big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1923 The last chance!

Chapter 1923 The last chance!

The next day, Li Xian came to the palace. As a prime minister with highly concentrated power, the officials below and the nine-level memorials would be placed on his desk.

The remaining memorials are all insignificant matters, and those will be sent to the emperor.

In three days, it will be the day when the emperor and his crown will become adults.

Seeing the proposal in the memorial, Li Xian couldn't help but sigh, "It's so fast. In the blink of an eye, I have been here for several years, and it seems that I am still in Longyou."

The emperor's crown means that he is about to return the power in his hands.

Li Xian thought for a while and came to Tai Chi Palace.

The new Tai Chi Palace may only be one-twentieth of the Qianzhou Tai Chi Palace.

The area is small and narrow.

The main reason is that Xingan is too poor and cannot afford to build such a huge and extravagant project.

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister wants to see you!"

Li Ran was watching the memorial at the moment. Hearing this, he put down what he was holding and said, "Xuan!"

Not long after, Li Xian entered and said, "I see your Majesty."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Xiangguo, what's the matter? Come quickly and give Xiangguo a seat!"

Li Xian sat calmly on the chair and said: "In a few days, it will be the day when His Majesty will be crowned. I would like to ask His Majesty what he means."

Li Ranxin raised his voice.

Two years ago, Li Xian once said that he would return to power when he was crowned queen.

A few days ago, on the city wall, Li Xian changed again, saying that he would not return to power until he had overcome the current difficulties.

To put it bluntly, he just doesn't want to give back the power.

He still remembered the scene where he was shaking with fear in bed that day.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "The national finances are just a little better now, so it's better not to make a big deal about it.

Just have a casual meal with your family, save if you can! "

When Li Xian heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said, "How can this be done? Although our Daqian family is not rich, it is not to that extent.

Your Majesty is the king of a country, and of course such a big event as being crowned must be widely publicized! "

Li Ran hurriedly stood up from the dragon chair and walked to Li Xian, "Prime Minister, compared to the stability of the country and the lives of the people, what does it mean that I am the crown?

There is enough food in the treasury, but for marching and fighting, food alone is not useful.

Without enough rewards, how can the soldiers fight desperately for the country?

Now, everyone is tightening their belts and living their lives, how can I not take the lead?
So Xiangguo, please come to the palace for a light meal on my birthday! "

Li Xian further advised: "Since your Majesty cares about the people, then don't do big things, small things are still necessary."

Li Ran couldn't help but shook his head, "No, no, ordinary people don't see them holding adult ceremonies, so forget it, it's better to keep everything simple and just have a light meal."

Prime Minister, I have no elders anymore, the only elder is you.

The only one I can rely on is you.

In my opinion, the crowning banquet is not important. What is important is that everyone is well.

No need to spread waste.

This matter has been decided. In two days, the Prime Minister will come to have dinner with me.

The Queen recently learned a few new dishes, just in time for the Prime Minister to try them! "

Speaking of this matter, Li Ran also felt bitter. Xingan was so poor that the queen had to cook the food herself.

In addition, the power was in Li Xian's hands, so Li Ran did not dare to eat the dishes cooked by the imperial chef.

I was afraid that no one would know if I was poisoned to death. Therefore, he always asked his wife to cook three meals a day for him.

Li Xian sighed and looked helpless, "If this is the case, then it should be reported to the whole country!"

Li Ran rolled his eyes and said: "It's better not to be distracted by such trivial matters at such a critical moment.

Seeing that the third generation of the Ming Dynasty came to power, Ming Dynasty newspapers have begun to build momentum. Soon, this war will be inevitable.

Special times deserve special treatment! "

Li Xian was very satisfied with Li Ran's attitude. It seemed that he had stopped participating in the conversation a few days ago, so that was good.

I don't want to cause trouble at this critical moment.

Once the country is unstable, the possibility of failure in the next battle against Ming will be greater.

Just let Li Ranan be a puppet.

If he is obedient, the world will naturally still belong to him. If he is disobedient, after passing this test, then let himself be the emperor.

Although he has a high prestige, he still needs a higher prestige, such as leading people to defeat the Ming Dynasty.

Only in this way can his position be established.

Even if I go up in the future, no one will make irresponsible remarks.

On the contrary, you will feel that you deserve it.

"Well, in that case, I respect your Majesty's opinion!" Li Xian stood up with a smile, "I still have official business to deal with, so I won't disturb Your Majesty."

Li Ran also enthusiastically invited Li Xian to dinner, but Li Xian refused because he was busy with official duties.

For this reason, Li Ran specially sent Li Xian to the door. When Li Xian disappeared from sight, Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he didn't have much time left for him.

The day when you reach the crown is the time when you seize power.

Once he fails, he will die without a burial place!

He returned to his position, collected himself, and maintained his diligent image.

In the blink of an eye, the day came for Li Ran and Guan.

Before dawn, Li Ran went to the Ancestral Temple to worship.

He knelt there, looking at the memorial tablets of his father and brother, feeling quite helpless.

If his father hadn't lost himself, it wouldn't be Li Xian's turn to act evil now?
Maybe the eldest brother is still the prince, so he doesn't have to face this.

Being an emperor was never his intention.

"Mom, today is my child's last chance. I don't know if I can succeed. If I fail, my reputation will be ruined!
Please mother’s spirit in heaven bless your son! "

Li Ran kowtowed three times to his mother's memorial tablet, then turned and left.

And early in the morning, no ministers came into the palace to congratulate him. Li Ran knew very well that these people had become Li Xian's lackeys, and it was absolutely impossible to congratulate him at this time.

Once someone enters the palace, it means that things about yourself and Guan will be completely spread.

That will push Li Xian to the forefront.

Li Ran held a family banquet at Tai Chi Palace. He looked at his wife and asked, "How is the cooking going?"

The wife complained a little: "This is a big day, why don't you hold a feast, and those people don't come to congratulate you. What do they want to do?"

Li Ran didn't tell his wife what he wanted to do. There was a saying he agreed with, not even the gods should tell him what he wanted to do.

And my wife is not the kind of person who can hide things. If she had been told in advance about today's family dinner, it would definitely be exposed.

Who is Li Xian?

Once he notices the clues, he will definitely fall short!
Thinking of this, he said: "Now that the country is in crisis, don't stick to trivial matters. Save whatever you can!"

(End of this chapter)

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