big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1932 The Beginning of Innovation

Chapter 1932 The Beginning of Innovation
Qin Mo's head was getting bigger, "Don't be anxious, take your time one by one."

As he spoke, he began to write and draw on the paper. The girls all talked about their requests, and it took Qin Mo an hour to finalize it.

"Okay, we have work to do next!"

Just when Qin Mo was expanding his house, a big earthquake occurred in the officialdom of Kyushu.

Xijing and Tokyo jointly stated that they will reform the official system and official promotions will be carried out strictly in accordance with the system.

At the same time, all officials must have grassroots experience.

Not only that, the number of female officers will be further expanded.

Once this statement was issued, all officials were in a panic.

For a time, countless memorials and telegrams flew to the two capitals like snowflakes.

Tianxin said to Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er: "Second child, third child, this matter is my father's wish. You can take a look at this!"

As he spoke, he took out the handbook of Qin Mo's travels over the years, which contained detailed records of the problems he had encountered.

As the two brothers are the masterminds of the two factions, this incident has a great impact not only on other people, but also on them.

This means that the personnel structure under them will undergo huge changes, and they must not be cautious.

Brother Feng and Huo Liner circulated the manual and said, "But isn't this too urgent? Why not try it out from one place?"

Tianxin shook his head, "There are policies from above and countermeasures from below. I issued a statement suddenly without consulting you this time. In fact, I caught them off guard and didn't want to give them a chance to react too quickly.

The Department of Integrity has already gained control over many people over the years, so it was just the right opportunity to carry out a comprehensive purge and reform.

At first, I was confused, but my father said that our Qin family must change according to the general trend of the world and the will of the people. Why should they be so superior?
Times have changed, the world has changed, and now it is time for the people to be the masters of the country. Without aristocratic families or clans, are we going to let parties run rampant?

Dad doesn't allow it, and I don't allow it to happen.

So innovation is necessary. "

"I understand, but if the step is too big, problems can easily occur." Huo Lin'er said, "Why don't we start from Kyushu first?"

"No, since we have to start, then don't retreat." Tianxin said: "As long as the people are with us, other ghosts, ghosts, and snakes are nothing.

Let the people supervise it. In a few years, the world will look completely new. "

Brother Feng took a deep breath. He already felt the turmoil. He couldn't imagine what the Ming Dynasty would be like in a few years.

Is it better or worse?

But did Dad make a mistake?

Their father was a very forward-looking man who could always see further into the future than others.

Perhaps he realized that in the near future, there would be partisanship and another kind of disaster, so he disrupted and reshuffled the world.

In this way, both Xijing and Kyushu will be reshaped.

Thinking of this, Brother Feng suddenly understood, "I understand, dad is playing a big chess game, and this chess game must be played. It is a way to clear the gap between the two places in the shortest time."

Tianxin nodded, "You have seen the core of the problem. Anti-corruption is a long-term battle. The reason why we have not touched them for so long is actually because of the current game.

Dad has been playing this game of chess for ten years. If you carefully recall Dad's strategy, you will understand that it is all for the sake of world harmony. "

The world is unified, this is such a noble wish.

Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er looked at each other, but they lost their aggressive momentum. "Replace the officials in Jiuzhou. Those who can be decentralized should be sent down. Tell them that being an official is to be a public servant of the people, not a superior official!" Tian Xin said: "I also have an investigation report here, you can take it and take a look! "

The two brothers took the investigation report handed over by Tianxin and gasped.

"How dare these people?"

"What are they afraid of?" Tianxin sneered, "So, most people still haven't moved on from the old ideas. They still think that the word "official" means they can be lawless and cover the sky with one hand.

But I want to tell them that this era is gone forever.

The world of the Ming Dynasty is a world where the people decide.

The Ming Dynasty of the Qin family is definitely not comparable to other dynasties.

If the great people want to last for a long time and the country wants to survive for thousands of years, they must go through this bone-scratching pain!

So if the people below come to you, I hope you can handle them properly.

I also hope that you can help me do this well. The three of us brothers will work with our father and grandfather to get through the most difficult moments together.

Only in this way can the Ming Dynasty be truly reborn! "

Hearing this, the two brothers also nodded. At this time, Brother Feng said: "But brother, this is slow. I think, let's start with the two of us."

Tianxin was stunned, then shook his head, "No, you two started from the basics, there is no need to go to the bottom to experience.

And the two factions also need you to control the overall situation. I don't want to see the factions in chaos. "

Tian Xin said: "I just want them to be in chaos. If they don't break, they won't stand. If they break, they will stand up!"

Huo Lin'er also nodded, "Yes, no one in Ming Dynasty should be superstitious, they should walk their own path."

Tian Xin was a little hesitant. He knew that the best way was to start from the top and then intimidate him layer by layer.

But something is bound to happen.

He had just come up. He could explain it to his father, but what about his mother and aunt?
How does he explain it?

Their relationship as brothers is actually very good, and there is no conflict at all.

He was able to take control of the overall situation so quickly, not only because of his father's strong support, but also because of his two brothers who silently helped him behind the scenes.

"Brother, since you have done it, do it more thoroughly and start with our Qin clan!" Huo Lin'er took a deep breath. If you don't start with your own people, how can you convince the public?
Could it be that everything within our Qin clan is good and there are no problems at all?
Huo Lin'er got to the point.

Brother Feng also said: "Lao San is right. Since you want to attack others, you must start with your own people, otherwise you will not be able to convince everyone.

In the future, even innovations will not be thorough. Since we are going to do it, we should do it more thoroughly. Those who cannot keep up with the times will be completely swept into the garbage heap.

Or just let them retire.

We need fresh blood to maintain the stability of Ming Dynasty. "

Hearing this, the balance in Tianxin's heart gradually tilted.

He let out a long sigh, "I'll ask my father what he wants first. You two can go down and rest first. I'll give you an answer later!"

The two looked at each other, said nothing, and left immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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