big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1937 Ming Dynasty has no shortage of talents!

Chapter 1937 Ming Dynasty has no shortage of talents!

To be honest, in the Western Region, the most resource-rich areas were basically occupied by the Ming Dynasty.

The free ports and drilling platforms over there produce millions of oil every day.

Most of this oil was sent to various war zones in Xijing and Kyushu.

As automobiles became more popular, although the cavalry regiments were still retained, they were generally mechanized.

But in remote areas, the level of mechanization is still very low.

There are even donkey carts used locally.

After all, the internal combustion engine didn’t come out for too long.

The total number of units produced in these years has not exceeded one million units, and two-thirds of them have been purchased by the court and the army.

There are not many private cars, and there are many private companies that develop cars, but for now, no private company has built a car.

Take the Western Regions as an example. Most of the places occupied by the Ming Dynasty were the former territories of the Qian Dynasty.

The rest of the food is tasteless to most people, and it would be a pity to throw it away.

Those places are very chaotic and there are many countries. Treating them is more like throwing money at them and has no big effect at all.

Qin Mo just regarded that place as a buffer zone.

Especially after those rebels went to Ross, Ming Dynasty had a larger reserve resource base.

These resource libraries will be developed step by step in the future, and the resources are sufficient.

But now the chaos in the Western Region has begun. These people are so crazy that they dare not target the garrison. Instead, they focus on ordinary people.

There was an incident on Tianxiang that made Qin Mo very angry. The telegram said that there were more than a hundred casualties.

And those people were all burned to death.

The Sun Cult also spread completely.

It is easy for mice to hide.

This matter must come to an end.

After more than 20 years of astronomical phenomena management, so far, the effect is still very significant. At least there have been no problems here for more than ten years.

But this time, those mice came out to cause trouble again.

Qin Mo was a little angry, but then he thought about it, what's the use of being angry for these saboteurs?

Some people are born bad, born to destroy.

In the telegram, Tianxin asked herself what to do.

Qin Mo thought for a while, and the best way was of course to break into them.

The strongest fortress always disintegrates from within.

Only in this way can these people be truly solved from the root cause.

Of course, he did not think that these people could be completely eradicated.

Qin Mo sends people to the countryside every year to promote those virginity-breaking tricks, but what is the result?

People fall for scams every year.

Scammers' methods are constantly updated.

The same is true for these people. When they find that their usual methods are useless, they will update.

I don’t know what methods the Sun Church uses for these people.

You have to figure out their path first before you can prescribe the right medicine.

Qin Mo thought for a while and then asked the secretariat to return to Xijing.

Back in the swimming pool, Qin Mo acted like a normal person.

The world is so big, even if we take chances, there will be many bad things happening every day.

If you are constantly empathizing and anxious, you will not be able to be the emperor at all.

So learn to detach from work. "What's wrong?" Xiao Yurou came over and asked.

"There's something going on over there in the Western Region. It's been taken care of." Qin Mo stretched and said, "The temperature has cooled down. Go back to your room and rest. I'm feeling sleepy after soaking in the hot spring."

Xiao Yu said judiciously: "Then go back."

Then the girls wrapped themselves in bath towels and surrounded Qin Mo.

Qin Mo enjoyed it again in the evening.

In the blink of an eye, winter is here.

Winter in Tokyo is still cold, but thanks to the advent of cotton, the emergence of cotton clothes has once again reduced the cost of clothes.

Qin Mo has been training hard for this cotton for many years, and finally found it in Tianxiang.

Moreover, this cotton was found by an explorer. This explorer is from Xijing. He likes to travel the mountains and rivers and collect various plant specimens.

As a result, they discovered the manual written by Qin Mo for Li Xin's overseas trip many years ago.

There are hundreds of animals and plants in the sea-going manual, and most of them have been found, but the rest have not been found at all, maybe because the world is different.

Or is it simply not there?

After extensive breeding of cotton, it has also been widely cultivated among the people.

This has brought about tremendous changes in the textile industry.

The first thing that bears the brunt is the reduction in clothing costs.

Although kapok can keep warm, it is definitely not as good as cotton.

Satin and leather jackets are warm, but expensive.

The emergence of the ink machine (Jenny machine) accelerated the speed of spinning. Coupled with wool products, keeping people warm was not a problem, but the price was still relatively expensive.

But cotton is different. At the same price, you can even sell three pieces.

And the thermal insulation effect is very good.

Use cotton wool to make a cup and sleep until your whole body is sweating at night.

Although heated kangs are basically used in northern areas, it is warmer if there is cotton wool.

The imperial court has also been studying collective heating, but for now, there are still technical difficulties that have not been overcome.

Qin Mo was wearing the latest cotton-padded dragon robe and said: "This is the clothes I have always wanted. Although down is also very light, I always feel like something is missing!
I never experienced heating in my last life, why should I experience it in this life? "

"Your Majesty, this is the latest report from the finance department!" Xiaoba hurriedly handed over the document.

Qin Mo took it over and took a look. Jiuzhou's financial report reached a new high this year, with the annual tax revenue exceeding 1.2 billion.

Including the tax revenue from Xijing, this year's tax revenue may reach 2.6 billion.

Compared with last year, it has increased a lot.

I took a look at the fiscal balance, and there was no deficit.

Generally speaking, Kyushu's finances and local finances are still very good.

However, monetary reform will be officially implemented next year, and inflation is inevitable.

After all, paper does not have as high a value retention rate as gold and silver.

Therefore, after next year, fiscal revenue may reach several billions or even tens of billions.

Everything he does now is done in the name of Tianxin. After all, he is just the Supreme Emperor, and the credit must still be given to Tianxin.

“This year’s finances are pretty good. I’ll ask the finance department to make a summary and give me the plan report for next year.

Moreover, there seems to be some problems with this financial statement. "Qin Mo said: "I want detailed reports. Which parts of these billions of taxes come from, and their percentages should be seen, instead of giving me a data directly. This is not intuitive and cannot be analyzed accurately. . "

Qin Mo was a little dissatisfied.

Xiaoba smiled bitterly and said: "The finance department has lost a lot of talents this year, and they have all gone to the lower levels, so..."

"So they can use this as an excuse to frustrate me?" Qin Mo said coldly: "If you can do it, do it, if you can't do it, go ahead. The Ming Dynasty has no shortage of talents!"

(End of this chapter)

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