big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1924 I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times

Chapter 1924 I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times

The wife said dissatisfiedly: "You are the emperor. Even if the country is in danger now, you will not even issue an imperial edict. What on earth do those court officials have in mind?

They don't even pay attention to the birthday of your emperor. Do they still have you as their monarch in their hearts?
What are each of them doing?
In their eyes, the people are important, the world is important, but their own monarch is not important? "

Li Ran gave a wry smile and tried his best to comfort his wife, "Okay, just say a few words. Today is my birthday and it is a happy day. Don't worry about these unhappy things.

Eating well and drinking well is enough! "

"Your Majesty, I am just aggrieved for you!" the queen said.

Li Ran waved his hand, "Now the country is in crisis and the people are poor. When we get through this, the country will become stronger. What is lacking now will be made up for in the future!"

At this time, Li Xian came. When he came in, he didn't bring anything.

He hurriedly saluted Li Ran and Li Ran, but the queen's eyes were not eyes, and her nose was not a nose.

"Xiangguo, it's His Majesty's birthday, and you actually came in with your bare hands. On this great day, you didn't even congratulate you, and you didn't let your ministers come to pay homage. What on earth are you thinking?" The queen couldn't suppress her inner anger and attacked Li Xian. , "Your Majesty asked you to come to dinner, why do you have the nerve to come?

If I were you, I would be so ashamed that I can't help myself! "

Li Ran was shocked and said hurriedly, "You can't talk to the Prime Minister like that. I asked the Prime Minister not to bring anything with him or issue any imperial decrees. How can you put the blame on the Prime Minister?"

But instead of being angry, Li Xian said with a look of shame: "Your Majesty, the Queen is right. It was the minister who failed to do a good job and failed to take good care of Your Majesty for the sake of the minister. This is already dereliction of duty."

Li Ran said hurriedly: "Xiangguo, get up. Her woman doesn't know what's going on. She doesn't know. Don't you and I still know?"

As he said that, he hurriedly asked Li Ran to sit down, "Today is just a simple family dinner, no need to be too formal. Everyone is under great pressure now. I know very well that no one is happy.

Today, let's take off our burdens and think of something happy. "

Li Xian secretly observed Li Ran. In fact, someone had already tipped him off when he came in. He knew exactly the conversation between Li Ran and the queen.

If the queen was respectful to him, he would be afraid and nervous.

But looking at it now, it seems that I was too cautious.

Li Ran has been a coward since he was a child. If he hadn't helped him, he would never have been able to sit in this position.

In the past few years, he has also been submissive and never dared to disagree with himself.

Li Xian sighed, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ran took Li Xian's hand and sat down, then poured him a glass of wine himself, and then filled it for himself, "Come, cousin, I want to toast you. There is no emperor or prime minister today. Our family is drinking and eating with the door closed." ”

With that said, Li Ran drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Seeing Li Ran drinking, Li Xian also breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his glass and said: "I don't dare, the courtesy cannot be discarded!"

With that said, he also drank the drink in one gulp.

Li Ran didn't say anything more, but the queen on the side was not in the mood to drink with Li Xian. She made an excuse, got down from the table, and went to find the child.

Li Xian's expression did not change. The queen was not born well and was short-sighted. This is what he wanted to see.

"Cousin, life has not been easy these past few years. I am worried every day for fear that I will not be able to be the emperor.

He was afraid that he would not be able to inherit his father's legacy and that he would not be able to regain Daqian. Don't worry, I haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time. Li Ran said with a wry smile, trying his best to look cowardly in front of Li Xian.

And Li Xian really believed it, "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. There will be a road for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. There is no need to worry about tomorrow."

"What Xiangguo said is true, but I am not as calm as Xiangguo." Li Ran said rather annoyed: "Sometimes, I really want to go to the palace to get some fresh air."

Li Xian said: "Your Majesty, it's not peaceful outside now. The Ming Dynasty's masterpieces are circulating in the country, so don't go out easily."

Li Ran nodded, "I just said it casually, Prime Minister, don't be nervous."

With that said, he invited Li Xian to eat.

Li Xian hesitated to move his chopsticks. In fact, he wanted Li Ran to eat first. After Li Ran had eaten all the dishes, he picked up his chopsticks.

However, when he came, he had already taken some antidote medicine. Although he didn't think Li Ran had the courage and ability, he still had to be on guard against others.

If a coward breaks out, he can also hurt others.

Li Xian will not capsize in the ditch.

"The Queen's cooking skills are getting better and better." Li Xian said with a smile.

In the past, Li Ran would have people deliver food to Li Xian every now and then, so Li Xian was quite satisfied with the queen's cooking skills.

At the beginning, Li Ran valued him very much and relied on him. However, as Li Ran got older, Li Xian did not dare to eat the food he sent.

"Eat more if the Prime Minister likes it." After saying that, Li Ran picked up some food for Li Xian, and then drank another glass of wine. After a while, Li Ran drank most of the jar of wine, and most of the food on the table also went into his mouth. belly.

Li Xian's doubts came in this time. If there was no poison in the food and wine, then other dangers would not be mentioned.

This palace is full of his own people and informants. It is impossible for Li Ran to do small tricks under his nose.

"Xiangguo, do you miss your time in Daqian?" Li Ran said drunkenly.

Li Xian was stunned. Did he miss it?

Of course I miss it.

No matter how good Ross is, it's not as good as our homeland.

Moreover, the winter here is too cold. The land is very vast, but there are only so many places suitable for living.

"Your Majesty, in a few years, when we become stronger, we will be able to fight back, regain our homeland, and let Daqian's flag stand on top of the world again!"

"To tell you the truth, I'm scared, I'm nervous, and facing the Ming Dynasty, I'm very anxious. Sometimes I want to surrender," Li Ran said.

Li Xian sneered after hearing this. He knew that the emperor was drunk and spoke his mind, but the more he did so, the more relieved Li Xian was.

He still has no city government at all as before.

"When facing a strong enemy, fear and nervousness are human instincts. Your Majesty does not need to worry too much." Li Xiandao said: "To borrow a sentence from Qin Thief, when facing an enemy, you must dare to draw your sword. If you don't even have the ability to draw a sword, you will not be able to draw a sword in the early years. When the time comes, you shouldn’t leave Longyou!”

Li Ran said drunkenly: "Having said that, I still hope that I have never left Longyou. I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times!"

(End of this chapter)

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