big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1905: I am too busy to die, but my son is too busy!

Chapter 1905: I am too busy to die, but my son is too busy!
The next day, Nanfang City announced that the Donggui ethnic group’s private reservation will be fully constructed as a tourist attraction for the Donggui ethnic group.

The garrison branch camp also began to be built.

The news has been sent out, and the entire southern city has moved.

And those people who were secretly threatened by the Donggui Clan in the past have also received news from the Donggui Clan and will no longer have to pay them annual tribute in the future.

Many people cheered.

Qin Mo looked at Zhou Yue and Liao Hua and couldn't help but laugh, "Fortunately, I also know that you are the chief administrators of the Ming Dynasty, and you are still a bit majestic, so I finally got this thing done."

"I am ashamed, I have been in Nanfang City for so long, but I have not done this well." Zhou Yue said with a look of shame, "Your Majesty, please punish me."

Liao Hua also hurriedly asked for punishment.

Qin Mo looked at the two of them. At first, he really wanted to punish them.

But in the past few days, he has been collecting information about the two people, and found that although these two people were not effective in this matter, they were generally good officials.

Zhou Yue is still very concerned about people's livelihood.

Liao Hua did not do anything he shouldn't, but diligently trained soldiers in the military camp every day.

If the water is extremely clear, there will be no fish. If it is too strict, it will be difficult for the people below to accept it.

"This matter is understandable. The Donggui clan is a problem left over from history, and I don't blame you.

Since you actively saved the people and did not cause any harm to the people, I will not hold you responsible.

But I will keep this in mind, and when I report on my work at the end of the year, I want to see obvious changes in the two of you.

I still say the same thing, if you are an official and do not serve the people, it is better to go home and plant sweet potatoes.

Sometimes, you may offend people, but as long as your starting point is the people, as long as you don't offend me, I will not do anything to you, but will reuse you.

do you understand? "

Zhou Yue and Liao Hua were both very surprised. They thought they would either be demoted or dismissed this time, but they did not expect that the merits were equal to the faults. The emperor only verbally reprimanded him and did not impose any substantive punishment.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhou Yue couldn't help but choked up.

Liao Hua was not much better, "I thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Okay, everyone, get up, don't act here." Qin Mo said: "Those who are in charge only need to remember 'serve the people wholeheartedly'. As generals, sometimes their responsibilities are greater than theirs. The more dangerous the situation, the more you have to go. Just because the court gives you preferential treatment does not mean that you will be fine when there is no war.

You are the guardians of the country. You must also respond immediately to natural disasters, big or small.

What I want is not only a team that dares to fight, but also a team that is loyal to the country and the people. Do you understand? "

Liao Hua stood up straight, "Yes, Wei Chen understands!"

After the two left, Qin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, "You have to work so hard that you can't just ignore the problem when you see it."

I promised that I would never mind my own business when I go out this time, but now I'm fine and I'm in charge of everything.

But then I thought about it, starting a business is easy, but keeping it is difficult.

The Ming Dynasty is not easy today.

After this incident, Qin Mo also became leisurely. After staying in Nanfang City for a month, he continued to go south.

The imperial court also issued a document on the construction of the Donggui people’s private land.

The document points out that it is necessary to comprehensively build the Donggui people's private land and build the Donggui people's museum, make every effort to integrate the Donggui people into this big family, and help the Donggui people find employment.

This historical issue was completely resolved three years later. Of course, this is all for later.

At the same time, Xijing.

Tian Xin is extremely busy. Looking at the telegram sent by his father, Tianxin smiled bitterly. Every few days, he would receive a telegram from his father, which contained what his father had seen and heard, some of which were strange things.

Some are constructive issues for local management.

Tianxin made a summary of these. During the six months when his father went out to play, he found a total of 150 problems, big and small.

So far, he has solved most of it.

There are also some problems that cannot be solved casually.

In addition, he is now very busy every day. Not only does he have to supervise the country, but he also has four or five meetings every day. Sometimes, there are almost seven or eight meetings, each of which takes half an hour.

After that, I have to visit the harem in the evening.

He has many brothers and sisters, but he is far inferior to his father in this area.

He and the Crown Princess had a total of three sons and one daughter. In addition, the other concubines had a total of six sons and four daughters.

All in all, his descendants can be considered prosperous.

The clan government asked him very urgently to give birth to more children.

For this reason, he took ten concubines during the six months he supervised the country.

This puts a lot of pressure on Tianxin.

There is a feeling of being hollowed out.

Fortunately, Yuan Zhiqiu taught him some health-preserving skills recently, and coupled with his daily maintenance, he didn't feel so tired.

He now also understands why his father constantly compresses work and delegates power to his subordinates.

Because, if he followed the previous mechanism, he would not be able to handle these things in twelve hours.

As for him, he is far less ambitious than his father, nor does he have the strong control over the overall situation, so some things must be done personally and only after experiencing them can he know how to deal with them.

But now, he felt that he should focus on the big ones and let go of the small ones.

Otherwise, he would have to die from exhaustion in government affairs.

And his father also taught him to combine work with rest.

It's a pity that he is not as free and easy as his father.

At this moment, Yuan Zhiqiu came, "I am here to see your majesty!"

Tianxin smiled and said: "Little uncle, why are you here?"

According to seniority, Yuan Zhiqiu is Tianxin's junior uncle, and Yuan Zhiqiu is also the successor of the next generation of Tianshi.

As the state religion of the Ming Dynasty, Ziwei Xingmen has a high status in the Ming Dynasty.

However, the number of members of the Ziweixing Sect has remained at around a thousand from beginning to end, and it is not a temple like the Buddhist Sect.

Beyond the mountain gates in the central part of the Ming Dynasty, there are mountain gates like the Ziwei Star Gate in every fortress in the Ming Dynasty.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see these mountain gates, built according to strange patterns.

"Your Majesty has betrayed a humble minister." Yuan Zhiqiu did not dare to accept this sentence, little master uncle, because Tianxin was the future emperor and was not subject to these constraints.

Qin Mo was different. Before he became emperor, Qin Mo was already a disciple of the Ziwei Star Sect and was the head of the Ziwei Star Sect.

"My mother is the senior sister of the Ziwei Star Sect, and my aunt is the protector of the Ziwei Star Sect. My father was the headmaster of the previous generation of Ziwei Star Sect. If I call you Junior Uncle, you can bear it!" Tianxin said with a smile.

Yuan Zhiqiu sighed, mainly because he was too young and much younger than Tian Xin. He really couldn't adapt to this sentence of "young master uncle".

(End of this chapter)

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