li Ran with a smile.

To be honest, Li Ran didn't like these people, but for political needs, he needed to stabilize people's hearts and not let these barbarians think that he was a person who killed indiscriminately.

To be honest, everything here is too backward. Compared with Daqian and Daming, it is like a rural area.

His series of actions, in the eyes of people in the country of Russia, were simply groundbreaking acts of kindness.

In just two months, Li Ran gained the support of these people.

Facts have proved that whether they are Russians or people from the Central Plains, what ordinary people want is just a leader who can keep them fed and clothed and give them a certain amount of fairness.

"Your Majesty, the information from the spies is that a few months ago, the Ming Dynasty held an election and the third successor of the Ming Dynasty has been selected." Li Xian took the information and entered the palace. Although Li Ran was not as good as his eldest brother Li Bi, he The best is being emotionally stable, being able to listen to persuasion, and having one's own opinions even though he is young.

This is also the reason why Li Xian cooperated with Li Ran in launching a coup.

"Oh?" Li Ran stopped writing, took the information and read it. When he saw it, his brows suddenly wrinkled, "Chang Qin? This person is not a simple person. In the early years, he acted like an ordinary person. He participated in an exhibition in the southern part of the Ming Dynasty, killed hundreds of enemies, and gradually became a heroic figure.

Later, he went to the northwest of the Ming Dynasty to govern the area. He managed it for nearly ten years and had many supporters. He was a very capable person.

It can be said that this person is able to win decisively, and it can be said from all aspects that he is a person of great talent and virtue. "

In fact, what he meant was that having such a successor in Ming Dynasty was not a good thing for Xin Gan.

Li Ran was even a little jealous, feeling that God favored Daming too much. Li Xian also expressed some emotion, "Chang Qin has been smart since he was a child, and he has become even more kingly when he grows up.

However, Qin Mo was indeed very courageous and actually let go directly. How old was he?

Only fifty years old.

You can see in the newspaper how young he is. There is almost no difference between him and twenty years ago.

For such a person, it is not a problem for him to live to be seventy or eighty years old. "

Speaking of this, Li Xian couldn't help but smile bitterly. Qin Xiangru was almost eighty and still strong. Qin Mo was still as young as a boy at fifty. Now there was a talented and strategic Qin Chang. The prosperous era of the three emperors of the Ming Dynasty was finally completed. .

When the late emperor was still alive, he did not complete this grand event.

"Call everyone else over and discuss how to deal with it!" Li Ran said.

Soon, other ministers came.

Li Ran said: "Now the power of the Ming Dynasty has been successfully transferred to the third generation. Xijing Daily said that Qin Mo has now delegated power and asked Chief Qin to supervise the country. If the supervision of the country goes smoothly, Chief Qin will succeed the Ming Dynasty in one year. And Qin Mo will replace Qin Xiangru and take charge of Qianzhou."

To be honest, the two emperors system is really a killer.

Qin Mo is in charge of Qianzhou, and Jiuzhou cannot be in chaos at all.

If Kyushu is not in chaos, Xingan will have no chance to develop.

"I can also guess that the reason why Qin Mo didn't take action is because they want us to successfully occupy the huge country of Rus.

The reason why we are not taking action now is because Ming Dynasty is in the process of power transition.

Qin Mo wants to leave us to Chief Qin to establish Chief Qin's authority.

Now, tell me what you think. You can say whatever you want. I just want to hear your truest thoughts! "

Everyone was stunned. No one expected that Li Ran said it so straightforwardly. Everyone was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Your Majesty, in that case, now is our opportunity to contact the Western Region and exchange resources from the Western Region for the supplies we need.

Now we have built the gun.

The cannon is also being cast. Once the cannon is successfully cast, we will have the power to fight back.

Although we have no tanks, no planes, no submarines, and no huge ships, we have the spirit of not admitting defeat and can fight to the death with Ming Dynasty!

Moreover, I feel that there must be many people in the Western Region who hate the Ming Dynasty. We can network these people and extradite them to the Rus Kingdom to strengthen us.

Secondly, there must be many remnants of Beinu, we can also make use of these people! "

"Yes, Wei Chen seconded the proposal!"

"In short, we must not bow to the Ming Dynasty. Even if we fight to the last person, we will continue to fight!"

Everyone was very excited, perhaps because they had just captured the country of Rus, a vast country that was even wider than the Central Plains.

So much so that they couldn't figure out how much they weighed.

(End of this chapter)

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