big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1904: He who knows the current affairs is a hero

Chapter 1904: He who knows the current affairs is a hero
"What do you mean?"

"Don't you just want to find a noble person in the palace? Let me tell you the truth, it's useless even if she talks about it." Zhou Yue said: "We have been here several times, but we have not reached an agreement several times.

I think the government is sincere and the court is sincere, but you are not sincere.

To be honest, the Donggui people's life today is all due to the imperial court.

You should be grateful for the transition from a backward slave society where you were living like hair and drinking blood to the extremely developed civilization now.

But now, the imperial court has given you enough face. If you think that you can dominate this private land, you are wrong.

The territory of the Ming Dynasty must be controlled by the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

No one is exempt.

If the emperor breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people. You have to think clearly.

It's not that I don't dare to touch you, it's that I don't want to let the hard-won situation get worse.

Xiang leader, you still have two days to think about it. If you don’t accept it after two days, that’s okay.

But you will definitely understand the consequences. "

Zhou Yue didn't bother to negotiate with Xiang Zhongyuan, because it was impossible for this person to accept it.

So when he came, he made an agreement with Liao Hua to come directly and do it hard.

When Xiang Zhongyuan saw the two of them preparing to leave, he stood up in a hurry and said, "You two, if you have anything to say, this matter is really too big. I can't make the decision alone. I have to summon the elders of the clan to discuss it together." Can you give me a few more days for this matter?”

Zhou Yue shook his head, "You only have two days, no waiting after the expiration date!"

With that said, the two turned around and left.

After the two left, Xiang Zhongyuan's face turned cold. His son Xiang Meng said angrily: "These people are here to threaten us. Dad, we must not be frightened by them. I will send a telegram to the noble man." , It’s so outrageous!”

Xiang Zhongyuan shook his head, "This matter is not that simple. Zhou Yue has just said that even the nobles in the palace would not come forward in this matter. Something must have happened.

Are there three people missing from the clan? Have they returned? "

"Not yet!" Xiang Meng shook his head.

"Something happened, something big must have happened." Xiang Zhongyuan took a deep breath, "Liao Hua has thirty to fifty thousand people in his hands. To be honest, if we go head-to-head with him, we are no different than seeking death.

This time even he came forward, and it seems he is determined to punish us. "

"Then go to Beijing and complain. I don't believe it. These people have no law." Xiang Meng said angrily.

"The king's law?" Xiang Zhongyuan sneered, "When the Qin people came here, did they have the king's law? When they enslaved us, did they have the king's law?"

Xiang Meng lowered his head. Although he was angry, he broke out in cold sweat when he heard these words, "Abba, you can just say this here. If outsiders listen, it will cause disaster."

After the Donggui tribe rebels were wiped out, everyone was in danger at that time, but the court did not treat ordinary people like them like any other ethnic group in the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Mo even sent a special message saying that this matter would not involve ordinary Donggui tribesmen.

In recent years, the Donggui clan has indeed lived a good life.

Compared with those times when people were enslaved and could be embezzled by other tribes at any time.

They can live in big houses, have enough food and clothing, and can dispose of their property and land as they please.

To be honest, many ordinary tribesmen are oriented toward the Ming Dynasty in their hearts, or in other words, they have been tamed by the Ming Dynasty.

There is this sentence in the Records of the Ming Dynasty that Xiang Meng still remembers. People never care who is in power, they only care about whether they are living well.

Xiang Meng grew up under the education of Ming Dynasty, and to be honest, he agrees with it.

Even though he was the son of the leader of the Gui tribe in the east of Nancheng City, he had to admit that Ming Dynasty was completing a great initiative. In fact, even without the Ming Dynasty, their tribe would have been annexed by others.

They will become the lowest form of slaves and will be sent to the sacrificial pits.

Their mothers and sisters will become the playthings of the nobles.

And they could only watch numbly from the sidelines.

In fact, people like Ming Dynasty are much better than those people.

Xiang Zhongyuan stared at his son, but was speechless.

Finally, he summoned the clan elders to discuss the matter together.

The conclusion is that we should first ask the nobles in the palace.

They sent a telegram to the nobles in the palace, and soon the news came back.

There are only four words for noble people: "Do what you want".

Seeing these four words, Xiang Zhongyuan panicked completely.

Even the nobles couldn't protect them, which meant that there was a big deal behind this matter.

Soon, two days were up, and Liao Hua and his men began to measure the scope of the military camp a hundred meters away from their private land.

Soldiers with guns and ammunition stood there on guard.

Within a hundred meters, there is a prohibited area.

In other words, their private territory has been infinitely compressed.

Zhou Yue's assistant came over and asked, "Chief Xiang, are there any results?"

"Where's Zhou Ming's Mansion? I want to see Zhou Ming's Mansion!" Xiang Zhongyuan said.

"Zhou Ming's Mansion is very busy. After all, Nanfang City has a population of one million, and he doesn't only care about the Donggui people." The assistant smiled and said: "I came here today because I just want to say something. To the leader, please give me an accurate message." Just say it, I can go back and deliver the work!”

Xiang Zhongyuan smiled bitterly and said, "Wouldn't Zhou Ming Mansion come personally to handle such a big event?"

The assistant said: "It turns out that Chief Xiang also knew that this was a big deal. Zhou Mingfu came here with sincerity several times, but Chief Xiang did not take this matter seriously."

Xiang Zhongyuan sighed and said, "Can you tell me who we offended?"

The assistant shook his head, "You haven't offended anyone, it's just that stepping out is the general trend of the world.

The imperial court has repeatedly issued laws and regulations stating that tribes across the country are free to intermarry, but what do you do?

I tell you, if you disobey the orders of the imperial court and the general trend of the world, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

If you still hold on to the previous ideas, you are destined to fall behind.

Don't think that you are victims. Without Daming, you are nothing.

At the very least, you can enjoy your own life under the glory of the Ming Dynasty without being enslaved by others all the time. "

Xiang Zhongyuan sighed. He knew that there was no room for negotiation on this matter. "Okay, I promise that in the future, the Donggui tribe's private land will fully cooperate with the Yamen and serve as an important tourist attraction in the southern city."

The assistant smiled and said: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. To the leader, you will not regret your choice today.

Thousands of Donggui people will undergo earth-shaking changes because of your choice! "

Xiang Zhongyuan shook his head. He knew that if this continued, it wouldn't be long before the cohesion of the Donggui clan would be completely gone.

The imperial court is so resourceful and domineering!
(End of this chapter)

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