big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1901 Reason

Chapter 1901 Reason

Liao Hua was extremely nervous.

Qin Mo said: "Why don't you dare to look up at me? Is there something on your mind?"

Liao Hua couldn't help but shake his head, and then couldn't help but nod his head again. He was so confused.

Qin Mo said funnyly: "You are also an old man under my command. From a high-spirited young man to a man who knows destiny now, you should know what my temper is like.

This time I traveled to Nanfang City, no one knew about it, and it wasn’t a private visit incognito. It was just for fun.

I did encounter a lot of things along the way, but I didn't interfere in any of them.

Since I called you here, something must have happened. "

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen deserves to die, Wei Chen failed to guard the southern city!" Liao Hua couldn't help but kowtow, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Qin Mo said: "I haven't even said anything about it, and you admit it?"

Liao Hua smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, no matter what excuse I have, it is my duty to fail to guard the southern city."

Qin Mo shook his head, "The southern city is calm, there is nothing bad about it. The duty of the army is to guard the place, not to interfere in the development of the place. I think you have done a good job in this regard.

I called you here not because of the development issues of Nanfang City. "

Liao Hua was stunned. If it wasn't because of this, then what was it?

"What's going on with those indigenous gangs?" Qin Mo asked, changing the subject.

Only then did Liao Hua understand why the emperor called him here. His mind was spinning rapidly, "Your Majesty, those indigenous gangs have been rooted in the southern city for a long time, and they have their own land. In many cases, we can't use force.

Plus, they really didn’t do anything extraordinary, so..."

"Didn't you do anything outrageous?" Qin Mo snorted, "Are you sure?"

Liao Hua smiled bitterly and said: "Even if they did something illegal, it is not something that Wei Chen can interfere with."

"Having said that, we are responsible for local security and stability." After Qin Mo finished speaking, he immediately realized that as a local garrison, Liao Hua's powers seemed to overlap with those of the Public Security Department.

The Public Security Bureau is only responsible for arrests and stabilization in urban and rural areas, but it does not have high authority like the army.

Liao Hua can take charge and has the right to intervene, but this authority is unclear.

"Okay, this matter really doesn't have much to do with you, but since you know that local gangs are so rampant in Nanfang City, why don't you report it?" Qin Mo frowned, "Even if you don't intervene, you should still remind the local government. As the chief administrator, no matter what happens, you can still file an explanation!"

After hearing this, Liao Hua secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Your Majesty, I have discussed this matter with Zhou Ming's Mansion, and Zhou Ming's Mansion said it would take care of it, but in the past two years, the place has not improved.

And the ministers cannot go directly to Zhou Ming's house to do this. "

Qin Mo frowned. This was the last thing he wanted to see. If the local officials did not act, they would just wait to lose their seniority.

The local garrison also has nothing to do with it.

At this moment, Xiaoba came in, "Your Majesty, Zhou Yue is here!"

Qin Mo nodded, "Xuan!"

Soon, Zhou Yue hurried in and when he saw Qin Mo, he also hurried forward, "Your Majesty is coming to the southern city. If a humble minister fails to welcome you from afar, he deserves death!"

"I won't do this anymore." Qin Mo didn't agree with him, "I'm just having fun this time, and I don't want to waste people's money or go to war."

If Zhou Yue knew that he was coming, Qin Mo should be angry.

But this sentence made Zhou Yue nervous.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

"I don't know, your majesty, please tell me!" Zhou Yue said hurriedly.

"I have been in the southern city for some time, and I show myself to others as a wealthy businessman. Do you know what I encountered?" Zhou Yue's heart skipped a beat, "Is it possible that there is that short-sighted person who offended His Majesty?"

"It's not that I'm angry, it's just that a few people handed me a post asking me to worship the pier." Qin Mo said calmly: "If you don't worship the pier, my financial path will be cut off.

Not only that, but they also want me to have no place to stand in the southern city! "

Zhou Yue was so frightened that he couldn't stand still. How could he not know about this in Nanfang City?

It's just that he is focused on completing his qualifications and just wants to pass these two years and then go to Xijing or the capital of Qianzhou to become an official.

In another three to five years, he will be able to serve as an official in Xijing. By then, even if he can go no further, he will receive a very high reward when he retires, which will be enough to influence future generations.

But now, all the lies are bullshit.

"Where are those villains? Wei Chen will have them arrested!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "I have arrested the villain. I just want to ask you, do you know what happened in Nanfang City?"

Qin Mo's eyes became colder and colder, and Zhou Yue felt that it was becoming difficult to breathe.

"Wei Chen, Wei Chen"


Qin Mo slammed the handle of the chair and said angrily: "If you are an official and do not serve the people, it is better to go home and plant sweet potatoes. It would be better for you to let these people do whatever they want and ruin the good situation."

What kind of official job are you doing?

As the largest city in the south, Nanfang City was one of the most important tax collection areas for the imperial court.

You actually allowed these people to form cliques. In a few years, will only the Earth King be known here and not me? "

Zhou Yue was so frightened that he knelt on the ground. At this moment, he knew that nothing he said would help.

"The guilty minister deserves to die, but Your Majesty, please listen to the guilty minister's explanation." Zhou Yue smiled bitterly, and then told the inside story of the matter, "Sir, I originally wanted to clean up, but His Highness the Crown Prince was involved. .”

"You said you have something to do with the prince?"

"To be precise, it's His Royal Highness's concubine who has something to do with it."

As Zhou Yue told him, Qin Mo finally understood who the backers of these natives were. A concubine beside Tianxin was a princess of the natives.

"Just because of this incident, you just turn a blind eye?" Qin Mo narrowed his eyes.

"If this is just the case, then it won't matter. After all, His Majesty and His Royal Highness are extremely wise, and they can certainly understand the difficulties faced by Wei Chen.

These indigenous gangs pay a large amount of taxes to Southern City every year.

There are indeed things they do poorly, but it's more about survival.

Most of these people have no skills and can only do hard work.

But even if they work hard, they may not be able to outsell others.

In addition, now there are cars and cranes, which are much faster than manpower.

In addition, wealthy foreign businessmen generally reject them and rarely hire them, so these people are forced to unite together.

But Wei Chen swears that Wei Chen will always keep an eye on these people. As long as they do something that violates the bottom line, Wei Chen will not let them off lightly! "

(End of this chapter)

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