big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1935 Reform of the Ministry of War

Chapter 1935 Reform of the Ministry of War
Li Zhao left, and this time he took the other Li clan members with him.

However, before this, people such as Li Xin were almost fully involved in the innovation.

There are two or three big cats and kittens, so to speak.

Li Zhao really had to rely on himself when he went to Dongdu this time.

The beginning is difficult, but with the support of the court, as long as you get through the beginning, everything will be fine.

Lao Qin couldn't bear to leave, and Qin Xiuying was so sad that she only wiped her tears.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't even go out to see her off, but Qin Xiuying said she was cruel.

Qin Shuangshuang said calmly: "I grew up with him and have already entered into the responsibilities of a mother. When he grows up, he will have his own life and will have his own wife in the future. In the future, he will just remember to come back to see me often.

I have been chained to him for most of my life, so how can I be so cruel? "

Hearing this, Qin Xiuying was also speechless.

Indeed, without these two children, would Qin Xiuying be alone?
How old is she?
When you are in your early thirties, your life is more lonely than when you are in your sixties or seventies.

She suffered even more than Princess Jing'an.

What is worth mentioning here is that in addition to those officials, even the nobles have been decentralized.

Regardless of whether they were men or women, those under the age of fifty or under sixteen had all gone thousands of miles away.

Those under sixty years old are within a thousand miles.

So this innovation is very thorough.

Therefore, there are not many nobles in the two capitals now.

Lao Qin said: "Okay, don't cry. No matter how much you feel sorry for the child, can anyone else feel sorry for the mother? The child is already so old, and Tokyo is not very far away. If you think about it, it will only take half a day by plane. It’s not like we have to leave for ten days and a half.”

Qin Xiuying glared at Lao Qin and said, "Okay, as long as you can say it, it's okay if I don't say it!"

Seeing the old couple bickering, Qin Xiuying sighed, and then led her daughter Qin Qing back to the Villa.

The child's name was taken from the pseudonym Qin Mo once used, Li Qingzhao.

The brother and sister each took one word.

"Mom, will brother come back in the future?"

"Why not?" Qin Shuangshuang asked.

"Because they all say that if I go to inherit the position of King Qian now, I will never come back."

"No matter what kind of king he is, he is my son and your eldest brother. If I ask him to come back, he will come back." Qin Shuangshuang is actually a little lucky that his son is not yet sixteen years old, otherwise he would have to study in depth like his nephews .

The scale of the innovation this time was so big that even the people couldn't bear it.

But the three emperors still ignored it, and even made many remarks, saying that if they don't break it, they won't build it, and if they break it, they will build it.

Therefore, this torrent becomes more and more powerful, and with the support of the people, it becomes more and more out of control.

Qin Mo knew very well that no one in this world could empathize with him, and nobles would never know the sufferings of the common people.

Force them to see the people, see the lives of the people, let them start as farmers, let them know what the twenty-four solar terms are, and let them not treat the world as an empty talk.

No matter how good the strategy is, it still needs these people to cooperate and guide it.

Qin Mo can tolerate these mediocre people as officials, but he cannot tolerate them being arrogant, condescending and having no regard for the common people.

We cannot tolerate them acting like ordinary people and being unruly.

This phenomenon has already existed twenty years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and it will only get worse in the future.

Therefore, we must have surgery at this time to completely eliminate the bad habits in our bones.

If you can adapt, adapt; if you can't adapt, get down.

From top to bottom, follow the good and follow the flow, this is Qin Mo's original intention.

The army also began to undergo reforms.

The first is to further improve the system.

Then there is the concept of elite soldiers, which is no longer based on large numbers of people. The Ming Dynasty was so big that its fixed number of soldiers could not be reduced.

But on the existing basis, we cannot continue to increase it.

But twenty years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the military strength was already approaching three million.

Three million soldiers, it is no exaggeration to say that in this era, is more than the population of most countries in the world.

Only the Ming Dynasty could afford such a large number of troops.

The salary of these soldiers alone exceeds 100 million silver dollars every year.

This does not include weapons research and development. The annual military expenditure invested in this area exceeds 100 million silver dollars.

After the establishment of the two capitals system in the Ming Dynasty, the tax revenue from the two places has exceeded 1.8 billion silver dollars.

Military expenditures must be maintained at a relatively balanced level.

Because the Ming Dynasty was so big, there were still many poor places that needed subsidies from the court.

This money may seem like a lot, but in fact it will only be enough.

Because the construction in Ming Dynasty is very fast and very large every year.

That’s why the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty can look the same every day.

Fortunately, the two capitals' treasury has accumulated a lot over the years, but we can't just sit back and have nothing, right?

Most of these accumulations were converted into gold and silver, which was used to stabilize currency prices.

In addition, Ming Dynasty also opened the stock market, and rich people will become even richer in the future.

It will exacerbate the gap between rich and poor.

The problems facing Daming are still huge.

Qin Mo may not open the stock market, but when the economy develops to a certain level, it will inevitably appear.

This is inevitable, not accidental.

As Qin Mo said, when looking at a problem, you can't just look at this one problem.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Qin Mo continued to focus on the expansion of Tokyo.

Qin Mo plans to build the newly expanded city and Qinzhuang as the city of the future.

In other words, this place will become the economic center of the entire Daqian.

Looking at the drawings, Xue Wanche stood quietly on the sidelines.

Although he was a high-ranking official, he entered the Royal Academy of Sciences as an engineer, thus avoiding devolution.

In order to prevent anyone from cheating, Qin Mo issued an order before the innovation started.

Those who join the Academy of Sciences must pass the emperor's review, otherwise they will be turned back.

He just wants to prevent some people from cheating.

"The new drawings are okay, but they are still a bit stingy. This is the future economic center of Kyushu. It must be inclusive, generous, and not stingy." Qin Mo found out the problems on the drawings, "The first is transportation. It must be accessible in all directions. All places have direct access here.

Above and below ground.

Although there are still few cars now, they have gradually become popular.

Tokyo has a population of tens of millions, and only one percent of the people who can afford a car can afford it.

Even if it's 1%, that's still 100,000. Once these cars are on the road, won't there be congestion?
And the number of cars will only double in the next ten years, so more parking spaces and lots will need to be planned.

There are also sidewalks and overpasses that must be reserved, and they should be looser and not tight.

When people from other places come to travel, we also need to attract them, right?

This is the capital of Qianzhou, how can we search for it? "

(End of this chapter)

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