big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1951 Push the back picture!

Chapter 1951 Push the back picture!
When they learned that Qin Mo and Xiao Yurou were going to travel alone, the women in the palace suddenly became jealous.

Li Yushu, a jealous person, sat directly on Qin Mo's body and tightly hooked Qin Mo's neck, "No, you have to take us with you too. How can this be the case? You are becoming more and more partial now." .

You won’t even take us with you when you go out to play! "

"That's right, brother-in-law, you are too partial!"

All the girls agreed.

Qin Mo said: "I am revisiting the old place with Yurou, and after this time, I will take you to relive it one by one.

Third sister’s princess mansion, senior sister’s gym, and Huaqing Pool, where the old man gave Qiuyue and the others to me. "

Seeing Qin Mo tell the place where they first met, all the girls fell into reminiscing.

Although they have been married to Qin Mo for thirty years, everyone wants to occupy Qin Mo alone for a while.

Xiao Yurou said with a smile: "Sisters, this time, I will be the first to get there!"

Qin Mo gave him a guarantee, and the girls could only let him go.

On the second day, Qin Mo went into battle lightly and drove to Bishui Villa with Xiao Yurou.

Back then, this place was fifty miles away from Beijing and was all mountainous. Now there are many villages near Bishui Villa, and the population has increased.

So there is a big road leading all the way to the top of the mountain.

Although Qin Mo has only been back once in the past thirty years when he was burying Brother Mule, this place has always been a reservation and has been cleaned and repaired. It has completely retained its appearance thirty years ago.

The car stopped in front of Bishui Villa, Qin Mo said: "Brother Mule and I were under that tree and almost froze to death. If Brother Mule hadn't kept me warm, I would have frozen to death.

Fortunately, I have Brother Mule, otherwise the grass on my grave would be ten feet tall! "

With that said, he took out the incense and walked to the grave bag under the tree.

There is also a picture of a mule on the tombstone.

Qin Mo named it Qin Mule, and it even had its own ID card.

"Brother Mule, I'm here to see you." Qin Mo lit incense and placed it in front of the grave, "This time I brought your favorite forage."

Qin Mo burned the fodder and said, "Don't be a mule in your next life. It's so uncomfortable. It's so cruel to see so many female donkeys unable to move."

After paying homage to Brother Mule, Qin Mo moved to another tomb.

"Xiaohu, I'm here to see you!"

This little white tiger was given to him by the old man. He had been raising it before it died. The lifespan of a tiger is only twenty or thirty years. When it died, the little tiger also suffered from a serious skin disease.

But it has lived a happy life. Qin Mo gave it seven or eight tigresses, and now he has hundreds of offspring.

Some are kept in royal zoos, while others are distributed to zoos in various places.

It's just that there are so many tigers, but there is no white tiger again.

Since Xiaohu's death, Qin Mo has not kept any pets. For him, the life span of pets is too short.

"I brought you my favorite chicken legs, eat more!" Qin Mo placed a large plate of chicken drumsticks in front of him, then sat cross-legged on the ground and started eating too.

Xiao Yurou just stood behind Qin Mo, watching him talking to himself.

She knew that if the little white tiger and the mule hadn't been buried here, Qin Mo would never have come to this place in his life.

After paying homage to the little white tiger, Qin Mo stepped into Bishui Villa again. Those people were already dead.

Qin Mo walked to the woodshed where he slept, "I almost died in this woodshed."

Xiao Yu said judiciously: "So what, haven't you taken care of me now?"

Qin Mo smiled and urged Xiao Yurou to put on her original clothes.

When Xiao Yurou put on the same clothes again, Qin Mo suddenly felt confused.

It's like going back to more than thirty years ago. "What would have happened if I had died here?" Qin Mo couldn't help but ask.

"Perhaps my end will be miserable!" Xiao Yurou said: "Perhaps I will be eaten to death by the emperor, or I may even give birth to evil offspring involuntarily.

Daqian is still Daqian, and it is still the powerful Daqian, but there will be no Ming Dynasty.

There will be no Tianxin.

I will fall into endless regret every day.

Fortunately you are alive! "

Qin Mo laughed, and the two chatted about the past. They thought it was thrilling and deceitful at first, but now they just find it funny.

"It's funny when I think about how you were lying all over the place. I think you thought I was a fool!" Xiao Yurou mocked, "If you weren't my junior brother, I would have killed you long ago!"

"Otherwise, our master is the biggest black hand!" Qin Mo really admired Gangzi at this moment. Buddha's mother is nothing, Gangzi is more powerful than Buddha's mother.

He thought of the demon monk again and was afraid of Yuan Tiangang's calculations.

Yuan Tiangang spent decades setting up such a huge bureau and getting everything back on track. This may be his greatest success.

"Maybe." Xiao Yurou sighed, "Actually, Master also has another identity, which you may not know!"

"What identity?"

"When my father asked him to take care of me, he was actually my adopted father, but he didn't allow me to call him that.

Because he said that fortune tellers have had many misfortunes in their lives, and if he were to be recognized as my adoptive father, my fate would be even more difficult.

He was entrusted by my father, actually"

Qin Mo suddenly understood.

In this way, Gangzi was the biggest black hand in the Three Dynasties.

Qin Mo clicked his tongue, doesn't that mean that even if he arrived back then, he would still be here today?
"Don't you know, the master has been calculating the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty for these years. He wrote a book called Tuibei Tu. It is said that he can see the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty for two thousand years!" Xiao Yu Judo.

Qin Mo was dumbfounded, "Push back picture?"

"Yes, push back diagram, don't you know?"

At this moment, history has an amazing overlap.

"What's in it? Is there some kind of Wuzhou seizing the throne?"

"No, the master said that after two thousand years, the Ming Dynasty will still be there, so there is no need to speculate."

Guozuo for two thousand years?
Qin Mo suddenly felt relieved and seemed to understand why Gangzi didn't tell him in person.

Regardless of whether it was Guozuo for two thousand years or not, he did everything he could, and accomplished everything a person, an emperor, and a time traveler could do.

He truly has a clear conscience.

"I really want to see the back push picture!"

"There's no need to look at it. The master has already burned it. He said it would reveal the secrets of the world so that it would not be stolen by others."

Qin Mo's eyes widened, "Then tell me!"

Xiao Yurou smiled evilly and said, "It's on purpose!"

Qin Mo pretended to gnash his teeth, "Wow, you are so brave. You dare to trick me. I won't let you know how powerful I, Qin Mo, am today. Do you think I'm made of clay?"

Xiao Yurou raised her head and said, "If you have the ability, surrender to me!"

Qin Mo Jiejie smiled, "Then don't beg for mercy later!"

(End of this chapter)

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