big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1902 The human heart is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant.

Chapter 1902 The human heart is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant.

"You mean, someone excludes them and discriminates against them?"

"Excluding them and discriminating against them, they don't blame others, they blame themselves, and they don't want to make progress." Zhou Yue said: "The Ming Dynasty developed too fast, let alone these unlearned and unskilled natives, even if they are minor officials, if they don't work for a month Even when I go out, I can’t keep up with the rhythm.

These people are stupid, with only brute strength and no brains. At first, they just worked hard and picked up goods at the dock, but they were able to support their families.

However, in recent years, with more and more ships at the dock and cargo ships getting bigger and bigger, people from Qianzhou are constantly coming to do business. No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to move a container.

Coupled with the fact that these people continued to introduce new machines, more and more indigenous people were laid off.

Coupled with considerable discrimination and exclusion, their situation is not good.

They have private land, and over the years Weichen has been sending experts from the Agricultural College to help them plant it, but these people are not landowners at heart.

If they were allowed to hunt in the woods, there wouldn't be that much prey for them to hunt around.

And now that the Ming Dynasty has begun to ban guns, originally they could still use shotguns to hunt and subsidize their families, but now they even have to hand over the shotguns.

Although there are local subsidies, these people are not satisfied! "

Listening to Zhou Yue's words, Qin Mo realized that he still didn't understand the place well enough.

If he had been sitting in the palace, it would be impossible to know what impact the strategy would have on these people.

"Why not guide them?" Qin Mo said: "I remember that the imperial court has a Ministry of Commerce, a Ministry of Assistance, and a Ministry of Poverty Alleviation. Why not join forces to provide them with a sustainable path?"

Zhou Yue said with a bitter face: "Three years ago, Weichen united with multiple departments and local indigenous leaders to hold a negotiation, asking them to develop in many aspects.

For example, the specialties of the indigenous people, their specially made services and leather clothing.

Wei Chen also planned to circle a hunting ground near the southern city for them to hunt specifically.

As for the shotgun, they can rent it from the Public Security Bureau. This way, they will not violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

But they were not satisfied.

They said that the merchants were so bad that they lowered the price to receive the goods and sold them at a high price, so they wanted to do business on their own and offered a very high price.

This price is beyond my ability to bear.

So the first negotiation ultimately failed.

They talked about it twice more later. If your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can check the negotiation records. There were dozens of people negotiating together at that time.

Later, the indigenous people established a cooperative, and Wei Chen thought they wanted to rely on themselves, and he was quite happy at the time.

But I found out later that this was not the case.

And they did not do anything dangerous, and there was no conclusive evidence. If they were caught, they would not be detained for a long time.

And these people are united.

Wei Chen was also afraid of causing trouble, so he didn't take action. "

The previous incident of indigenous rebels reminded Ming Dynasty, so many people did not dare to be too harsh towards these people.

In addition, these people did pay taxes, so it seemed that they had grasped Zhou Yue's weakness.

Qin Mo sneered, "These people are pretty good at testing things, but I didn't expect that not long after that incident, these people started to make trouble again.

You have to force me to do it to be happy, right? "

Everyone present couldn't help but shudder, and they could all feel Qin Mo's murderous intent.

"Two of you, one wants to take care of it but dares not to take care of it, and the other does not take care of it well. You both have responsibilities and have not done a good job. When this matter is over, you can go to Xijing to report your work to the prince!"

Hearing this, both of them almost cried.

There are two situations in debriefing, the first is promotion, and the other is admitting mistakes.

Obviously, the two are the latter.

"I plead guilty!" The two of them were lying on the ground, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

Think about how many good endings there were for those officials who fell into Qin Mo's hands.
They are pretty good.

But Qin Mo is indeed not a cruel person. Their punishment is indeed fair.

"Starting from today, the garrison in the southern city will no longer intervene in local patrols. They can only help the local chief executive when they need it.

Before providing assistance, a report must be made to the higher authority. If the situation is urgent, the situation can be acted upon.

Secondly, the powers of the Public Security Department should be strengthened. Bad people from the Public Security Department should patrol the streets with guns and live ammunition.

No rest for twenty-four hours.

We must strictly crack down on crime.

As for the indigenous people, I will handle it! "

Qin Mo's intuition told him that this incident might not be unique to Southern City.

His original intention was to break up these people so that after a few decades, no one would be able to distinguish between them.

But obviously, things backfired.

"You two are not allowed to spread the news about my coming here. If you spread the news at all, I will definitely punish you severely. And you two are waiting for dispatch at any time.

Now, get down there! "

After the two left, Qin Mo was thinking, how to deal with these people better?
As for the prince's concubines, this matter should have nothing to do with her. These people are just pulling the tiger's skin to pull the flag.

Killing is not allowed.

The Ming Dynasty has now entered another level, rather than when it first founded the country, it had to use killing to establish its power.

But Qin Mo didn't expect that he had killed so many people, but still failed to kill these people.

It can be seen that there have been problems with our own strategies over the years.

Maybe they think they are too good to them, or maybe they think they are easy to talk to?

Qin Mo fell into deep thought.

Human beings are the most complicated.

He will not follow your wishes.

At the same time, Zhou Yue returned to his home, but he was in a panic.

At this moment, a call came to his home. When he saw the call, Zhou Yue became even more panicked.

He simply did not answer the phone, "I have warned you not to be too arrogant. Now that I have offended His Majesty, you will be lucky!"

Zhou Yue tried his best, but to no avail.

Originally he just wanted to be safe and secure, but now he can hold on to his official position.

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand things, it’s not because of your own abilities?

Who is the emperor?

That's a person who can't get rid of the dirt in his eyes.

It's impossible to hide under his nose.

When he was in power, he was a capable minister in governing the world. Who would disapprove of him?

Now that he is the emperor, he looks as if he is shirtless in front of him. He may have guessed what he is thinking in his heart.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

That night, Zhou Yue suffered from insomnia until dawn, dragging his tired body to work the next day.

Also suffering from insomnia was Liao Hua.

The two waited for three full days before Qin Mo's call came.

When they learned that Qin Mo summoned them, the two of them ran to Qin Mo's residence without stopping!

(End of this chapter)

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