big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1952 Reliving the past!

Chapter 1952 Reliving the past!

Qin Mo doesn't like Bishui Villa, but he only likes the hill behind the villa.

Even resting at night is on that hill.

The attic on the hill is still very new and spotless. It seems that someone has cleaned it frequently.

As the highest point of the entire villa, you can almost see the scene within a ten-mile radius.

The windows from earlier have long been replaced by glass windows. Looking back now, this place is actually a watchtower that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

After hearing Qin Mo's words, Xiao Yuju said: "Yes, this place is indeed a watchtower, and there is actually a hiding place at the bottom. Even if it is burned down, you can still hide in it."

This place has been searched for a long time, and Qin Mo also knows it.

That place is now turned into an underground loft for storage.

The cold wind blew outside the room, but it was so hot inside that I could only wear a thin piece of clothing.

Qin Mo sat in front of the drawing board.

Xiao Yurou was lying there, just like she had been thirty years ago.

The same people, the same clothes, but their expressions are different.

No more panic, no more uneasiness, only calmness and seduction for Qin Mo.

Qin's ink painting skills are getting better and better. After working in Daqian for so many years, he has read, written and painted, and his skills have naturally grown rapidly.

Up to now, even without relying on those rare painting skills, he can be regarded as a great master of the generation.

With just a few strokes, an outline was drawn.

Then Qin Mo started to draw.

This time he used oil painting to completely outline Xiao Yurou's perfect figure, and then asked Xiao Yurou about the scene in the push-up picture.

But it was impossible for Xiao Yurou to say, "I've already said it, but you can't say it. Something will happen if you say it. If you are really so curious, ask the master yourself. Maybe the master has some spare ones."

Qin Mo was really curious. The pushback map before time travel was a strange book that could predict the future generations for two thousand years.

Will the pictures on the back of this book be the same as that one?

Qin Mo felt a little itchy in his heart.

Seeing Qin Mo's mind wandering too far, Xiao Yurou pretended to be angry and said: "Isn't the beauty in front of you less attractive to you than a book?"

"That's different, I'm just curious!"

"Then you are no longer curious about me?" Xiao Yurou bit her lip, "If I had known, I would have stopped mediating in the first place, and I should have let them punish you severely and force you to find out the formula of gunpowder!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I give you the gunpowder formula, because I have a more powerful weapon in my mind than black powder.

Of course, without your mediation, I would definitely be dead. Those people have been brainwashed and will definitely not let me go easily. "

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Xiao Yurou said coquettishly: "Hurry up and draw, I'm so tired like this, my hands and feet are tired!"

Qin Mo responded and then sped up.

An hour later, Xiao Yurou's appearance appeared on the canvas. Because the temperature in the room was very high, the oil painting dried quickly.

Xiao Yurou acted coquettishly and let Qin Mo hold her, so Qin Mo had no choice but to go over and hold her over.

"You, the older you get, the deeper you are. Those little girls act coquettishly towards me, and I treat them like my own daughter. When you act coquettishly towards me, I feel like I am being careless and I can't help it at all!"

Xiao Yurou hooked Qin Mo's neck, "Which of the women around you is the most economical lamp?

Don't look at how well everyone gets along with each other. In private, each of them is better at taking care of himself and maintaining his health than the other. They're all screwed up! "

"Isn't that also for yourselves?" "Isn't it just to make you happy?" Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at Su Che, "You are the only one who is happy. Didn't you see that Xingzi wanted to make you happy? Every place becomes your favorite.”

Qin Mo laughed dryly. That girl's brain circuit was different from others. Maybe she was taught too harshly back then. Even though she is now the mother of several children, she only has Qin Mo in her heart. All she can think about is how to take care of Qin Mo. Serving Qin Mo, how to make Qin Mo happy.

He indeed found great happiness in Sugako.

"Look how good my painting is!" Qin Mo pointed at the oil painting and said: "If one day, everyone is gone and this oil painting is spread, they don't know what they will do when they see such a stunning beauty. Thinking about it.”

"You just want me to be looked at for nothing?" Xiao Yurou said amusedly.

"Isn't this a metaphor?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "We can just take a sneak peek at this painting!"

"You make us feel sneaky like this."


"No, it's quite exciting!" Xiao Yurou bit her lip and said, "Do you still remember how you lied to me?"

"Of course I remember. In fact, at that time, I thought you were quite weird, but I felt that you were a honey trap they used.

So I was unprepared, but who would have thought that you would eventually become my woman? "Qin Mo recalled that day, it was definitely the most wonderful day when he was in trouble.

Xiao Yurou gave him everything without reservation.

Qin Mo said: "At that time, I even thought that even if I die, it doesn't really matter. It's cool to die and be a ghost under the peonies."

Xiao Yurou let Qin Mo do it. She was carried to the window by Qin Mo. She looked at the scenery below and immediately felt Qin Mo's warmth.

Time passed and when Xiao Yurou went up to the attic again, she felt as if she had fulfilled a wish.

"No one can control my destiny anymore." Xiao Yurou put her hand on the glass and said while holding back the numbness.

Qin Mo didn't say anything, he just relived what happened that day while admiring the beautiful scenery and beauties.

At this moment, he even felt confused.

This feeling gave him an unreal feeling after stepping into this place.

Thirty years seems like a blink of an eye, but it has really passed by for so long.

Qin Mo couldn't tell the difference.

No matter what, after all, beauty and scenery can’t lie, and neither can the temperature.

After waiting for a break, Qin Mo hugged Xiao Yurou and leaned against the window. He casually pulled a thin blanket and covered himself.

The two of them still didn't leave, just like before.

Xiao Yurou said a little tiredly: "Why, it won't work. You tirelessly asked for it six times that day."

"At that time, I had a certain death intention, thinking that I would not take advantage of the bastard, so I tortured you to death.

Can that be the same? "

At that time, Xiao Yurou was almost bullied to death by Qin Mo when she first accepted Yulu.

Otherwise, Xiao Yurou would not have Tianxin all at once.

After all, it was because of Qin Mo's diligence.

"If you mess up, you'll be in trouble!"

Xiao Yu softly slapped Qin Mo, "I'm just telling you, why didn't you know you were tired at that time? Why did you originally want to die with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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