big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1936 The beginning of chaos in the Western Regions

Chapter 1936 The beginning of chaos in the Western Regions
"This is the Supreme Emperor. I am revising this drawing." Xue Wanche said.

Although he escaped devolution, his children basically did not.

Qin Mo nodded, "Do you blame me for innovating at this juncture?"

Xue Wanche said hurriedly: "Wei Chen doesn't dare. Although Wei Chen doesn't know why he does this, he feels that the Supreme Emperor must have his own considerations.

The road of the Ming Dynasty is different from that of previous dynasties. It is like other dynasties, all carved out of the same mold. Although small places are different, most of them are the same.

The small parts of Ming Dynasty are the same, but the core is different.

In the past, the world belonged to one household, but now it belongs to thousands of households.

Officials and minor officials are all public servants of the people.

Wei Chen thought that many people still managed the place with old ideas, which was why the Emperor was dissatisfied.

The Ming Dynasty was so big, with 30,000 miles of mountains and rivers, it was countless times more powerful than the Dagan.

Whether it will continue to grow in the future, no one knows.

The Ming Dynasty had too many people, 20 million people, which was an unprecedented number.

How much effort does it take to feed so many people?
Who can't tell?

But everyone has the same idea, that is, there should be no more wars and there should be peace.

Live your life well.

You see, the people now live and work in peace and contentment, and this fire cannot burn them.

They actually understood in their hearts that His Majesty was doing it for their own good, to improve their status and value, and to make decisions for them.

So people all over the world support you.

The objections from those officials were due to the fact that many of them felt that they were on the opposite side of the people.

They feel that they are superior and are the parents of the people. They think that the people are still as gullible as they were in the past.

But this is Daming!

The people of Ming Dynasty are the people who live with the most dignity, the people who live the most comfortable life, and the people who have the highest status.

They can choose how to live their lives.

There is no food tax or corvee on their heads. They are born with land and receive various benefits.

Even if they have more children, the court will reward them and raise children for them.

If they are sick, they will do their best to treat them.

Look at how many people are living in those hospitals, how many people are relying on medicine to survive.

Who doesn’t say that the Ming Dynasty’s court was good, and that His Majesty the Ming Dynasty thought of the people wholeheartedly?

Looking at the past dynasties, which dynasty can do this?

No one can do it.

It is no longer the age when everything is inferior and only education is superior.

Good times have come for the people, but not for officials.

So this is how I understand it.

Because the people know more, they are literate, they understand the truth, and they know how to fight for their rights.

This is the power given to them by the imperial court, and the qualification given to them by the law!
So when those mediocre officials fail to act, someone will step up to supervise them.

The new generation of people are people who dare to speak out.

So those officials were angry and anxious, and they thought the people were unruly people.

But times have changed!

Although people still respect officials deep down, they look at them with scrutiny.

If this doesn't happen now, it will definitely happen in the future.

However, when it breaks out at that time, it must be boiling like a raging fire cooking oil.

Therefore, it is the wisest and most appropriate for the Emperor to be far-sighted and initiate innovation at this time. In time, they will all understand the Emperor's painful conscience! "

Qin Mo smiled haphazardly and said, "Boy, you are very clear about it. You read the newspaper a lot, right?"

Xue Wanche scratched his head in embarrassment, "Look every day, learn from the will and spirit of the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty, and never fall!"

Qin Mo nodded, "After this time passes, these things will become fixed in the future. In the future, all officials of my Ming Dynasty must go through this process."

In fact, Daqian implemented this, but the implementation was very weak at that time, mainly because the officials had too many opinions.

At that time, Lao Liu was in poor health and Ah Si was not prestigious enough.

In the end, the matter was settled.

But if the magistrate wants to come back, he must go downstairs for a walk. This has almost become a routine.

Now Qin Mo doesn't care about this, but delegates the capital officials to the state capital, and the state capital to the county level.

A level-by-level showdown.

A comprehensive reshuffle.

You don’t have to go, but you will definitely be removed from the team.

Xue Wanche nodded, knowing very well that if he survived this hurdle, he would have a bright future.

Of course, they could choose to come back, but then they would have to leave the team.

In the past few months, more than a hundred people have left the country one after another. Qin Mo and Tian Xin personally approved that, except that they themselves will no longer be officials in this life, there will be no restrictions on their children.

If these people do not have perseverance and perseverance, if they really gain power, then they are either corrupt officials or mediocre officials.

How could Qin Mo allow it?

After returning to the courtyard from Xincheng District, Qin Mo also entered the hot spring pool to relax.

Summer has passed, late autumn has arrived, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge.

Qin Mo often eats watermelon on this stove, soaks in hot springs, and eats barbecue.

However, before Qin Mopao could wait for long, Xiaoba came over and said, "Your Majesty, the Western Region is in chaos!"

Qin Mo frowned, "What's going on?"

"I don't know the specific details. It's just that people from the military headquarters came over just now to report that there was chaos in the Western Region." Xiao Ba said.

Qin Mo sighed deeply and had to get out of the water. He immediately came to the study and accepted the telegram. After reading the information on the telegram, Qin Mo frowned.

He did not expect that the remnants of Yi Zhixie, those who believed in evil gods in the Western Regions, and those rebellious ones in Ross would come together and form the Sun Sect.

Judging from the teachings of the Sun Sect, this is completely the Dacheng version of the White Lotus Sect.

At first glance, it is the handiwork of people from China.

Those people in the Western Regions have eaten fine bran.

This Sun Cult aims to overthrow the Ming Dynasty and establish a country where everyone is equal.

Everyone is equal here, which means that there is no emperor or officials, and everyone takes care of themselves.

Other benefits are copied from Ming Dynasty's benefits, and some benefits are whimsical at first glance.

But I can’t stand the fact that the people in the Western Regions are poor.

When people are extremely hungry, they will eat even dirt.

"The Western Region is a very complicated place. This was also the reason why we didn't take over the Western Region at the beginning. It would have taken a lot of manpower and material resources to conquer that area.

But even so, it may not be possible to completely integrate them. "Qin Mo stayed in the Western Regions, on the one hand, to save energy, and he didn't want to be troubled by things in the Western Regions every now and then.

Secondly, it also gives future generations an opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Thirdly, I really can’t spare any time to manage it.

It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to govern it.

With the current strength of the Ming Dynasty, it is easy to dominate the world.

(End of this chapter)

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