big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1950: Return to the old place

Chapter 1950 Returning to Hometown
After Gongsun Chong left the palace, he couldn't help but sigh, "We will never see each other again from now on!"

Qin Mo knew what Gongsun Chong didn't say. He wanted to plead with him and let Gongsun Min come back.

But now is the second year of innovation, which is the most critical period.

Qin Mo feels that this innovation will take at least five years to start.

If it is lower than this time, then this innovation will be a joke.

There are many people who have been eliminated by this innovation.

As of the third year of Changle, more than 1,300 people had resigned!
This shows how miserable those remote places are.

These idle people simply cannot bear the suffering.

Qin Mo believes that this number will double in two years.

Those who can persevere in the end must be the best among the best.

By the time they came back, the court had already completed the replacement of fresh blood.

Now that so much time has passed, the effects have actually begun to show in the court.

These young people accept things faster, work more efficiently, and they pay more attention to practicality.

For process-based things, make it simple if possible, and omit it if possible. The main thing is convenience.

Qin Mo didn't know how long this trend could last, or that it was still only like this in Tokyo.

He hopes that a trend will sweep across the country and bring more convenience to the people.

In fact, in addition to those who resigned on their own initiative, an astonishing number of more than 2,400 officials were exposed and resigned by the people.

All told, more than 5,000 serving officials in the entire Ming Dynasty resigned.

Some of these dismissed officials are undergoing reform through labor in prison, and some have already been sentenced to death.

It was this nationwide urging that accelerated the pace of Ming Dynasty.

Of course, some people are forced to please the people, maybe not out of their original intentions, but Qin Mo doesn't care.

Even if they are reluctant, they must be down-to-earth and do practical things.

Because there are always people who are willing to shine for the people.

Qin Mo put down the tea cup. Recently, he has become more and more interested in studying the secrets contained in the Ziwei Star Sect.

Of course it's not about cultivating immortality, it's mainly about some means of maintaining health.

Qin Mo will not dream of immortality.

For him, having good looks and longevity are the best gifts.

He doesn't have much ambition for power anyway.

"Are you reading Ziwei Xingmen's books again?" Xiao Yurou came out from behind, "Master said that some of Ziwei Xingmen's books are not suitable for the emperor. Even if you read them, you won't be able to learn them!"

"I actually don't know much about Feng Shui metaphysics, and I don't really believe in these things, but I believe in the impact of the environment on a person." Qin Mo hugged Xiao Yurou and said, "Look at us who are so pampered, compared to our peers, They are even younger. Look at the people who farm the land. When they are our age, they are in their sixties or seventies.

Even though Ming Dynasty has continuously reduced the burden on the people, it still has not reached the level in my mind.

Even though Ming Dynasty no longer has to worry about food, there are still people who are running for a living.

Many times, I wonder whether we should raise the benefits higher.

But I found that even so, some people are inherently lazy. Even if you bring the meal in front of them, some people are still unwilling to reach out for chopsticks.

He wants you to put food in their mouths.

Appropriate pressure can actually make them work harder. So, this is actually very contradictory! "

"You have done a good enough job. Even you still need to worry about state affairs and balance all parties. If you make a mistake, it will affect millions of people." Xiao Yurou offered a sweet kiss and then said: "I recently learned a new technique from the book in the door. Do you want to give it a try?"

Of course Qin Mo would not refuse. Ever since Tianxin ascended the throne, this woman seemed to have changed. She only knew how to please him.

Seeing Xiao Yurou's hard work, Qin Mo's scalp went numb, and then he said, "Do you have something to ask me for?"

"We have been married for more than thirty years, what can I ask you for, and I still need to do this kind of thing?" Xiao Yurou said with charming eyes. Even though she is no longer young, her graceful grace is what many women dream of.

Especially these days, she has worked hard to exercise and nourish herself, and her condition has indeed become better than before.

Qin Mo pinched her face, "Actually, I have never believed in immortality, but when I think of you, I can't bear to die and always want to give you a happy life.

People are greedy! "

"If that's really the case, wouldn't it be a big loss for me!"

"What's the loss?"

"Of course it's a loss. I have to share you with so many people all the time, but you can have the complete me!"

"Do you have other ideas!?"

Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at him, then focused on her own affairs and didn't bother to talk to him.

After a long time, Qin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief, and Xiao Yurou picked up Qin Mo's cup and drank water, then leaned against Qin Mo with blushing cheeks, "What can I have in mind? I just want to occupy you." !”

"I didn't fight for favor before, but now I'm fighting for favor. To be honest, what's the matter with you?" Qin Mo knew this woman very well.

Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes, "Then I'll say it!"

Qin Mo couldn't help but patted her, "Tell me, are you polite to me?"

Xiao Yu said judo: "When can we go back to that small villa? At that time, how about I go to the top of the mountain and act as a model for you and let you paint it again?"

"That's it?"

"It's just the two of us, can we not take them with us?"

"Do you really want to occupy me all by yourself?" Qin Mo said half-jokingly: "It's not impossible, but that's a different price, so you have to pay more!"

Xiao Yurou begged softly: "Please, I'm afraid if I don't go, I won't be able to climb up in the future!"

This woman rarely asked for help. Qin Mo had only seen her once or twice in so many years.

Now her whole body was pressed against her, and her hands were extremely dishonest, which made Qin Mo feel hot.

But then he thought of those uncles, and then sighed again. Decades later, this matter always lingered in his heart.

Although he has been thinking of ways to compensate those uncles' families.

"Brother Mule is buried in that place, let me go and see it!"

As we all know, mules are incapable of reproduction, but Qin Mo still kept them in the palace, enjoying them and drinking spicy food.

Moreover, mules have a long lifespan and can live for thirty to fifty years.

But this mule was almost ten years old before he met Qin Mo, and brother mule had lived for forty years.

Finally, Qin Mo buried it in the small villa where he first met.

Xiao Yurou also knew that this was Qin Mo's reason to convince him, and said, "Okay, then let's go worship it together!"

(End of this chapter)

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