big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1931 The meaning of the cabin!

Chapter 1931 The meaning of the cabin!

"Okay, you guys, stop messing around and come over and eat!" Li Yulan said.

Li Lizhen took advantage of the situation and left Qin Mo, "I won't let you bully me!"

Qin Mo put his fingers under his nose and sniffed, making Li Lizhen blush with embarrassment.

Li Yulan looked at Qin Mo and smiled fondly, "You know she is thin-skinned, so don't bully her."

Qin Mo stood up and sat next to the barbecue grill. He picked up the cool skewers and fired them left and right.

After a while, the hill of meat skewers was wiped out by Qin Mo alone.

Qin Mo burped, "This is simply a life like a fairy."

Li Yulan took out the handkerchief, gently wiped the residue on Qin Mo's mouth, and then took out the sour plum soup from the box on the side, "Relieve the heat!"

Qin Mo took the sour plum soup and said: "We need to dig a swimming pool near here during this period. This pond has a sludge bottom and you can't swim. We will dig it outside the small courtyard. There are fruit trees all around. How can we It’s okay to make a fuss.”

"Aren't you going to Lingnan Beach this year?" Li Yulan asked.

"There are still some things on hand, and if I don't do them, I feel like I won't have enough fun." Qin Mo sighed: "They say the emperor is the happiest person in the world, but in fact, the emperor is the person who can't help himself the most.

Even though I am retired, I am still busy and I don’t know what I want to do with my life. "

Li Yulan said: "Of course it's a national event that's more important. It doesn't matter whether you go to Lingnan or not. It's the same in Tokyo. Besides, even if you want to go to Lingnan, it's convenient. You can transfer a few flights and you can arrive on the same day. I don't know if it's better than before." How many times faster."

"This is nothing. When aircraft technology matures, it will only take one day and one night to travel from Xijing to the Central Plains. Then we can really go as long as we want without dragging our feet.

I'll take care of the things I'm doing, and then I'll take you through the map, one place at a time. "Qin Mo said.

"There's no rush." ​​Li Yulan said.

In fact, they are very content with their current life. They are free from illness and disaster, live a prosperous life, and can stay with the people they love. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?
Qin Mo was also a hard worker. He agreed to dig a swimming pool and without any delay, he took a hoe and asked the women to help determine the approximate length and width.

Then he started working on his own.

The four girls were not idle either. For several days, they all stared at Lieri Gang Qin Mo.

They knew that it wasn't that Qin Moxian had nothing to do, he was just reducing stress in this way.

And they also knew that Qin Mo seemed to do it intentionally.

"Old man, father, we haven't added anything new to the small yard for a long time. I'll dig a swimming pool so that you can swim in the summer. Then I will build a water return system and connect it to the hot springs in the yard. You can take a dip in the winter. Hot spring.

I always feel that the hot spring pool inside is a bit cramped and cannot accommodate too many people.

Dig a bigger pool to accommodate more people, and everyone can join in. How lively it will be. "

Qin Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "The tree houses in the woods are already decaying. It has been more than ten or twenty years. How can they not decay?

After digging the pond, I will build a new tree house as before, so that when the children come over, they will have a place to play.

The orchards are larger than before, but the weather has been a little dry in the past two years, so the results are not good, but there is more sunshine and the fruit is very sweet.

It's just that the individual is not very big.

I have people collect these fruits every year. Some of them are made into fruit wine, and some are made into jams and cans. I make them at home and feel safe to eat.

Children also like to eat it very much.

Yulan told Yushu that he wanted me to create a brand called Laoyezi Cider. I thought it was pretty good.

Just registered this brand.

Maybe, this fruit wine will spread all over the world in the future. "

Qin Mo smiled. This fruit forest only had good harvests in summer and autumn, and he did not build a greenhouse. Therefore, the wine, jams and cans made are also limited.

But it is precisely because it is rare that it is valuable.

He once rewarded some of it to his ministers, but in the end it spread out somehow. It is said that such a jar of wine can be sold for hundreds of taels of silver.

It's still the celebrity effect. In fact, the alcohol content is not high, and children will not get drunk after drinking it.

But it was Qin Mo who couldn't stand him.

The ones that the old man first made have been sealed up. There are thousands of jars, and Lao Liu has also made thousands of jars. These fruit wines are now very strong.

Moreover, one jar is less than one jar. Qin Mo usually drinks it from his own family, or he will be rewarded with some when his son marries a wife and has children.

He felt that he should pass on this tradition, and maybe after many years, he could really make a noble wine.

It can be regarded as developing a new brand.

"But old man, I don't grow vegetables anymore. Now, no matter it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, vegetables are available all year round.

There is no need to worry about people not being able to eat vegetables or meat in winter. Now people's lives are better.

Everyone is full and full, and the faces of the people will no longer be disheveled.

I, as a link between past and present, have benefited from your kindness.

So this credit also belongs to you. "Qin Mo muttered softly.

Xiaojiu pursed his lips, "What did brother-in-law say?"

Li Yulan smiled and said, "He is chatting with Grandpa Huang and Father Huang."

After working hard for several days, the swimming pool was dug. Qin Mo began to do the masonry work, repaired the swimming pool, and then connected it to the hot spring in the yard.

I got a running water system and it took me half a month to get it ready.

After being connected to the water, Qin Mo immediately jumped into the swimming pool and swam happily.

Xiao Yurou and the others also came over. Qin Mo hadn't returned to the palace for half a month, and everyone was panicking.

Moreover, Qin Mo also plans to expand several houses on both sides of the small courtyard, all of which are wooden houses.

This way the pollution is less.

"You guys are here just in time, help me out, and let's take some time to repair the house. I guess my dad will live here by then.

The room in the middle is used as an ancestral hall and will probably not be inhabited in the future. "Qin Mo said.

The meaning of this cabin is to carry thoughts and heritage.

Qin Mo felt that no matter who he was, he would eventually take root.

When he was busy here, he felt that time passed quickly and he was happier than when he was enjoying it.

All the girls pretended to complain, but all of them were very motivated and even participated in the house planning.

"I don't care. I want to have a house of my own. It needs to be smaller. The house is too big and I don't feel safe living in it!" Li Yushu said with her hands on her waist.

"My room should be simpler. Just give me a Sanqing ranking in it!" Fang Chun said.

Gao Yao sneered: "Then when you are intimate with the young master, do you still want Master Sanqing to watch?"

Fang Shuan blushed and glared at Gao Yao, "You are the only one with dirty thoughts!"

(End of this chapter)

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