big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1938: Use troops against Ross?

Chapter 1938: Use troops against Ross?
Qin Mo is really qualified to say such things now.

There are no more aristocratic families, no party disputes, no corvee work for the people, no grain taxes, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the weather is smooth, and the grain harvest is good every year.

The cost of studying has actually been reduced to an extreme.

Moreover, education in Ming Dynasty is free, and only higher education charges are charged.

All they have to pay is pens and paper.

If you have many children, the court and local government will provide you with monthly subsidies, which will be transferred directly to your personal account.

Once you study, the school will come to urge you.

In thirty years and two generations, at least a quarter of the people in the entire Ming Dynasty were literate.

That's 20 to 30 million people.

If it were placed at the very beginning, then almost all members of Dagan would be literate.

In another twenty years, the number of illiterates in the Ming Dynasty will become very rare, maybe one in ten.

When the older generation passes away, there will really be no such thing as illiteracy.

Qin Mo is confident and qualified to say such things to anyone.

Still thought it was an era when aristocratic families were in power?
Can you blackmail the emperor with just one sentence?
no way!

Xiaoba nodded and hurried down to give instructions.

The year-end inventory is what Qin Mo cares most about. He even moved back to the palace from the courtyard.

These people dare to be careless.

It seems that this official reform has not taught them what it means to be pragmatic.

At the same time, Xijing.

Tianxin is also looking at the reports. The reports from the two capitals are synchronized, and these reports will be published in the official newspapers soon.

This year's tax revenue in Xijing exceeded his imagination and reached an astonishing 1.7 billion. In other words, the national tax revenue this year is close to 3 billion silver dollars.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a real deficit.

And the extra money from the national treasury should be used as soon as possible to improve people's livelihood, rather than being left to rot in the national treasury.

We cannot learn from other dynasties.

He looked at the other expenses in turn.

“The expenditure on infrastructure is already large enough, but if it continues like this, there will be some overflow. Generally speaking, the main highways have been connected.

The speed of railway track construction is still slow, and research and development has always been very high. Just maintain this number.

We still need to invest more in education.

Just keep military spending balanced.

Welfare needs to be increased a bit. "

Tianxin already has a rough plan in mind.

If the national treasury has spare money, then this money will eventually support local projects.

For example, the Grand Canal project in the northwest, which connects all directions, has not been fully opened so far.

But the northwest side is already full of life.

And this credit is also his.

Now if you go to the northwest, you will find large tracts of green plants along the road, close to the city where he once worked, and it is almost covered with green plants.

It is still a paradise for gold prospectors, and each gold prospector will plant a hundred trees after obtaining the gold prospecting qualification.

There is a gold digger's forest over there. At present, no less than three million trees have been planted, forming a very vast forest.

After writing and drawing for a while, the secretariat sent a telegram, which was his father's response. Tianxin rubbed his head.

The officials reformed him and put all his younger brothers and sisters under great pressure.

About 80% of the Qin people also left.

His pressure is not ordinary.

But fortunately, the hardest time is over.

When these people arrived, they really played a big role.

However, he always wanted to ask his father, how long will this time last?
But his father's answer to him was, "Give the new man time and the old man a chance!" Only after seeing this reply did he understand his father's good intentions.

So during this year, he hired a large number of new people.

And these newcomers also injected a new force into the officialdom, the court, and even the country.

They are more enterprising and they don’t talk about things over the wine table.

They will personally visit the countryside to understand the sufferings of the people.

Many people even grew up in rural areas, and they are originally representatives of the people.

They know very well how miserable the people are.

After using these newcomers, Tianxin knew how refreshing it was.

When those old people come back and see these new people, they must be two forces.

Either work for Baixin in a down-to-earth manner, or pack up and leave.

His father was far-sighted and thought far more deeply than he did.

It’s no wonder this project is being kept.

It's like a knife, a knife for everyone.

Anyone who dares to be complacent or corrupted by money and power can let you go at any time.

And there is no reason.

Because there are too many people available in the court.

There is too much talent pool, and those people can no longer handle these people.

It's not that they are powerful, but that their position in the court gives them abilities.

The only thing that worries him this year is the Western Region.

He originally wanted to use troops against Ross, but the situation on Ross' side seemed to make it unnecessary to use troops.

The use of troops in the Western Regions seems to be a bit of a fuss.

So it's hard.

In addition, there was some turmoil in the country due to the impact of this incident, so Tianxin did not send troops to be on the safe side.

And the currency reform will be launched next year, and the use of foreign troops seems inevitable.

Tianxin felt confident after reading her father's reply.

Early the next morning, he called people from the military department for a meeting.

"The court has asked Ross to confess several times. So far, Ross has not responded. I think it's time to use troops!" Tian Xin said.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They had been thinking about when the emperor would use troops against Ross.

Unexpectedly, it has been two years since Changle before this matter was brought up.

The emperor is really tolerant and really considers the overall situation.

"Your Majesty, I think we can just ask the Western Regions to send troops. The Rus Kingdom is not worthy of us sending troops from Xijing."

"I second my opinion. The Rus' country is large and its people are weak. It has a population of one million and a hundred thousand soldiers. With weak weapons, it is impossible for it to be our opponent."

"The secret weapon has been successfully produced, and it's time to test the results."

Tian Xin said: "My Ming Dynasty is the king's army. This time it is to conquer the rebels. Before sending troops, we must conquer them first. If they surrender, they can avoid the pain of swordsmanship.

If they don't surrender, then use the power of thunder and the fastest speed to capture Rose.

Let the whole world see the power of Ming Dynasty, which has deterred those disobedient thieves. "

Everyone is gearing up. They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Although Rus is not powerful, the country is very large.

It is thousands of miles deep from north to south, so it is truly a big country.

Once it is won, it will open up nearly ten thousand miles of territory for the Ming Dynasty.

Such a large area is excellent whether you develop it yourself or leave it to future generations.

When they thought of this, these war factions became very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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