big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1930 Qin Mo’s happy retirement life!

Chapter 1930 Qin Mo’s happy retirement life!
However, this guy divorced Princess Ping An a few years ago.

And he also married an eighteen-year-old girl. Qin Mo laughed at him for eating young grass.

But this little girl is very virtuous, and she has surpassed Princess Ping An by countless ways.

Qin Mo came back to his senses and said: "Don't be timid. In the future, the population of the capital will definitely exceed 15 million, or even 20 million. It will be so tight that it will definitely be uncomfortable to live there."

Tokyo has gone through many dynasties, so the most important thing next is to plant more trees, not to mention hollowing out the ground.

Although the black gold in the underground is very valuable, Ming Dynasty now has more choices.

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!" Xue Wanche nodded. He still liked to work under Qin Mo. He didn't have to think about anything and only needed to do his own things well.

Qin Mo is also a noble person in his life. If it weren't for Qin Mo, he might have died at the hands of Princess Ping An.

Although he later convinced Princess Ping'an, what she did in the past still left Xue Wanche with a chill in his throat.

Just thinking about the days of guarding the gate made him feel humiliated.

Now, in the new dynasty and new era, we no longer pay attention to that.

Li Qian has long been a thing of the past.

He no longer has to fear those.

Qin Mo came to Qin Zhuang's former school, which was where Qin Mo taught.

And now it's a public school.

The former research place is still there, nothing has changed.

Qin Mo came to the small courtyard again.

The fruit trees are full of fruits, and for a while, the place should be filled with fruity aroma.

The yard was colorful. Qin Mo entered the house and offered a stick of incense to the old man and Lao Liu.

Then I sat on the corridor and made tea.

He placed two cups of tea opposite, "Old man, father, I'm here to see you again. I've been a little busy recently and I don't have much time to live here. Don't be surprised.

Especially the old man, I don’t have time to write a book recently, and write something you like to read.

You don't blame me, do you? "

Qin Mo talked to himself, as if the kind old man was still sitting in front of him, and the arrogant sixth man was also still there.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared.

Qin Mo drank tea and tidied up the house and weeds in the yard. He was sweating profusely, and then he plunged into the pond not far away and swam.

As time goes by, more and more old people are gone.

Some are lying in hospital beds, while others are enjoying their old age at home and not caring about the world.

After swimming around, Qin Mo set up a fishing rod and immediately said to Xiao Ba: "Tell the palace that I won't come back today. If they want to come over, come over!"

Xiaoba nodded, and then hurriedly sent someone back to report.

Qin Mo liked days like this, but those women were very reluctant to come. Except for Li Yulan, the rest of the women were unwilling to come.

Especially Xiao Yurou, she said she felt uncomfortable here.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Li Yulan, Li Yushu, Li Lizhen, and Xiaojiu came together.

For them, this cabin feels more like home.

Seeing Qin Mo resting under the big tree next to the pond, the four girls also put away the things they had brought. Only then did Qin Mo realize that it was a barbecue grill, which Qin Mo loved to eat.

"Are you planning to have a barbecue?"

"I'll reward you, my Majesty!" Li Yulan said: "I said I would retire, and I have been busier than before since I took over here."

"It's just that you don't have time to accompany us!" Li Yushu said dissatisfied: "In the past, in Xijing, you could spend six or seven days a month with me, but now you don't even have half of the time. I really don't know what you are busy with every day. , did you raise a little woman outside?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I want to raise a woman but I still have to be secretive?" Qin Mo pulled her over and pinched her face, "You're still so petty after so many years!" "What's wrong with being so petty!" Li Yushu raised his hands. Putting his hands on his hips, "Don't you like it too?"

"Don't force me to deal with you here!" Qin Mo threatened.

Li Yushu raised his head and said, "What are you afraid of? There are trees all around here and there is no one for a hundred meters. If you have the ability, you can take care of it!"

Xiaojiu snickered and said: "Seventh sister, don't be so harsh, we won't help you share the burden when the time comes!"

Li Yushu hummed and said: "Who is afraid of whom? I have been holding back a lot these days and I must let him know who is more powerful!"

Qin Mo gave a bad laugh, and in just one moment, Li Yushu softened into his arms and groaned, "Are you still being tough?"

"I'm not afraid of you!"

Qin Mo talked nonsense with her and went straight to the family law.

For a moment, all the women were blushing.

Li Lizhen said: "Shy, you talk about being tough, but actually you just want to be dealt with. If you don't deal with it for a few days, you will feel uncomfortable all over!"

"Don't worry about them. As long as they work together, they can do anything!" Li Yulan has long been accustomed to strange things. Even though Li Yushu is fierce, he loves Qin Mo so much that he is no less than himself.

From the moment she married Qin Mo, except for acquaintances, she ignored other men at all.

I used to joke that Qin Mo was looking for little girls and they were looking for handsome guys, but Li Yushu didn't look at those people.

All he could think about was his stupid brother.

Qin Mo is not handsome either, but for some reason, in their eyes, he is more handsome than the most handsome guy!
Xiaojiu bit his lip and said, "You sound weak, but you still want to have a barbecue?"

Li Lizhen encouraged: "Then you can help your seventh sister share the burden. Why are you so polite? It's not the first time!"

Xiaojiu shyly moved to Qin Mo, "Brother-in-law, it's hot, I'll fan you!"


Qin Mo pulled her over directly, "Come here and get you!"

Li Yulan and Li Lizhen also shook their heads.

After all, they are not as young as the two of them, and they are not as relaxed as they were when they were young.

After Qin Mo finished punishing him, Li Yulan and Li Yulan had piled up the kebabs they had cooked into a small mountain. "Here, let's eat some kebabs to replenish our health."

Li Lizhen handed over the skewers. Qin Mo took a look and realized that these guys are great tonics.

These girls come prepared.

Big Crying Bag and Little Nineteen were now obedient, lying on the recliners nearby, humming and not wanting to move.

Qin Mo opened his mouth, and Li Lizhen sighed, sat next to him obediently, and fed him barbecue, "As long as you enjoy it."

Qin Mo turned around, and it happened to be a gust of mountain wind blowing, which was indescribably comfortable. He breathed a sigh of satisfaction, "This is the retirement life I pursue!"

As he spoke, he began to be dishonest again.

Li Lizhen groaned, "Brother-in-law, stop bullying me!"

Qin Mo remained silent, and Li Lizhen said again: "You still think you are a young man!"

"You don't know if I am a young person?" Qin Mo said softly.

Li Lizhen stopped talking. Speaking of this, the sisters had suffered enough from Qin Mo.

After all these years, I still dare not confront Qin Mo head-on in this regard.

I dare to take advantage of the meeting to be arrogant for a while.

Usually when they are alone or in a group of two or two, they are very honest.

(End of this chapter)

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